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About Nemises

  • Birthday 01/02/1869

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  1. Here are the current fortnightly supplement amounts. Shame they’re not higher, otherwise they could cover the airfares back to Aus to claim them every six weeks 😁
  2. You're welcome. I'm also a stickler for the rules and I also frequently return to Aus for holidays, but am not bothered to tell them when they state on their website that immigration tell them anyway.
  3. You need to tell us if you’re leaving Australia and any of the following apply, you: are going to live in another country will be away for more than 6 weeks get Age Pension under a social security agreement with another country are leaving Australia within 2 years after coming back to live and started getting Age Pension since then or your partner are getting income from employment. If your Centrelink online account is linked to myGov, you can tell us about your travel plans online. If you don’t have these, you’ll need to create them. You can also use your online account to get information on how your travel could affect your payments and concession cards. If you can’t use an online account, tell us your travel plans by either: calling the Older Australians line going to a service centre. Australia’s immigration department will tell us when you leave. They will also tell us when you return. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/when-and-how-to-tell-us-about-overseas-travel-if-you-get-age-pension?context=22526#:~:text=Australia's immigration department will tell,tell us when you return.&text=To get your payment or,qualification rules at all times.
  4. Although they ask you to, it's not important to inform Centrelink of overseas travel as Australian immigration will tell Centrelink every time you leave and return to the country.
  5. Didn’t think it mattered whether you informed them or not?
  6. Not just Sukhumvit. You need to get out more.
  7. FACT: You will die sooner if you rent! …from the age of 65 the life expectancy of renters was 2.3 years shorter than owner occupiers,” Dr Kiely said. https://www.uow.edu.au/media/2024/older-australians-who-rent-their-homes-have-shorter-life-expectancy.php
  8. Wedding pics or it didn’t happen.
  9. Yes, a lot more! It increased my bank account fourfold as I knew for sure that the fight would last the (much shorter) distance with shorter rounds and that the younger guy would win. Mentioned that to a few mates as well before the fight, we all are now much wealthier, by a factor of four! Amazing odds for something so predictable.
  10. No one said expat workers in Vietnam are not allowed to purchase a car! The post you quoted clearly states retired expats. Furthermore the topic is about where you retired to - not where you’re going to work at.
  11. Yes I used a Thai-based expat fund manager, just showed them my passport from memory.
  12. Health insurance is needed for DTV. No thanks, prefer to stay Non O
  13. Retired expats cannot own a car in Vietnam, so if you like the “freedom”, safety (compared to a motorcycle) and convenience of having car, then avoid this country.
  14. Simply go the TV station’s website using a VPN. Enjoy.
  15. E5426DFB-36FA-4DF1-A1AC-C430B769C4FC.mov

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