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Posts posted by Tofer

  1. 6 hours ago, scorecard said:


    Plus, the national police chieg sees nothing wrong with borowing 300million BAht from a man who runs a giant brothel in an industry which is caught red-handed repeatedly for human trafficking, selling under age girls, etc.  How come I was taught by my parents and my society that senior leaders (ultimate prime example - the national police chief) should be excellent role models beyond reproach. 

    But he's his friend...555


    One heck of a good friend to lend this sum without, I presume, any interest paid, as there was no mention of that. Surely this should be considered by the counter corruption squad!

  2. 9 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    Which part of the word "presumed" do you not understand!

    OK, as you seem more interested in arguing semantics than justifying your position on the subject, kindly elaborate where your presumption came from??


    Please also feel free to explain your opinion in respect of my post 143.

  3. 12 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    The article in the OP is great, it's got all the ingredients to ensure clicks get maximised, the islands in Thailand and a farang getting slashed by a knife-wielding manic local, outstanding, the Ukrainian equivalent of the Sun and The Express will be on this story almost certainly.


    But set aside the tabloid journalism for a moment and consider the evidence, for those of you who have any substantial experience of Thailand I would ask, how many Thai's have you ever come across here who under any circumstances that you've ever been involved in here, has come at you with weapon for no apparent cause! For my part, I've lived here full time for over 16 years and I've never once met such a person nor have I ever heard of one. As a second challenge, I would ask you to think about the politest nationalities on earth and grade them down to the rudest, ask yourself where Eastern Europeans fall on your list. Again, for my part, my first-hand experience of being around Russian tourists in Thailand has not been the most pleasant, I find them often to be coarse and rude but maybe I've just been unlucky and your experiences may be different.


    So when I read the story in the OP I think to myself, hmmm, there's a bunch of important detail missing to complete this picture but I'm certain which side the Sun and Express readers will come down on because it's just another opportunity bash Thailand. Sure what the local did was OTT and there's no question about that, but is it understandable to a degree, indeed it is, after all, it's not as though we're in a Western country where all tourist facing customer service people are trained and monitored, we're in the Third World for gods sake, at least that's what many posters like to call it here and you can't have it both ways!.

    "understandable to a degree, indeed it is". 


    What at planet are you living on?


    We're taking about tourists here, not experienced / resident expats.


    As has been rightly pointed out, Thailand promotes itself in the international tourists market as a 'land of smiles'. 


    If the Thai tourist industry was an accountable business it would be bankrupt by now.

  4. 12 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    "How about a disclaimer somewhere on your Arrival/Departure TM that acknowledges your understanding that you forfeit any responsibility to Thailand and its people for your life, injury or safety!".


    When you get a passport from your government it is presumed that you signed that disclaimer, people who don't understand that shouldn't be allowed to travel. A significant part of the bigger problem is that people come here (and elsewhere) expecting that the same set of rules should apply as back at home.

    What a load of crap!!


    Show me a passport application that indicates such?


    Common sense should prevail of course, but Thailand promotes itself in the international market place and should therefore provide adequate security to foreign visitors. However, we experienced travellers know different... And maybe the travelers / tourists should consult the foreign office for advice, although I doubt they will be warned against travelling here on the grounds that Thai's can be totally irrational, immature and excessively aggressive.


    I never forget being told that farang are uncivilised because we are confrontational, ha ha......

  5. On 31 January 2018 at 5:49 PM, nong38 said:

    I think it has become a holiday home for career luvvies in the FCO, more interested in entertaining or being entertained than doing what the British people require them to do. 2 year stint and everyone moves to a new location at the tax payers expense.

    Would not surprise me if the new Embassy is a shared one with Australia and New Zealand and how about locating it in Pattaya!

    They can put it anywhere, and still it will be no more use than ornament.

