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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Owl Log (Part 2) - 26-06-2022 - Sunday afternoon Wanted to separate the posts today. The following is distressing; even more so if you were a fish keeper in an earlier life. Went to the farm as usual on Friday evening. Fed the fish in ponds 1. 2. 3 and 4. Then it hit me. Virtually all the fish had died. Immediate thoughts were that they had somehow been poisoned. Just as well Mildred was not with me. It would have really upset her. Especially as she regarded this pond as her pond. Dead fish all around the pond, and in the lillies. Did a vid to record the unhappy day. vid deadcarp.mp4 The following morning a 6-30, I started the sad task of removing the fish. Some were spawn-bound. Mildred favourites - the big grass carp - were also dead. 'Ee' and 'Soo' came over from the next farm to help me. Then it was 'bag up' time' Took the sacks around to the lower part of number 4 farm. vid 11deadcarp.png.mp4 Started digging. Quite a lot of fish were burried. vid bury carp.mp4 Went back yesterday evening (Saturday) and found two more. Don't think they were new deaths. Just stuck in the grass in the corner and were missed in the morning. I'd like to get the water from that pond tested. There are only really three ways fish can die like that. A disease got among them, an outside source of poison, or low oxygen levels. I rule out the last as it's a healthy pond. My money is still on poison. Will not be able o put any fish in there for quite some time. Perhaps next year! I'll look into getting something to sterilize the pond. Have to get my two helpers a big pack of coffee and baccy. All told; about 100 koi carp, 20 or so small nin and 4 beautiful grass carp. In contrast pond 4, with the mekongs, is absolutely thriving. Sad week end for me and Mildred. Bye y'all.
  2. Owl Log (Part 1) -26-06-2022 - Sunday mid-dayish What a week! Don't want too many like that one. Mildred has not been well for a couple of days. Since Friday evening she has been asleep more that she has been awake. Unless she bucks up today, I don't see her going to school on Monday. I'll have to go round to the pick up point just before 7 tomorrow morning to let them know if she does not make it. Every school day I walk with her to the bus stop. There she is. In white. In a way the village retains its links to the days of old. Although many traditional aspects are long gone; film shows, menstruation huts and getting water from the well about a kilometre from the village (which Mrs Owl did as a youngster. There is one that has stayed the same, although nowhere near as much now-a-days. Bringing the cattle home to rest under the house each evening. there are still a few houses that are built on stilts in the village. One less than 100 metres from us. We had the mozzie lads come round in the week. I stay well away when they are doing their work. Never found out what the smoke consists of. A friend says it's a DDT concoction, but I wouldn't like to speculate. vid 11mozziekill.mp4 Had to bring the budgies inside for half an hour. Mrs Owl wanted to spray inside the house. I said 'no'. First time fore a couple of months she has listened; and I got my way But next door - in the shop - they had a blast or two of smoky poison. vid 12mozziekill.mp4 And just as they were finishing and moving on the the Ma-in-Laws, a fish pick-up pulled up. The timid among us should look away now. The guy opposite (Bella's hubby) is still in hospital after a covid jab reaction (more on this in another post). Word is that he is OK, and will be back in the village shortly. He will be well pleased to know that his fighting chickens are being cared for. A chicken gala must be imminent. Last year there was a little one in his garden. But the big events are kept secret. The project, just across the way, has virtually collapsed. Still don't know what is was all about. This is where a bit of Thai would be useful; "what ya up to guv". But I can't ask the Mrs and can only guess. The rice planting season is here. That's our number 2 farm oil palms in the backdrop. Usually get a view from the road. Unlike last year the rain has been just enough to stop the paddy fields from drying out. should be a decent crop all round this season. A bit of a calamity in the village. A silly-billy truck drove itself into some low leccy cables. The lads were soon sorting it out. All's well that ends well; they say. Lovely sunflower in the Ma-in-Law's back garden Mildred says