Mark mark
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The Great Government Health system that Thailand Has. !
Mark mark replied to Mark mark's topic in Health and Medicine
Sorry about that. ... So long ago I have forgotten it. .... I hope your ban ends soon. ... Well it must have as you are posting again, .... I am still trying to improve my posts, but well get plenty of VERY good positive feed back, ...as well as the usual gaggle of squiggly mouthed Emojos. ... I was banned Once, some many Years ago you Know ... ( Made a pretty bad comment on Americans after another Usual Fracases of refusing to cooperate with the management up at Chagmai !!! ) ... But well it is their Blog, ... So well just Learn the rules, think about it ! ? Apply them ..... or well ... ??? ... You know. -
The Great Government Health system that Thailand Has. !
Mark mark replied to Mark mark's topic in Health and Medicine
Yes Lucky You ! And it has not happened for me either up to Now !so far either ! …. Yes the Doctor, Like I also, thought that it was only one of my usual Basal Carcinomas so he just cut the lump off, as usual. ... I have had many operations like this, though well maybe he could have cut a bit more ! ? Still with it extending totally vertically and horizontally through the whole sample it probably would have been unlikely he would have got it all any way ... Like possibly the vertical factor could be the worry, ? As it means that it is going deeper in to my Body ? Like the biopsy said 1.3 cm skin sample so it does not seem to wide or deep ? But well there would be other complications if he made a Larger Hole also I would guess ? … So he probably makes all small one for most likely benign lumps. I will give it a month say ? (Like I have given other lumps years literally ! ) ... And I AM getting tired of Queuing at the Hospital also !… So yes, after a month I will see what it looks like, and probably go back and ask for a larger cut or well a wider range of punch biopsies possibly ? Like the Good Old, Christian Indian surgeon ( Just to give you an Idea of this quite Special Skin Doctor, that I literally just Stumbled on back there in Oz. ) Punch biopsies, what he did so effectively to me in Australia for my last lump behind my ear removal. ??? -
The Great Government Health system that Thailand Has. !
Mark mark replied to Mark mark's topic in Health and Medicine
Thanks ! And Yes. The problem now of coyrse is too manny old people ! Needing the care ! And not enough young ones workimg to pay for it. And yes I have some Robotocs Shares in America. . But in Australia it mught be fare to say that the Great !!! Health system is just amout becoming totaly over whelmed I have heard. A friend now on the pention went back there just recently as he has had a hernia !!! Like pretty Server ! But not life threatening so 6 to 12 months Waiting list !!! And it is the same for every thing and there is not enough ambulances for the emergencies either. ! Yes just Too Many Rats on the Box I am afraid. So I have Porocarcinoma now which could be fatal in 5 to 10 years so I will just work on that here now. The Biopsy basically said the cancer was through the whole sample. So well it is still there ! Right ? ... So as the first excuse I will be back there trying to have more cut off. I will just let the world's other problems go now. Like Putons War in East Europe !!! Like just what a total F' wit !! ... and they mostly all sre fowlowing him in Russia I think ! "The greater Mother Land" The idiots ! !!!! ... And he is moving Nukes to Belorous !! Now I heatd. No, ... time to just cooperate with the good Thai,s and stay here now I think. And keep our Fingers Crossed !!! And thanks greatly !!! Yes you are about totally right about Thailand and, what should happen else where. With on limits though. You know that they do not do free Knee replacements on sny one over75 years old here I think. ... etc. ??? .. Like to make your idea work there has to bea cut off age for free surgery I thing ? Like it or not ! ... Or it will not work I think ??? -
Yes if the Cops realised that he had just been innocently hit by a Drunken Folang ! And not wanting to mess with the Money from Foreign tourists brigade so just sent him home. Well yes probably hard to find him to be able to compensate him for the damage done to him. And wrll hopefully none done to his family. ...
The Great Government Health system that Thailand Has. !
