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Posts posted by Tofer

  1. 2 hours ago, kannot said:

    I think they should also hold the govt responsible for these death trap u turns they're an abomination

    They are certainly not ideal, but what's the alternative?


    The majority of Thai's are scared sh.tless of pulling into the centre of the road to turn right across the opposite carriageway where no U turn facility exists, rightly so considering the level of competence and alertness of most drivers here. At least with a dedicated turning lane and slip lane opposite they stand a fighting chance.


    In disciplined driving environments roundabouts are the usual solution for making manoeuvres off a dual carriageway / busy highway, but we all know Thai's in general haven't got a clue what to do on one.

    • Like 2
  2. 6 hours ago, wirat69 said:

    Nah... Thais need three lanes for a U-turn.... I don't understand why.....

    The near side / hard shoulder third / extra lane is a design feature of the U turn, which enables traffic to make the U turn manoeuvre into a lane outside of the main traffic carriageway allowing a distance to gather speed sufficiently and safely join the main traffic flow without impeding other vehicles progress and causing many a rear end shunt.


    All this talk of the Pajero / Thais not being able to turn the steering wheel in this situation is nonsense, and only displays a lack of driving skills / knowledge.


    Whether or not the Pajero made an error of judgement of his capability to cross the oncoming traffic is one question. The second question is whether or not the Vios was driving with due care and attention, it would appear not as it appears a clear straight road and the Vios should have slowed, or pulled into the outside lane to go around the manoeuvring Pajero if he wanted to continue travelling at speed, which would anyway have been the sensible manoeuvre to attempt to avoid the Pajero if he was too close to slow down sufficiently.


    From the brief video footage it would appear the accident could have been avoided, but having said that not enough is shown to state definitively either way.

  3. 2 hours ago, EdyP said:

    If Executions take place it cannot be called the department of corrections,. I dont support this as it does more harm than good .

    He took an innocent life and his was taken in return. I would say this was a perfect example of a correction in society.


    I'd like to sit all you bleeding heart liberals down in a room with the victims family / dependants and watch you explain your principles in that environment.

    • Like 1
  4. 18 hours ago, jgarbo said:

    Problem: Judicial killing is basically revenge, which does nothing for the victim. Jailing for life is expensive and useless. I prefer the old Sumerian custom: The murderer must work for the victim's survivors as a servant for life, getting only food and a place to sleep. He remembers his crime, pays back and spares the state expense. The Sumerians were very civilized. 

    It will certainly do nothing for the victim he's dead!!!


    So the victims family have to house and feed this murderer and live in fear for their lives in case he decides to repeat his crime in their household and run off into the night........


    Great idea....

    • Thanks 1
  5. 6 hours ago, maximillian said:

    The executed was only 20 when he killed.

    Was it premediated murder ?  No. It wasn't. Was it murder at all ? It happened during a robbery, so it was rather manslaughter. What would the verdict be e.g.in Australia ?

    Then why wait for 6 years to execute ?

    I'm afraid some of the TVFmembers would also applaud at the execution of the two Burmese accused of murder in Koh Tao.

    So, he went out armed with a knife with every intention of using it to aid his theft, and you say that is not premeditated??

    • Like 2
  6. As you quite rightly did, just walk away, there are plenty of other retailers out there selling the same / similar stuff.


    Conversley, we often get unmarked discounts off items in HomePro (Krabi) and then an extra bit off when we spend larger sums. They even price matched an earlier order (2months previously) on an item that had gone up in price, took the time and trouble to check through our loyalty account to find the old invoice to compare prices. Can't ask fairer than that! I don't recall B&Q in UK ever doing anything similar.

  7. I had a close call in a shop in MBK which scammed me over a SIM card on a holiday visit about 15 years ago, when I went back to complain the manageress / owner suddenly lost her capacity to speak fluent English. Thereafter an assistant, who miss heard the conversation and perceived an insult, decided he would attack me, I offered him first strike but warned him that would be his last, he backed off when I stepped forward to meet him. Then another assistant decided he'd have a go wielding a heavy plywood sign board, at this point the manageress miraculously recovered her language capacity and refunded my money. 


