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  1. maybe someone left him some plastic bags in his cell that would be self justice hey
  2. I guess the dragon wasn’t happy either 😂
  3. looks like the guy in the left in the pic is carrying the most weight , infact i can’t see the other fellows hand lol
  4. perhaps that should of been the first reported
  5. why is everyone talking about diesel when it states the bus was running on petrol ? was their conflicting reports somewhere ?
  6. a assassination hit by the looks
  7. that’s strange , i’ve never known a 7-11 to take scans 🤔
  8. yeah that was pretty disgusting lack of maintenance .. the mentality of “why fix something that isn’t broken “ syndrome isn’t good at all,
  9. anyone flown into manchester uk ? it’s a sht hole , the worst by far of any country i’ve flown into 😂
  10. how do you know he was German ?
  11. $billions were lost in last lockdown are they. bothered about money ? seems not , wonder how many tourists have cancelled flights due to this new covid cough that’s been verified by a expert of high excellence… for every million bhat made on PPE a billion bhat will be lost in tourism…. smart thinking 🤭🏆 keep fear keep control
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