Mark mark replied to Mark mark's topic in Health and Medicine
Well the Grand Daughter is a Very Brave Girl,, she had a pretty massive operation on her leg, 3 broken bits reassembled, and Fiber removed, where there should have been Bone, only 3 Days ago ! … In a 4 hour operation, where they basically cut her leg open from the knee to the Bottom !!! … AND she wants to go home today .. !!! Like she cannot walk properly at all, … and only just move, in a walking frame, … BUT she did it, ... like the Orderly laid the front seat down, and they put her in the front seat of my ( Great ) little 2011 Vios !!! … And I bought her home. ... We have 3 other girls to help her 9 to 11 and the 11 year old is Good, and she was in hospital with her and Looking at what their orderlies were doing in there. ... And ? I do not know the Blanket rule ? But basically here, the Nurses only monitor Health and administer Pills and organize stuff in the Hospitals, and the Nursing and Cleaning / Toilet stuff, is done by the patient’s own family, who stay there overnight also. ( Like it is probably like this all over Thailand I suspect ), ... … Which is why they CAN make it so Cheap ! I guess. … Any way the Real Bill was 57,000 b and I think that this was about right, as a Private Hospital quoted us 220,000 when we were getting a second Opinion, and well I have seen myself, that this Private Hospital is about 4 Times the cost for everything in the Government Hospitals. … Like we could have a conversation about "Insurance Jobs" and the Commercialization and Greed of the whole world just now ? …. But well I think that I might just keep on going to the Government hospital myself, and Leaver it at that. She got it for 17,000 for some Thai ID Insurance Reason ? .. Possibly the Government has Guaranteed some portion of the compulsory now, Personal third Party Insurance ??? ... Or well, the Local government ??? . … So well the Folang Price would have been genuine, and probably at 57,000 for a 4 Hour Operating and 4 days in Hospital, and all of the other tests and etc. also I guess ??? Still watching my Porocarcinoma a rare skin cancer, and well will just keep quiet now, but well do not Fear !!! … You could get a Free case study of this Rare new Cancer, … from me In a month or two !!! … And well let’s hope that it is a success story !!! right ! -
Yes and with all respect, You guys do know that this is Blog Really could be considered a Bit of an Advertising, as well as Just Money raising Hit Job ??? Right ??? ... As I am sure that the Intelligent ones here do ! ? … Like making marketing Clicks for AN and their sponsors, ... and also Money for the Go fund me Campaign ??? ... Like do you think that there would have been so much said about this if it was the Son of some well off Knobs in London ??? .... I don’t think so ??? ... It was just some Poor bastard from Manchester !!! ... And well they must have known the really bad Facts of what he was doing, before the accident, before they put the Blog on, for so much of a Turn ! ? Wouldn’t you think ? .... Like the Perfect kicking Target, Right !!! … And only a poor bastard from ... Manchester !!! .... So well, just throw him under the Bus Right ??? ... With all due Respect of course..
Ok, nice to know, like a figure that you would have envisaged ? ... Though a bit Low for me. .... So well any way No Helmut 35%, Drunk ? % talking on his Phone to his girlfriend while riding ? % ... Not looking where he was going, or behind him on a dark late night, ? % .... Obviously being in the wrong place on the Road, ? % ... and 3.00 am ! ? ? % ... So what do you think were his Total likelihood of Survival ! ? … Not actually to good I would say myself ??? I think that his Family should write an Apology note to the Driver that he hit ? ... Or he just rode in front of at 3.00 am. … And His family also, as these people has probably been fairly Mentality stressed out, and possibly his Family also by this. ??? ... And well then there is the Damages to his Vehicle and the Loss of time and for his Life and Job. ! ? Possibly also ! ? ... So I think that some of the Go fund me Money should go to the Poor man who he hit, and that family. Like you people do not know what the Thai Family, and all of those around them are saying do you !!! ??? About the drunk foreigner that ran in to their Son, Or Father ???
The Great Government Health system that Thailand Has. !
Mark mark replied to Mark mark's topic in Health and Medicine
Yes KhaoYai on consideratiance I do think that where you actually are from in this country might have something to do with the costs and quality of your health caret also. ... Like I had a good Thai friend that I workrd with out on tbe Expliratipn boats and he was from Makraksurrinam if I can get the name right ... In the North East and he was of the opinion that it was all Who you knew ! ? That determined if your health cste ! ?well where he was I guess ! ? . And he was also the new upwardly mobole middle class ! .. So I expect he was more demanding than most Thai's around here. Like I think in Central Thailand they all pretty well get the basic care as you said. I will not persue this further for them, or my self. I have to go and pick up my Grand Daughter now !!! ... Though she still can not walk !!! .. So potential trouble with my Wife !!! 17,000 b for a 4 hr operation to put 3 pieces of bone back together in her leg. And a steel plate to hold it for now !!! And 4 days in hospital etc. .. Hopefully all paid for by the Compulsory Third party Insurance. .. So my Vios is becoming an Ambilence today !!! ... Still school holidays so she is not a school bus any more, ... do can fit it on !!! -
The Great Government Health system that Thailand Has. !