it's her favourite flower. I like them too. When I was in France there were whole fields of them. So beautiful. Mildred's pineapple is nearly ready to be eaten. Had to move it to the other side of the farm house. Pics in the week. The lillies are just fantastic in number 7 pond. Rain is just about enough, but other places in Asia seem to be having more than their fair share. We want some of yours!! Modern off-grid living. Of course in days gone by there was no leccy to run a fan, or to power up the tippy-tappy. The lady at this farm is a bit confused I reckon. Don't look like no rice to me! I'm quite taken with a young Romanian swimmer; David Popovici. At just 17, he is the best in the world at 100 and 200 freestyle. He set a time of 47-06 secs, for the 100 last year. We will hear a lot more from this talented young man. No footy roundup. Except to say that Man City have snapped up Peacock's Phillips with a bit of loose change. And I must mention Rooney. Suddenly left Derby yesterday. I can't get me head around this footy lark. Derby are looking for a buyer. so why don't 20 thousand supporters put their hands in their pockets for a grand each and take control of the club. TBH, this club, or that, being bought and sold like a turkey leaves me cold and somewhat bewildered. Supporters should take back control; if they ever had some in the past that is. Look at Man United. That club could/should have been owned by the fans. I remember when it was up for sale. Went to the farm on Friday afternoon. Very sad!! See Owl Log part 2. But only look if you are made of tough stuff. Noi borrowed our cart. hope we get it back. Avocado plantation doing OK. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  3. The coolers in Big c can hold over 50 litres of water. Not sure if the water is cooled before it is fired out as a mist. They are all over in the Ban Dung store. Must be over 20. I'll keep my eye on them. There is an even bigger one (just one) - from the same manufacturer - in a car-repair shop about half way from Big C to the town centre. As for the clippers; I was oiling them before each use. I think they were just blunt. I'd had them a few years and others had used them also. These new battery one is better all round. They have a wider range of setting, and one is so tight that it can double as an electric shaver. (If Mrs Owl finds that out I'd never get it back.) I have kept the old pair to either give away or to exchange for a cooking pot when the junk man comes 'round. Had a decent drop of rain today. Steady from 11 to just after noon. An absolute tragedy at the farm today. Have to sort it out tomorrow morning. Full story in Sunday's Owl Log.
  4. Same here Matt. Did a feature on one that I bought from DoHome in Udon for about 4-5k baht a year or so back. Went well for about 6 months. Then the display went wonkey. After that is was just a clumsy fan for the next six months when it packed it in. Gave it to the junk man in the end. The ones in Big C look to be robust. I'll be keeping an eye on them.
  5. Found the data for the fan used in Big C. Price 9590 baht. https://shop.masterkool.com/mik-55ex.html
  6. Once the people that are in it simply to take a profit have got out, those left who believe in the concept will see it slowly move upwards. I think Bitcoin and perhaps Etherium will survive, but the majority of the others will become worthless. Recall the Pattaya coin; Shinecoin? That died a death.
  7. I hear you Hummin. But have to move with the times. Don't want to be a 'fuddy-duddy' who missed the boat. Can get a girl-friend in the Meta-verse now , and even get married, Don't know about children though. Not sure I'd have the energy needed to look after them now. Buy land (in the real world) and it's a constant worry about rain. Obviously the Meta-verse land is different. But if you buy right, you can charge for access, and rent it out. Unfortunately the currency is crypto. I think I'll wait it out.
  8. I was gonna buy a load of land in the Meta-verse. I already have 30 NFTs. But now - with the Bitcoin at such an inviting price I'm thinking that the correction might be finished and now is the time to step in. Max Keiser thinks that it was the big boys getting involved, that drove the price unrealistically high, and they are now getting cold-feet; hence the current price. Or was it all planned for the investor to lose confidence. I'm tempted at the current price. Might wait for 15k. Really not sure at the moment. But I don't think I'll sell any gold to buy crypto.
