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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Thank you all for your kind words. Feeling a lot stronger in the last few days. Walked Mildred to her school bus on Friday morning, and went to the farm yesterday. Should be back to normal - whatever that is - this week. As for the rain. A 'wet season' with rain, what is happening in this Isaan world?
  2. So why didn't they go out and get him? Instead of filling the team with prancing prim-a-donnas.
  3. Told ya. EPL shake up this season. World cup on any player's minds? Next up; United v Reds. A draw would do nicely.
  4. A United supporter that tells it how it is. Refreshing!
  5. It seems to me that everything depends upon ratings. They are 'king'. Praise here, discredit there. Nancy went to Taiwan for that very reason. What happened to the Epstein vids? A lot of levering going on.
  6. The Dems could have shot themselves in the foot with all this smokescreening. Trump out - Ron DeSantis in. 65% approval rating. More election shenanigans on the way.
  7. As bad as what you think they are Jelly, it's far too early to be speaking of relegation. The big problem for them, this side of the World Cup, is their results boost the confidence of their next few opponents. Teams that would have shown them some respect, now simply want to get up and at them; as in yesterday's game, where the the first half hour decided it.
  8. Bit adrift with the Owl Logs. For the last couple of weeks I've been feeling lousy. Since Tuesday I've spent more time in bed than out. Can't see any improvement in the last few days either. Thanks for sticking with the thread guys. Take care out there.
  9. let's hope there are a few more results like this. The EPL needs a big shake up.
  10. 'That's a great result Bannork. I know so little about the plant/tree that I cannot offer any worthwhile advice on rearing them. Do keep us posted on developments.
  11. You could be right there Lacessit. That moving things and not saying can drive you mad. My Mrs does it with and money. It was in my pocket and it moved to her purse. Simply magic!! Overthinking is not just a Thai lady thing. When we are here (in Thailand) for long periods we can get afflicted with the same things that earlier we said were nonsense.. There are some things that I stand my ground on though, and will not change. One of these is rubbish. A few years ago I took the boss of our village to a meeting in Phen (near Nong Khai). He sat in the back of the pick-up with his wife; my Mrs was in the front. I noticed that he was looking for somewhere to put his empty water bottle. I was just about to ask Mrs Owl to take it off him, when he shoved it out of the window. I stopped the pick-up and quickly went back, picked the bottle up and threw it into the back. Nothing was said until we got back.to the village a couple of hours later. Then the Mrs cut loose. she went on and on about how I made the boss feel small and hurt his feelings. Later he brought round a pack of water to our house. A subtle thanks I reckon. Not for the lift either. A few weeks later we started having weekly rubbish collections. It turned out that the meeting that I took him to was about the starting up of rubbish collections. I'd like to think that the little act - even though it caused me to be in the dog-house for weeks - helped to clean up the village. Although judging by the amount of <deleted> scattered around right now, I doubt it. But it was 12 years ago; so have slipped back into the norm. Anyway. Where were we? Yes I remember now; overthinking.
  12. No! We are barefoot in the house. I'm sure it is because I'm getting taller and I'm forgetting to lower the head as I pass from the utility to the bathroom. Did check the height some time ago 6 foot three inches,
  13. 'Long avocados'. So that's what they are known as! You are bang on the money about the food. Moderation in life is best. Just a little will see us through. Be that avocadoes, Reishi wine (fortified with Lao Khow), excitement, beer, bananas or exercise. I've noticed that this year my reflexes have gotten sharper. Went to the fridge the other day to get a cold drink. Took one out and it slipped through my fingers. You know that before it hit the ground, I had moved my foot out of the way. That's moderation for ya. Can't have enough of it. And I'm getting taller. It's true. For years I was walking into the bathroom without hitting my head. Now I can't walk through the door, unless I duck. Again; must put that down to moderate living.
  14. I used to PM Iain with my selections. But sometimes when I was serving a suspension it would have to be email or through a third party. Is that OK with you Mr b?