    So much for Thais not being confrontational.....

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    The thread title and the OP are not about the same thing.

    Referring to the title, we can only live in the present, but desire to live in the past, or hope for a better future.

    For myself, all the good times were in my past, and the future looks dark. No need to guess which I prefer.

    Wow, stay away from those balcony railings....


    Here's hoping you can find a reason to look forward with optimism and enjoy the remaining years. Good luck.

    • Like 1
  9. On 17 May 2018 at 8:23 AM, SurinBeach said:

    I would but I cant due to height restrictions ...

    Check with your local Aor Bor Tor, I don't think a timber structure would be a problem as it is considered a temporary structure, i.e. easily removable. That's the case in our area, but then we pay extortionate "fees" here for the privelage of building anything, even compliant designs. Also a timber structure (framing) could look very attractive if designed well.

    I would suggest the corrugated polycarbon roofing sheets, more attractive than corrugated steel / aluminium, which again give more of an appearance of a temporary structure.

    • Like 1
  10. 22 hours ago, Happy enough said:

    already answered that earlier in the thread. feel free to look for it

    Don't know what you are getting all indignant about as there's nothing else there to counter my comment.

    Your post # 10 clearly states and I quote, "they could have just walked to the house where they saw dogs and convinced the owners to part with them for no real reason", which is what I commented on.

  11. On 11 May 2018 at 7:20 PM, Happy enough said:

    well where i live most of the houses have large parking ports out from with large gates and people don't let their dogs out on the streets with the strays. and they are pets and well looked after. do you know how they selected the dogs. they could have just walked to the houses where they saw dogs and convinced the owners to part with them for no real reason

    Hardly! I doubt a devoted / responsible pet lover would part with his / hers beloved pet without any "real reason".

  12. 19 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    Then you guessed wrong. I renovated two large farmhouses in Europe over a period of 30+ years for a total cost of around 600,000 Euros (that's around 22MB), and never paid anything up front to anyone. Only instalment payments in arrears as work progressed.
    Here I've had various smaller jobs done and have not paid in advance either.

    I've never met anyone in Thailand whom I would trust with any money paid in advance, so I simply wont do it. "Fly-by-nights" is the only expression that comes to mind, and it applies equally to all nationalities here and all levels of society. Never have I seen a country where people change employment or address so often, or where businesses open and close so fast.


    I find this statement quite unbelievable, unless you bought all the materials yourself and only paid for labour. This would mean you never had anything manufactured to order by anyone else using their materials, otherwise you've dealt with very unprofessional businesses that take unnecessary risks.


    Are you seriously trying to tell us that, for instance, you had kitchens made for your farmhouses without having to place a deposit?


    If you were building from scratch you would have to pay up front for preliminaries without a sod being disturbed in the surface of your land towards your actually project progress.

  13. On 26 April 2018 at 6:03 PM, saakura said:

    Every morning on the way to work, i have to exit my soi and turn left on to the main Sukhumvit road which is inevitably busy at that time. Sometimes it takes 10-15 cars to pass before someone stops and i just bow my head and try to catch the drivers eye & smile.

    How can you catch their eye, their windows are so heavily blacked out you can't see b.gger all....

  14. Been mugged twice by the RTP!


    First incident over an accident, not my fault, but was forced to pay.


    Second was pure extortion by police conniving with some litigation adversaries who'd lost face, including being dragged out of bed in our hotel and locked up overnight, my wife included, and she had nothing to do with the problem other than being my wife. Having been squeezed for 165k I was then marched off by the immigration police, because I'd spent a night in a Thai cell, who then proceeded to squeeze me for 10k (tried for 20k) to avoid being deported.


    I should add this was all in that totally lawless den, Phuket!

  15. OK, so the Russian guy is surely going to get his just deserts, and we all sincerely hope this poor young woman is recovering well.


    What really concerns me is the distinct lack of any information about the company she was employed by. There is a deafening silence in that direction..... Considering there appeared to be no security to protect her carrying those large sums and no news comment from them, that I am aware of, have they just buried their heads in the sand?

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