Mark mark replied to Mark mark's topic in Health and Medicine
...Though Errr " Civilised Countries" ... And which ones would they be ??? -
The Great Government Health system that Thailand Has. !
Mark mark replied to Mark mark's topic in Health and Medicine
Yes ! You are right there. Though well do get what they need for very little I think. Like if they or a family member were in the Millitary I think ? And my Grand Daughter is getting a really big operation all on her Brothers compulsory Third Party Insurance. .(I hope ! But well Stay Posted !!!??? ) .. And yes also !!! As long as the Doctors and Nurses keep on working in the Government Hospials for such low wages also I think. -
The Great Government Health system that Thailand Has. !
Mark mark replied to Mark mark's topic in Health and Medicine
Though Yes ! Maybe the Tired Old Grandpa Station !!! TTOG station ??? Har Har ! ... Or well really looking at it rationally !!! ... The Never Say Die Grandfather Station !!! TNSD Station !!! ??? ... -
Just burn his body in a local Monastery ! Like you can be a lot more close to the deceased here in Thailand than you can be at home. ... In my experience. And then take home the Vital pits of bone and some ashes in a little Urn.. the local funeral director will do that. ...Like they always do that. ... i do not know about Puting it in your check in lugage or hand carry. ? ... It might be considered Bomb making material right ? .. Like leave the rest of the aseses here as this is where he got to. So the rest off the go fund me can go to more helpfully stuff in his hospital ? ... or give it to a government hospital
The Great Government Health system that Thailand Has. !
Mark mark replied to Mark mark's topic in Health and Medicine
Har har ! No !!! Yes I must improve my English !! -
The Great Government Health system that Thailand Has. !
Mark mark replied to Mark mark's topic in Health and Medicine
No Grumpiness here !!! This one is a positive Blog about my just great Though very crowded quite great ! local Hospital and now the Rare Skin Cancer that I and another fellow had ! Like possibly a good out come also but yes ! I must keep it short. Good luck if ? When you get something like this ! And yes Thanks for joining us !!! Like can you put a Smilie here ! Like I had better find out. !!! -
RIP Greatly for this poor Fellow ! ? . But well possibly the Kids might be better off with out him, in some degree ? . As he seems to have made many pretty large mistakes in life ? ! And well just defiantly Continued making them ? With all due respect to all of our Humanity. AND Children. But now the Kids might have got his last great lesson on having more responsibility. ??? I have just been Diagnised with a Rare form of Skin Cancer, that could be fatal ? So I have a different End Game philosophy to work on. ... But well RIP my felliw ! and to the Guy on the Dikr tht hit the back of the liw loadet in the other blog. Death is always sad I guess and it just depends on the time that it takes to sink in to those around you I guess. I did not mind this Go fund me as it seems that it Saluted his end ! .. I guess. ? Like un likely if any one takes any notice st all if I just die from Porocarcinoma.
The Great Government Health system that Thailand Has. !
Mark mark replied to Mark mark's topic in Health and Medicine
Yes Briefly your comments seem to agree quite closely with My Good Thai Doctors Tone ! And his Plan of Action which as you would expect TIT ... was reasonably Positive !!! ... So yes Thanks Greatly and Working on it. Something to be positive about !!! And well my Grand Daughtet is still in the Hospital after they finsly got the operatipn organised to fix her bafly broken leg which eas NOT healing as it should have !!! ... she could have had it last year and she has a very good Doctor also ! But she would not stop her schooling as she would have had to start the whole year again ! So wrll plenty to add to my Great Government Hospitals in Thailsnd Blog. YES I am doing all the Driving to the hospital runs as well so am pretty tired now. And it is Beer O'clock any way. I will try and follow your nice lead !!! And work it out a but better Tomorrow. Thanks Greatly. ! -
The Great Government Health system that Thailand Has. !
Mark mark replied to Mark mark's topic in Health and Medicine
Thanks Mate ! I wrote a reply but lost it as I am Tired ! I will fix it up later. Thanks Greatly !!! -
Yes you steer a motor bike by using your weight also. ... like if the Great Grand son is heavy ! And leans the wrong way he could cause the bike to head off the road and in to a pole. ... the poor guy in the other blog, that hit the back of the low losder on his brand new Duke ? Probably was used to Scooters, ... and just leant the wrong way in fear, at aprocking it faster than he was used to, being on a Biger Bike. Which started if the Disaster as he was nit used to the big bikes levers to stop it ? !