  15. Am I the only one thinking that the next covid variant will ruin the world cup?
  16. Owl Log - 31-07-2022 - Sunday morning It was hot last week. Was helping BeeApp get things sorted at the farm, The heat was a bit too much for me on Thursday and I called it a day at 11ish. We were having a big tidy up ready for the grass cutting. A couple of other jobs also. I had been collecting stone to be used for road repair. I can see what you have done BeeApp; broken the seven pounder. Just too enthusiastic there mate. A couple more barrow loads should do this section. Every time I see a nice big stone, I check to see no-one's watching, and it's into the back of the pick-up with it. Better than buying stone from the concrete shop. I left BeeApp to it for the last job of the day. Putting in two 4 inchers between ponds 2 and 3, and 3 and 4. When some decent rain arrives, we should have the first four ponds completely full. While he was messing about putting in the pipes I sorted out the broken hammer. Poo wanted to help but she was just getting in the way. Didn't have much problem clearing the head of old debris. A bit of choppy-choppy and the head was fitted. first cutting a 'vee' for a wedge. Ready for a two minute soak to tighten everything up. Good to go for another couple of years. Going back to the farm in the afternoon, I caught the buffs being taken home. BeeApp got stuck into a bit of grass cutting yesterday. Not too much for a whole day but it was hot. Today (Sunday) is much cooler. Should see a fair bit done over the next couple of days. I'm informed that a cobra bite killed a young cow at the rear of us. There is a big cobra in the area. I've seen it twice. I reckon it's about 2 and a half metre long and dark. I was all for catching it a couple of years ago but no one else seemed interested. Perhaps now, with the cow death and Nadine and Nadill at their farm for a bit each day I might be able to get a posse together. Footy round up. It has started. Pick of the matches; Owls vs Pompey; 3-3. Burnley got off to a great start on Friday evening away against The Terriers. Orient had a comfortable home win. My tip for promotion to the EPL, Watford, play later. Liverpool won against City at the King Power. What a bit of common sense that is from the FA for a change. Better than forcing Liverpool and Manchester fans to travel to London for a friendly!? Should have rented out Old Trafford, or toffee's ground, for a day; even better. Got more fans in. Why subject the fans to unnecessary expense in these times? Obviously the FA have the fans interests at heart. And why the switch? England ladies vs German lasses this afternoon. Last week was hot. Reckon it got to 40c+ every day. Drop of rain last evening cooled things down a bit. Very pleasant today. A local guy we know stopped a few days ago, and told us that he had seen our escapee yellow budgie at his farm earlier. I went along but couldn't see it. Good to know it is OK though. Mildred has had four days off school. She doesn't get the homework that she did at the last. They dabble in Japanese and Chinese at this school. Don't really know what to make of it. Her latest test results; English 95%, Science 60%, Maths 75%. No new news about the swimming. By the time she goes the cozzy won't fit her. She is still keeping on with her art. One painting half finished this long week-end. www.mildredart.com Our canopy is falling apart. Probably have to get a new one soon. Still not done anything for the birds. Could try to repair it. But I reckon I'd be on a loser. Just too far gone. So it's hand into pocket time; again. Had to replace a part on the gas supply in the kitchen. It's all money; 480 baht. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  17. Give them a go Bannork. I would think about planting them in areas where they get the relentless sun for hours on end. Have a look at the market next Thursday (4th). The horticultural section doesn't seemed to have suffered since the move from the town centre. Please let us know how you get on with the trees. Plenty of Dunder and Blitzen last evening. Not so much rain.
  18. I'll never get to grips with a durian. Makes me feel ill thinking of them. I eat avocadoes regularly, but find that too much of them give me heartburn. The new shape of the avo is a bit disconcerting. Why have they started growing them like this? I don't disagree about some fruits not being the most healthy; I just like grapes. And of course they are useful for something else. If you eat too many bananas they can kill you. I used to eat well over 30 a day once. These were small - a big as ya thumb - but incredibly tasty.
  19. Just spoke to Mrs Owl, and she says that "durian 'cannot' grow in Isaan." Don't know too much about it, but I have heard that durian do not do well here. Is that because of the long hot Isaan summers, or something else, like lack of water in the dry season? Last dry season it was dry for 119 consecutive days.. I'm sure a farmer or two on here has had experience of growing Durian, We planted one over 10 years ago and it didn't even see a birthday.
  20. You have obviously been whacked with the Thai sense of humour stick. Durian is only topped by that fruit Noni. Generally called stink fruit. There are some Thai fruits that I enjoy. That big as a football orange, grapefruity thing is OK. And fresh king fruit is also nice. Yam lai is a good snack as is lychee as you say. Red dragon fruit is OK now and again. Don't like the white one. My three favourite fruits are; grapes, cherries and a nice juicy English apple. Used to live off bananas when I lived in the Caribbean. Only eat one now if I'm starving and there's nothing else.
  21. The 'number 4' market is just a week away. Well worth a look Bannork. Reckon you could get what you need there. At bargain prices too. You probably know it as well as me. I don't like durians. The smell reminds me of stale petrol. And the taste!!! Only once, about 14 years ago. Don't think it's changed since then. Orrible! Also those twits that say durian is the 'king of fruits' get on my tits. Everyone knows that the 'king of fruits' is the humble grape. I think they say it just to wind us farangs up.
  22. You are not wrong there. It is 7 in the morning and already it's 28c. Looks like another scorcher today Those people back in the UK don't know what 'hot' is. I'm reading that there are fires in my old stomping areas of Dagenhan East and Wennington (just east of Rainham). Think someone is starting these fires. Some funny things happening in the UK at the mo'.
  23. 01 Man City 02 Arsenal 03 Liverpool 04 The Irons 05 Chelsea 06 Forest Time the top six were changed.
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