  6. Drains need traps to prevent smells entering your property from the drains. In hot countries, e.g. Thailand, it is advisable to locate your inline traps where the whb waste water can flow into it as this is the most frequently used appliance. So if you have a shower and/or a floor drain, make sure they are up wind / flow, so to speak, of an inline trap which is also downline of a whb. If you have a little used bathroom run water down the shower / whb / floor drain to keep the traps full.  If you know a bathroom may get little use, construct your own very deep seal 'U' / 'P' trap inline with bends (if possible) to hold the maximum amount of water, don't rely on the proprietary traps sold in the builders merchants.


    Drains need vents to prevent negative pressure in the drainage system and the gurgling effect (mentioned earlier) and the suction of trap water, especially relevant if you are building multi storey. Vents should be located at the highest point of the drain run, NOT at the lowest (septic tank) end. I recently tried to buy a vent pipe cowl without success, so drilled a series of holes in a pipe blanking cap instead.


    It never ceases to amaze me how ill conceived the drainage systems in Thailand are, and that they appear to have adopted an American system  is worrying.


    I would also appreciate anybodies opinion of why the Thais separate the waste from whb's/showers/floor drains from the waste out of the wc. Complete nonsense in my opinion, as the water from those appliances help flush out the main drain carrying solids from the wc.

  7. 5 hours ago, osandpo said:

    A Thai architect friend tells me many bathrooms stink because of poor/no ventilation. If you’re in a house  there needs to be a small gap/window to the outside usually high on the wall. If the bathroom isn’t on an exterior wall then a  small opening to another room works too. 

    If you have a working extractor fan, don’t turn it off immediately after you leave the bathroom. Let it run for a while

    I pity the clients that use this architect! He hasn't got a clue. You ventilate the drain, not the room, to prevent the odours getting into the room. 


    Yes, you ventilate the room via an opening window or extract fan for the smells generated from the occupant, but this has nothing to do with the smells from drains.

  8. There's a lot of talk about venting drains.


    Drains should always be vented at the highest point on the run, not at the end of the run at the septic tank. It also aids the flow of sewage and helps prevent traps being sucked out from negative pressure as the drain seeks to draw air in through the fitting.


    Also ensure there is adequate Roding access to deal with any blockages.

  9. 7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    LOL. Your pa must have liked his tea strong. I know a guy that can get a whole week out of a tea bag.


    I once accompanied a friend to inspect his rental properties that were located about 5 minutes away on the commuter railway. He walked there and back ( half hour each way ) to save the few cents it cost on the train. 

    I think though, he must have paid more on shoes than he saved on train fares.


    Still, I would prefer him to the "friend" I once knew who complained because I took the bus rather than a taxi at my expense ( I had to pay his bus fare as well ). He even complained that his girlfriend had paid for sausages to feed me while I was staying overnight with them ( I would have paid for them myself if I'd known that sausages would put them in the poor house ).

    I have a Brother who now drives Range Rovers, an Aston Martin and flies helicopters for a hobby, who charged me £200/ week to stay in his house when we moved back to Yorkshire and we're waiting to move into our house for a couple of weeks.


    Adding insult to injury, I'd lent him £1,500 for a house deposit, as a youngster, which he never used and got miffed when I asked for it back 3 years later as it was just sitting in his bank account. No interest to me by the way. Also he recently removed my wife from his Facebook friends as he couldn't stand to see the life we are now living in Thailand.


    Happily his ex-wife took him to the cleaners for half of everything not long ago.


    Going one better on the mean stakes, another Brother charged his own parents for electrical work on the house he was still living in, not only the materials but labour also!


    Suffice to say I miss none of them, except my lovely Sister and her family.

  10. 5 hours ago, timendres said:

    My biggest complaint is the utter lack of u-traps in sewer side plumbing. U-traps prevent the horrifying smells coming up the pipes and into the living space. Every bathroom I have ever had here reeks of sewer smells. I have seen a few cases of drain traps including a small curved water trap with a bell shape on the top to simulate what a proper u-trap does, but they rarely work well as the water evaporates too quickly.

    Spot on. If you have a shower in a guest bathroom that gets little use the best solution is to place traps on the downside of the whb which should get regular use and keep the trap full. 

  11. 3 hours ago, mick220675 said:

    They say a true Yorkshire man will not wear trousers with a elasticated waist, because they give.

