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About Nemises

  • Birthday 01/02/1869

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  1. The “joys” of automatic transmissions.
  2. Simply ask the other person for a video call. Next.
  3. Easy. Transfer it overseas 5 years BEFORE obtaining the OAP …and try hard to remember to declare that cash on the OAP application 5 years later.
  4. Intel i5 or greater.
  5. Correct, and it’s still a phone and you are allowed to use it - which is contrary to your statement of “you are not allowed to use a phone at all”.
  6. Oh yes you can! …but only as a navigational aide if the phone is mounted.
  7. I always film the pr**ks. Doesn’t make much difference though! E5426DFB-36FA-4DF1-A1AC-C430B769C4FC.mov
  8. Topic is about what’s cheaper in Thailand than Aus, not about yours or your “Thai wife” opinions.
  9. I know so. Talking about 3-in1 coffee satchels which you obviously have no knowledge of because they are not sold in Aldi.
  10. Not according to the light pollution app.
  11. https://www.lightpollutionmap.info
  12. Wrong. 3-in-1 (and 2-in-1) coffee satchels are far cheaper in Thailand than in Australia.
  13. Another reason never to rent only. Next.
  14. Who needs an urologist when you can ask anonymous random strangers on AN. Amazing.
  15. and I'm tipping her name isn't Smith or Jones either...
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