  9. Owl Log (Part 2) - 19-06-2022 - Sunday afternoon. Sorry about the last post. It really is June; I jest you not. Mildred just finished her painting. She asked me what I thought. The over-riding theme was that is was very good, but I slipped in a couple of things. One was about different facial expressions. She needs to practice them. Then we spoke about texture. The girl's top in the painting looks like a black cut-out bit of card. The hair also looks a bit stiff. She listened and I think she agreed. I said that other art forms might not have a finished product every time, and 'practice makes perfect'. She took it in, and I've just looked around the corner to see her drawing faces. www.mildredart.com That Dentine I mentioned in the previous post was a throw-back in history for me. I usually had a pack on hand 30/40 years ago. Also spelt it wrong, It's Dentyne, .About 50 chews for one baht each. Not bad. Forgot to mention in the last post, that two budgies escaped. The dark blue and yellow birds have taken their freedom. Let's hope they come back when they get hungry. Not seen them, although I'm looking out for them in the trees locally. Also that special day in the summer for us fishermen in England. The most eagerly awaited day - perhaps in the whole year - June 16th, Yes! The start of the fishing season, Would spend weeks getting the tackle ready and planning where to fish. Pre-baiting. Dreaming of the monster that evaded capture every season. That's all for now.
  10. Owl Log - 19-05-2022 - Sunday afternoon Mildred went to school on Wednesday, forgetting her white trainers. We had to visit Ban Dung to deliver them to her at 12 noon at the school rear gate. Where was she? A teacher came over to us after 10 minutes or so, and Mrs Owl handed the package over to her. Had a meal at the bus station restaurant and headed to Bic C. They have swamped the place with portable water fans. There must be over 20. I was impressed with their power output. Had a fiddle around with the settings on one while I waited for the Mrs to finish her shop. We take a truck each. I buy the same things every time. Flavoured milk, cat food, ice poles, pringles - if they are on a special - M-150 pack, 24 bottle soda pack and this time some toothpaste and mouthwash. The mouthwash has jumped up in price and is now about 150 baht a litre. Bought some dentine chewing gum on a special. Always finish before the Mrs. Might get one for home. I'll check on Lazada. Bet they are not cheap though. I'll guess at 10/12k baht. The farm next to us - Bella's farm - is building up their cow heard. Two youngsters caught my eye. Had to go to the Co-op bank on Thursday. Gradually knocking down the loan amount. Found a couple of novel chairs. Can't recall seeing them before; anywhere. Couldn't see any cushions. Earlier in the week a guy was building a nice farm house just along from us. Think it's gonna be a nice pad. Finished a couple of days later. Under a lovely euca tree too. Back in Ban dung, Mrs Owl had to visit the Post Office. It's changed a lot in recent years. Can walk all the way around it now. So I did, and found something interesting. Just as I was about to grab one, the Mrs came out of the building. "What you do farang?" "Just looking at the mushrooms. Would make a nice mushroom soup Teerak. " "Not take. Will go you to monkey." Busy in the mornings, as soon as the veggie man comes around. That's Nadine still in her jam jams. Little kids in the village don't wear much on their feet. Nadene, Nadill and cousin with great grand-ma. And on the way back from seeing Mildred off to school. Electric transport everywhere in the village, The original vehicle; about 6 years old. Newcomer. Another newcomer. New rice machine just at the rear of us. I'd had the hair clippers since Mildred was 5 years old. So about 7 years. They were getting so blunt that it felt like each individual hair was being pulled. Simply torture! Treated myself to a a new cordless barnet trimmer. 360 baht. Mildred did the biz with them when she came home from school. Didn't even feel them on me head. Footy round up. Irons have an easy first game. Fulham too. Nut man came this morning. it was an interim cut. Finished up with 5k baht. Mrs Owl took two k baht, and I had the other three to help with the family spend. Price of nuts; 9-80 a kilo. Was that mask wearing coming to an end on the 17th, a red herring? Don't seem no different to me. No-one wearing them in the village while in Ban Dung it's about 75%. Mildred is finishing her latest masterpiece. I'll put it display later today. Decided to buy a set of rechargeable AA batteries and a charger for camera use. My Minolta is quite greedy and the four AAs only seem to last about 100 shots or 3 minutes of vid. I went for Sony as I remember John Cleese was always on about them years ago. So that's 8 rechargeable batteries and a charger for just under 400 baht. Should come Monday or Tuesday. Still not enough rain. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  11. Completely agree with you there Bannork. Still have 10 or so in the freezer from the pond draining. I have a chance of getting some barramundi fry. Never ate one knowingly, but I'm told there are good eaters. Our Aussie posters would know.
