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Everything posted by DjSilver

  1. I really want to see Thailand with the same global ban as Russia, if Thailand will continue to support those war criminals.
  2. We need Thai baht to lose value and do it fast. Thailand meeds to stop buying their own currency with gold. That's the only thing keeping it up.
  3. Who is surprised? Everyone know that Thailand is a dictatorship. We need USA to go into Thailand and take control, dismantle the military and save everyone.
  4. So when a non-Thai is getting involved in the number 1 Thai business, the Thai police gets worried ????????????
  5. What a loser that threatening to kill himself, also if ge kills himself, he's a loser. Anyone, that commits suicide are losers.
  6. Better if they target the largest criminal element in Thailand, aka the Thais themselves, since it's the largest group of criminals in Thailand.
  7. This is the reason exactly WHY we need to leave bad review if we feel to do that. Don't let these narrow minded Thais win.
  8. Thailand need to start thinking about what is best for Thailand. Start by spending more money on basic education, make it mandatory for children to at least go 9 years in school or the parents will be fined, next to make sure the military has less power, and dismantle the military and make it smaller. Only now will Thailand have a better future. As of today, Thais mental capacity if they haven't gone to school outside of Thailand would be around 60 years behind western countries like Sweden.
  9. Another Thai with extremely low self-esteem. This is really common in Thailand, that Thais have low self-esteem and afraid to lose face.
  10. No kiddingSherlock, I don't think they even know what maintenance is in Thailand. So be careful.
  11. But Pattaya only have prostitutes and scammers. That is all of Pattaya, and of course the sex buyers. Nothing more, nothing else...
  12. This will cost the Thais a lot. Let's make sure they will not get away with this.
  13. Maybe a law saying no overcharge or monopoly prices allowed first. And only charge by meter, with the same rate as in Bangkok for starters. And higher penalty fees if the raxi doesn't follow it. Like first time 10k baht, 2nd time you don't follow the rules 50k baht and 3rd time, the taxi is lost.
  14. I guess he wither caught her cheating or ahe wanted money and he refused. So she stabed him. This is what happens if you get a prostitute bar girl as a girlfriend ????
  15. It is more important to nab all these corrupted cops in Thailand ????
  16. Well, living in Thailand for 6 years with wife and Thai. I know how Thai men with low self-esteem act ????
  17. So you mean the low self-esteem Thai man felt his man hood was threaten? ????
  18. Do you mean the fake and coeasered confession done by the Thai police? And that he in Norway confessed to that he confessed in Thailand, not to killing anyone? And that his wife is Thai and could be part of the ongoing Thai conspiracy?
  19. The stupid thing is that Thai call this luxury, when it's only modern standard. ????????????
  20. Well, there is this festival in Japan every year and it's a normal thing. And we can't forget that Thailand ate the inventor of Ping Pong shows as the number 1 Thai sport and culture ????
  21. Well, we all know that Prayut control the electiin board and the courts, so they will find a way to make him not eligible. Sadly enough.
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