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Everything posted by DjSilver

  1. A Masters degree from a Thai university is equal to a bad High school degree in Sweden. However, I still believe a Swedish high school degree in general is better and more knowledge than a Thai Masters degree ???? This just shows how incompetent Thailand is as a country.
  2. Everyone in Thailand just gets their driving license with their street food noodles ????????????
  3. To make it fair. Thai people should get this last and foreigners first. Damn xenophobic country.
  4. We all already know that Thai children get more stupid only to attend schools in Thailand. Both those international schools and especially Thai public schools.
  5. This is just normal Thai mentality. I can't understand why anyone is surprised since this is what the Thai schools anf society does to the Thai citizens.
  6. Well, we all know this stupid thai mentality saying they rather have a fast profit than a long term profit even if it mean 10-100 times more money. Thai peoples mentality is immature like pre-teenagers and can not grasp the whole picture.
  7. Is this article a joke or satire? Thailand is a catastrophic disaster.
  8. I wouldn't rank any Thai universitys master program higher than any high school in Sweden.
  9. And this article is written by a xenophobic and racist Thai? Well, that just proves not only what he thinks but also about the word Farang. I would like to know what racist words to call Thai people in Thai to them? Since, when in Thailand why don't do like the Thai do, right?
  10. Other countries shouldn't approve and diplomats, embassies or consulates from Thailand at this point since it haven't been a legit government since the dictator took power.
  11. Thailand is a country full or retarded and incompetent politicians. They change their minds like small children (2-5 years).
  12. Well, if you compare Thailand with Sweden than Thailand really needs to up their work. They are like 60 years of more behind Sweden even mentally. Look how good it is and was in Sweden with hardly any restrictions for individuals.
  13. Of course not, the idiots are pre-longing this whole thing. Better just to REMOVE all restrictions in Thailand and start with those ridiculous face-masks
  14. As long as this braindead dictatorship doesn't remove the mandatory and ridiculous fask mask rule everything else is of no importance.
  15. Is this a joke or what? The prices are already so low they could double without any problems.
  16. Great news, I wrote the same that these crazy soi dogs should be poisoned. Hope it will happen all over Thailand.
  17. The health ministry of Thailand is a joke. What ever they say, people should just do the opposite and than it will be correct ????
  18. Everyone knows even the Thai police are prostitutes ????????????
  19. The stupid idiots that runs Thailand doesn't understand that it's better to skip all pcr tests all together. Retards
  20. As long as Thailand is so stupid that they keep the mandatory face masks there is no meaning of going back to the banana military repulic.
  21. Who cares about that as long as one still have to wear those stupid face masks when in Thailand???
  22. Are you crazy or just xxx? You do know that all cards that you can pay with isn't credit cards? You do know that most cards are debit cards? And you can pay with debit card online of in stores as well?
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