  12. Talking about pla nin. Standard nin fry. Red nin. I've heard it said that the red nin taste even better than the dark ones.
  13. We were going to put the ordinary nin into the pond, but decided to get some red nin instead. They are a little more expensive. Had a delivery of 3000 red nin some 7 years ago. They were very popular with the customers. Some say they tasted different to standard nin. Can't say I noticed.
  14. Owl Log Thursday morning Spent a bit of time watching the fish two evenings ago. The pond (pond 4) where the mekongs now are is much clearer than pond 5. Carp and mekongs do not go together well in a small pond. The mekongs are cruisers while the carp are grubbers and make the water cloudy. But the carp also like to lay close to the surface so they can be seen and enjoyed. vid mekongs.mp4 And the koi pond' Mildred's pond (6). There are some 50/60 fish in there. Only see 20 or so for the moment. A lot of natural food in there so they are not yet in a rush to grab the pellets. vid koi carp.mp4 Decided to put 500 red pla nin into pond 5. Have to find out where to get them. Think there is a 'namsai' agent near Sawang Dan Din. Not in a rush as the water level is low in that pond at the mo'. That's all for now.
  15. Great pics. Haven't walked on the sand with the surf lapping at my ankles for over 13 years. Good luck to you and your girlfriend sir. I'm sure she has the right guy to sooth and protect her.
  16. Always on the look out for an earner. Thunder storm last evening - not a drop of rain. Thinking about the water pump. Petrol is 48 baht a litre. Diesel not so bad at 35 baht. Not so many m/c tearing about. Everyone will have an electric vehicle soon. Already there are 5/6 in the village. Two three wheelers and a few m/c and scooters. No cars yet.
  17. Owl Log - 12-06-2022 - Sunday morning Good news is circulating about the mask wearing. Gonna end on 17th of this month. Don't know about schools though. The village Buddha build is marching on. Took a close look in the week. Think Mrs Owl was pulling my leg when she said it was gonna be a restaurant. Great sense of humour! Some very nice trees in the compound. Most Buddhas have these beautiful trees. Love looking at them. This is the two year in the ground anniversary of the euca trees. Measured up my best tree on Wednesday. Fantastic! Like them all to be like this monster. But, all things considered, not too shabby. Black Girl was on the move. By the time I loaded the camera she was on her way out. Went outside to say 'hi'. Bella's husband came over and gave her a treat. The euca plantation outside the house is looking good. And another, in the next bowl, is blossoming. Went into Ban Dung yesterday. Forgot the camera so no pics. Didn't really see anything worth snapping. But I didn't have my inquisitive head on. Did call into the 20 baht shop on the way back. Two mirrors, 5 packs of 'wet wipes' and a pair of scissors. Couldn't see any 'micro batteries', large mugs - to replace the one Mrs Owl smashed - or kids painting kits. Had a look through the spectacle section but couldn't get a -1.5 rated one. But happy with the scissors. It says on the pack that they can crack nuts. Don't think I'll bother doing that. The pond in the next farm has completely filled. BeeApp - Pook's husband - is the rice guy this year. So in the week he started the planting and blocked off the pipes running under the road to preserve the water. I set up the pump for the tractor to level out the last lock. The rice team (mostly ladies) were hard at it in the other two locks. Was offered dome tasty morsels to eat with me Cup of Rosy. Work finished, the pump was returned to the water tank to be used around November. But you never know with the weather. No rain for a week, and it will have to come out of hiding. Just