The Great Government Health system that Thailand Has. !
Mark mark replied to Mark mark's topic in Health and Medicine
I have written a longer more detailed description, and WILL put it in, and under here, so anyone who wants to Read it can…. After all It Might save some one’s Life, if it trips their understanding of Skin cancers, up a few Notches, or it just Inspires a bit more research. (Like I should have had) … Or just says “GET all New Lumps that come up on your Body, Biopsied !!! IF they look Different !!!) … But well it is long !!! … So might just wear them out also … So I will leave this basic decryption, written on my phone and Early in the Morning, when I am Fresh, … and now just edited better here on my PC. But I will leave it as is, and Put the More Complicated version below. Like it was Diagnosed Last Monday ! 3 Days ago now, so I have had the time to think about it as well as Read the reports and Google it also. And well My Granddaughter had her Bad Leg Break operation on Tuesday also and not is Lying in Hospital in Great Pain !!! With us all praying !!! That they DID fix it this time and it is not just still a mess like it was left in the natural Healing approach last time !!! Like it is broken in 2 places !!! So had a large Triangular Lump of Bone in the middle of all of the mess which Really IS what has been messing it up I think. … Too many Breaks to heal properly at the same time !!! … So well let’s hope it WILL heal up properly THIS TIME !!! ( As I watch my Own Little Porocarcinoma Surprise ) Yes, I have been getting basal Carcinoma's the usual benign Lumps that just Grow in situ Burnt or Cut off for Oh over 5 Years now. But well the Brief warning, …They CAN Mutate in to Malignant Cancers !!! And well 2. They mostly look the same, so well pretty easy. … BUT this Porocarcinoma DID look quite different, a different Flatter style and a definite different Brown color, with lots of Little Lumps making it up with a rougher surface. This possibly is the Benign Version, BUT well the Doctor DID say this can Easily Morph in to the malignant version pretty easily really. So it DOES have to be watched !!! So well any of your Lumps turn up, looking and grow up differently !!! Get then Biopsies ASAP I think. Like them you Might catch them in time and well I AM hoping that we have here also. I saw the new Lump ! About a Year ago I guess ! But did not think of getting anything done about it until now. So well !!! I should have had it Biopsied a Year ago. ? I think. …Right ? And On On !!! Kram and OWS Once Was Steptoe. (And occasionally Mark mark as a pseudonym, like too much Too Much in Thai.) -
The Great Government Health system that Thailand Has. !
Mark mark replied to Mark mark's topic in Health and Medicine
Posted here in an attempt to possibly even help save some other people here’s Lives. So ! … I have a rare form of Skin Cancer ! Porocarcinoma, and there is Plenty about it on the Internet. … About 50% fatal after Diagnosis, and an average time of 5.5 Years. And pretty much untouched by Chemo or Ray Treatment they say ??? And the Key ! … It looked quite different from the usual Basal Carcinomas that I have been having removed for Oh 10 Years now … SO if you get a Lump !!! That Looks Different !!! GET IT BIOPSIED !!! (And Potentially Save your Life ! ) So well ... Plenty really to keep me Busy for now. … And probably a lot less to say ! ... Like as it will be just "Watch and act, status, on any re occurrences of the Lumps from now on I think. ... And as it is not really treatable by Chemo or Ray treatment, so they say ! ? Well Good ! Less <Deleting> around. So well, that is all there is to do now ! … It has been cut off, as well as the situation demanded, like we all thought that it was just the usual Basal Carcinoma, … and at least 200 other People in the Waiting room waiting to see him !!! … The Government Hospitals are Good ! Like Very Good !!! But well, …they DO also have a Lot of people and well now just morphing in to TOO many People, !!! Just about everywhere !!! … So well possibly not such a comprehensive Cutting Job, as a cancer like would have deserved I think. … IF WE NEW !!! … But well that is Life and we did not know. … We thought that it was just another basal Carcinoma. …. So NOW …. Watch it, … and get any recurrences of it or other excuses to move my Follow up visit forward then I WILL do it !!! And ASAP this time !!! … And he said that he would cut it out again ! And I bet he will cut a LOT more of it out this time !!! And well, …Re occurrence ??? Well the Biopsy said that the Cancer cells were across the Whole width, and depth of it, ! ( Always Read the fine Print ! On the Biopsy ) !!! … So well nice of the Doctor giving me a chance “That it