    Quite the opposite, because they don't need to buy new trousers / shorts every time the waistline expands and contracts a bit too much for comfort.:wacko:


    Just remember the Yorkshiremans advice to his Son;


    'Hear all, see all and say nowt,

    Eat all, drink all and pay nowt,

    and if thar ever does owt for nowt allass do it for thisen'! 


    It's just not true though, Yorkshiremen are not tight just careful....

  12. 7 hours ago, sirmud63 said:

    rich people stay rich by living like poor people .

    poor people stay poor by living like rich people .

    The toughest conundrum is how to find a happy medium, without running out or becoming the richest man in the graveyard....

  13. 14 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    So, I guess a wall has to be in pristine condition to escape the defacing of these vandals? If it's just been erected and freshly painted it's safe, but if it's weathered and unpainted, ie Great Wall of China, it's up for grabs? Your intellect is on a par with these two geniuses. 

    My friend, I think he / she (Kieran0000000000001) is a wind up merchant. Surely nobody can be this stupid......

  14. 4 hours ago, Will E Vormer said:

    What I find strange is some of the comments on lanta being a bit run down. Actually its one of the few islands which hasnt been totally ruined by over development. Sure there are potholes and some of the infrustructure ie electricity is a bit ropey, but on the plus side there isnt a starbucks or Mcdonalds.

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

    It's not run down, just totally unspoilt.


    There's also no traffic lights, dual carriageways, motorised water sports, beach vendors, high rise development, pollution, go-go bars, smelly street sewers, overrun beaches, umbrella forests and deck chair parks, no Chinese/Japanese/ Indian tour coaches, etc....


    But this wouldn't suit a lot of people on this forum, thank Christ for that!


    The beaches are still clean and decent, the sea is still fit to swim in and nature / wildlife is in abundance.


    AND whatever Kieran, in his misguided opinion feels is acceptable, please keep the imbeciles with spray paint cans away also.....


  15. 3 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


    When the "property" is an extremely ugly wall and the "defacing" is actually less ugly than it was before, then no, I do not, and I can assure you there is nothing immature about that.  What was childlike was your attempt to change my mind with the old, what if it was yours, tired old lame comeback.  Well, if it were mine I would welcome someone who was willing to paint it for free.  Now, go and have a think about what you are getting your knickers all in a twist about, it is just a horrible concrete wall that now has a picture on it, big deal.

    I think you just like to argue, particular as the senseless diatribe you spout is totally irrelevant.


    The wall is private property and how the owner wishes to present it is their business, perhaps they like the weathered look! What I'm certain of is that if they wanted some childish scrawl all over it they would have done it themselves.


    How anyone with half a brain cell can advocate this type of vandalism is beyond me. 

  16. 14 hours ago, khunPer said:

    OP, It's little unclear if you own a house on leased land; or you lease a property including a house.


    Anyway, your lease cannot legally be any longer than one term of 30-years. For legally transferring the remaining period of the lease to another – i.e. sell the house with the remaining lease period for the land under the house; or sell the remaining period of the property lease – the lease agreement shall include a right to sub-lease to third party.


    Blue House Book is for the house and it's Thai residents, but does not indicate any ownership. Yellow House Book is issued to alien resident(s) under the Blue House Book. However, a foreigner can have status as "Master of Household", which mean that no (Thai) names can be included in the Blue House Book, without the approval from the Master of Household.


    You can probably find answer to your questions at this web-page, and the links to further informative sub-pages:
    Thai Real Estate Lease Leasehold and Rent laws (Samui For Sale)...




    Kindly recommend that you consult a lawyer for clarification of you actual lease agreement...:smile:

    Does the referenced clause regarding 'the lease term' imply that a renewable lease contract is legal by virtue of the wording 'a valid and enforceable renewal' such that the original 30 year lease agreement can  include terms to guarantee a further 30 year renewal upon (within 3 years of) expiration of the original lease agreement?


    Sorry, just re-read the last reference to contract rights, and it's clear a renewal cannot be 'promised' / guaranteed.


    Too early for my brain to wake up properly!:giggle:

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