couldn't help myself. Mrs Owl just hates me seeing unusual or funny things. This one just 'quirky'. Have to keep them tethered in future. What to do with number five pond now it's been emptied? Mildred wanted to put 100 white kois in there. But we have lost contact with our regular koi supplier. Mrs Owl suggested putting in 500 pla nin. I agree with her; and told her so (to cheer her up). Now where to get them. I don't like the government fish. Have bought from them before. Cheap; but too slow growing and they always disappoint. Their big unit is just off the hospital road in Udon. They do a better fish at the agricultural college, just off the H2 (behind DoHome), but I'm gonna try to get the Nam Sai fish from Bangkok. I'll have to do some research on where the agents are in the area. 6/7 years ago there was one in Si Chang Mai. I'll check. Footy roundup. Had to look for some news. England drew a match with Italy. And noticed that the Faroe Islands won a match. Never seen them win before. Man Utd to move for Lewandowski; BBC Sunday Gossip. Interesting if that comes off. Mildred is settling in at her new school. She reckons it's better that her last. Not getting homework as of yet; but early days yet. And there is talk of swimming at the pool across the main road. Really must get on with the budgie house. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  18. A couple of pics showing shiny scaled kois. Can be called 'GinRin' or 'Metallic; Only the white GinRins are really 'Ghosties'. And a couple of 'Platinums'. My favourite fish is a gold on black. I'll try to find a pic.
  19. No Not the same GT. A ghost koi - or ghostie - is a fish with small reflective scales. Their name originates from the fact that in poor light the scales reflect what light there is and they appear ghostly in an the water. They - although very attractive - are seen as an abomination or deformed in the koi fancier's world. Don't make them any less beautiful though.. This particular variety of fish can suffer skin/scale problems; more than the norm in water that is not pristine A platinum is a carp, with either regular or irregular scaling, that are pure white. I'll post some pics of the two.
  20. Good question. It all seems like a waste of time, and effort, now. I returned from England in 2016. While there I had made contacts with fish farms and fish dealers. During the period of the dry season of 2016/17 - I started making some holding tanks for kois. Sewing up dozens of yards of netting. It was all a bit ambitious. I put them into the ponds for the wet season of 2017. The wet season never arrived. I did my best to keep up the water level, with continual pumping from other ponds, but the nets gradually got stuck in the mud. Eventually during 2018, I lost interest in the concept. There was never gonna be 'big bucks' in it anyway. So it was wasted efforts with some wasted money thrown in. But not huge amounts. of dosh 2017, through to 2021 were trully abysmal and I didn't upkeep the tanks. The nets are now under the mud. Still have the frames though. Perhaps my enthusiasm might be rekindled if the wet, and monsoon seasons, return to their traditional (pre-2016) forces. The plan was to rear kois to about 6/7 inches long and send them to England and Holland. I had contacts in both countries. If the conditions had been better, we might even had bred the kois from fertile fish. But it was not to be, and myself and Mildred must now be content to simple enjoy looking after them. I had a few black (very black) kois , and when I was in England, the dealers were quite interested in these along with my platinums. Traditionally, Japan has been the go-to place for kois, but they are expensive. In recent years Israel has become the home of cheaper, quality fish, with varieties not available anywhere else.