will not go Malignant” ! Thanks very much, … But well It does not have to re occur I think, does it, as it is still well and truly just still there. !!! … Though well there is an initial benign form of this cancer as well ! ? … One woman had a tumor with two halves, One Benign and the other Malignant !!! … So well yes !!! … We could be on top of it, if it is only the benign version ??? And well I do really just find it interesting now. … Another bit of a challenge in life for Mr. Always falls on his feet Steptoe ??? … Is it just the benign version ??? … (Though well my own common sense says !!! … Probably Not. … So we just watch it, well where it was and the Lumps on my arm nearby. Porocarcinoma is it and there is plenty on the Internet about it. Like case studies of about 450 cases I think. ...Say, … It always comes back ! ... It is about 50% fatal. ... (And I am sure that I saw this reflected in my Doctors basic boots on the ground Statement … “Well, if it comes back we just cut it off again” !!! ( Like he said it rather like, it will always come back and we will be always cutting it off again” Really I thought ??? … And then the average life span after Diagnosis (No further description on this Diagnosis ) … is 5.5 years !!! So well at nearly 68 now ! .. Plenty of chance that A coronary, or Brain or Lung Tumor will get me first anyway. So really no Biggie ! Just another Challenge in Life ! As it is. OWS Once Was Steptoe. -
Italian businessman killed as motorcycle taxi collides with forklift
Mark mark replied to webfact's topic in Bangkok News
Well better make this my last or my Kids will shut my PC on my fingers I think !!! Yes a further Report from the Thai Truck Drivers Front. ... (He has probably talked with the other drivers about the Blog here. ? ) In Thailand fork lift Drivers have to have a special Forklift License, that they have to do a driving of an actually fork lift to get. ( My Step son has a 6 whe The Fork lift licence only lasts a year and y have to renew it. Some Companies are slack and Break the law and some Fork lift drivers Might Not have one. (And if they fellow in this accident di dnot have one well he IS in a LOT MORE TROUBLE you could bet !!! But if the Police find Forklift operators with no licence the Company can be ??? though lost the conversation here .... Punished ? Fined ? Closed down ??? ... He did say that this is a Potetial if the Company empluys Fork Lift drivers who are NOT licenced. (By his tone ? well this prob Well better make this my last, or my Kids will shut my PC on my fingers I think ! Yes a further Report from the Thai Truck Drivers Front. ... (He has probably talked with the other drivers about the Blog here now. ? ) In Thailand fork lift Drivers have to have a special Forklift License, that they have to do a driving test on an actually fork lift to get. ( My Step son has a 6 wheel truck license, that he says is similar ) The Fork lift license only lasts a year and you have to renew it. Though some Companies are slack and Break the law, and some Fork lift drivers Might Not have one. (And if the fellow in this accident did not have one, well he IS in a LOT MORE TROUBLE now you could bet !!! But if the Police find Forklift operators with no licenses, the Company can be ??? Though lost the conversation here .... Punished ? Fined ? Closed down ??? ... He did say that this is a Potential if the Company employs Fork Lift drivers who are NOT licensed. … By his tone ? Well this probably IS a problem, but well like drivers Licenses, have an accident without one and you ARE in a lot LOT more trouble I think ??? ... Like a Visa for us Foreigners.) Though well he also mentioned Foreigners needing a license to drive one also ! ? Like possibly this is a skilled area, that they need more staff in, so Foreigners can get work permits for ? … ( Like crane drivers also I would guess ??? ) So there you go you fellows with Fork Lift Licenses ! … So, you do not need to be an English Teacher any more possibly ? … You might be able to be a Fork Lift Driver here ??? … So maybe check it out ! ? Have a good Sunday and well a good next week also all. (I wonder about Excavator Operators, ??? … but well yes, you are only being Silly now Steptoe ! ? … Though well deep hole, Diamond Drillers !!! They probably would get in though I would bet ??? ) Have a good Sunday and well a good next week also all. -
Italian businessman killed as motorcycle taxi collides with forklift
Mark mark replied to webfact's topic in Bangkok News
Yes it Really was the Motordop driver's fault, like he was going to fast in a dangerous situation. I think, like the fork lift really was still working ! so the Motor driver should have bene going a Lot OOT slower !!! ??? ??? I think.