  21. Owl Log - 05-06-2022 - Sunday afternoon Everything done at the farm regarding pond five. Umm did the last bit by cutting the lilly into three and planting it down the pond. Bamboo sticks out. Time for home. Got a nasty sting on my shoulder. Hornets trying to take over the kitchen. Sprayed the colony with WD40. That's all I had on hand. Usually smoke them out. Will do if they come back. Mildred and me tucked into a nice pla nin on Friday. One of our fish from the recent catch. Plenty of activity one morning. vid morning.mp4 Not all the children go to school in the bus. There is a local school just over 1km away. That's Boyz on the right. Just before the grass was cut. Found a nice mushroom. Mrs Owl said it was not a nice one. But took it away all the same. I'm wondering if I'm gonna have mushroom soup any day now. Great progress at the Buddha pond . The big pond just down the road from up is not filling with water. It is on pretty high ground, and quite deep. I'll keep watch. Glad I went that way, 'cause there was a big land work going on that I didn't know about. vid clearland.mp4 Mildred's pineapple tree has burst into life. Fish, avocado and now a pineapple plantation. Will not have to do food shopping soon. Pond six - or Mildred's Pond as it is now known - has not yet settled down from all the muddy water pumping. Still quite cloudy. The fish are gradually becoming accustomed to their new home and friends. vid - millyfeedfish.mp4 Storms can come along within minutes here. vid stormcoming.mp4 Mrs Owl tending her garden. Put the two pumps away until November time. Locked them up in the water tank. Poo has friends coming over for grub. Mrs Owl chases them away. I upset Mrs Owl in the week. I found out something that was a semi-secret. I asked her why she didn't tell me; after all, I was destined to pay. "I not tell you true, not lie. Just slow to tell." A few minutes later, I whistled for my cup of Rosy and there was this 'crash'. Did get one a couple of hours later, but not in my favourite cup. Tasted a little salty too. Have to take the rough with the smooth in Isaan. Found another nice rock. Put with the others for road repairs. Footy round-up. Thailand and England both were beaten. Wales play Ukraine later today for one the of the last World Cup places. All the children/students had the day off school on Friday. Not much in the way of celebrations, unlike England, where countless millions took to the streets to celebrate the 75th. Made me feel homesick. But not for too long. Last time there was a celebration - for the 50th - I went fishing and caught a nice tench. No rain for a few days. I want as much as is going. Palm nuts hit a high of 10.5 baht a kg. Then dropped to 8.5, and now up to 9.6. Should get a decent cut at the end of this week. I was watching the TV. Well. listening to Alex North's masterpiece. Simply wonderful. Went to the loo and as quick as Jack Flash Mrs Owl changed the channel. As quick as that. "Mrs Owl, where is the music?" "Your music no good. Give me headache." How did Mildred ever get here? And speaking of the budding Hentii Picasso. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  22. Owl Log Special - 31-05-2022 - Tuesday morning No! I'm not just sitting there looking at the shovel. I'm trying to get the pump inlet as low into the mud as possible. Catch the fish. Put them into the big bowl. Quickly transfer them to a bucket, and get them into their new home. Mrs Owl wasn't keen on getting down and muddy. But she did her fair share. Into the next pond. Although my main job was making sure the water got to the sump, I caught a few. But the main catchers were the three guys; and Umm. Isn't that a Chelsea strip? Didn't know Umm even liked footy. All the carp out. It was time for the mekongs. There were two very big ones. Probably went 20 kg each. Then into the next pond. The next morning Umm was out collecting shrimps and snails. Interesting how the male pla nin make homes for their coming brood. There were only male fish (nin) in there, so wasted efforts. Fed the carp in number 6 pond last evening. They ate good, and seemed not to be shocked. Put a bit of food into number 4, but never saw a mekong. Total tally: About 100ish nin 22 mekongs 30ish koi carp 5 pla dook vid 111catchcarp.mp4 Until the next time, only one thing lest to say; bye y'all.
  23. What!!! 12 rai. Puts my eight puddles to shame. Completely finished the pond work. Except to move the distressed lily to what water is left in the pond. As it gradually fills it will look great. Have lots of pics to post tomorrow. Sorry Rick. Just noticed the decimal point. Must invest in a new pair of specks when I go to the 20 baht shop in the week.
  24. Make you right there HP, I took a 20 litre bottle with me in the pick-up. Drank plenty. Just got home. Spent a good deal of the time in the mud this afternoon. Not yet captured all the fish. But what we did get out were absolute stonkers. Got about 80 all told Put over 50 kois into Mildred's pond. Also 6 grass carp. All 22 mekongs went into pond 4. Strange that? Mrs Owl counted them as they were gradually caught and put into the next pond. I can only recall buying 20 about 10 years ago. Very strange?!! I think the Misses might be trying to make me feel good. And what better way to finish up with more mekongs than we started with. Have to go back in the morning to pump the last bit of water outm and catch the remaining 30 or so pla nin..
  25. Owl Log 29-05-2022 - Sunday afternoon Big day today. Completely emptying pond five and taking out the fish. Got the three incher running. Has given good service down the years. Recently had an overhaul,,, but would you believe conked out after two hours on Friday evening. HT lead! Sorted that out on Saturday morning, and it was all go, go go again. This morning I started things up again. Had to move the pump closer to the edge of pond 5 to get the inlet deeper. Also arranged the outflow. Found a dead pla nin in the week. Nice eating size; about 1.2 kilos. Buried it in number 4 farm. Visited Ban Dung in the week. Mrs Owl went off somewhere while I relaxed in the pick-up off. Must have dozed off, cause this big gang of buffaloes nearly surrounded me. By the time I sorted out the camera, they had drifted away. These eucas grow so fast. Some simply cannot support their own weight and bend over. It's a job getting them back straight again. And there are also casualties. The new lock has remained untouched for a week. And I put a stick of bamboo in place so that I could see from a distance if anyone had been messing. The keys to this lock are different. Didn't suss it out at first. But then it dawns on me that it could double as a bottle opener. The fish/plant/frog venture opposite has been neglected. Net's been down for a week. BeApp has been cutting the grass at the farm. And a great job he has done too. Along the front of number 2. Around the ponds. It all has to be paid for, and this morning I bought five litres of '95' petrol. 47 baht a litre!!! And it's gonna get worse. Diesel is not so expensive as it can be fortified with bio-fuel. Saw some activity near the farm. Why you are waiting for the rice to be sown, why not convert the paddy into a swimming pool and have a splash about? Recently saw the signs to Kham cha nod vary a bit. The same leading to our village. The village has last an 'N' and gained a 'P' and an 'H'. I was sitting in my corner watching some chess games on the computer, when I heard this noise. Looked around and saw a budgie - the blue one - lifting up a food container and then dropping it. Loud enough to get my attention. Got the camera ready to shoot. But it must have known, 'cause it didn't do it again. Not while I watched, but anyway; I got a nice little vid. vid budgies.mp4 Not yet sorted out a bigger home for them. Will do though, Perhaps next week. Mildred's latest. mildredart.com for those arty-farty visitors. Has someone gave Barbie a slap? Maybe Ken has been getting about! Footy round up. Thailand had a convincing win against Turkmenistan. Not a good day out for the Red's fans yesterday. Not only did they not win, but many didn't even get it. The big one for me later today; Huddersfield vs Forest. Too late for me to have a listen, as Mildred has school tomorrow. Water has been very slow most of the week. Flowing at about 25/30 seconds to get a litre. Came back to full strength last evening. The best it has been since we have lived here. Worked hard Friday at the farm. Felt terrible in the evening. Really rough; severe heartburn. It was quite warm in the afternoon, and I don't think I was taking in enough water. Didn't have any reishi wine made up to sort it. In the evening I didn't eat, but drank 6 litres of bottled water, and had an early night. Felt much better yesterday, and even better today. Getting ready to go to the farm to sort out the fish. Mildred will have the camera, and hopefully we'll get some good pics. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
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