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Mad mick

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Everything posted by Mad mick

  1. Try Keto diet ! Have look At Dr Berg on Youtube , stop all junk foods sugars + using so called vegetables oils / canola oils . Use Organic extra virgin olive ???? oils for cooking and drink 2 table spoons per day Keto is best way + exercise walking etc,. Avoid alcohol if you can or limit consumption low % Worked for me no issues again cholesterol or zero diabetes, still eat occasionally pizza etc, up to you your health.
  2. Flew by plane ????
  3. Won't make any difference Thais party at home , Only might disrupt the foreigners , can remember lived in Hua Hin 5 years in 1990s frequently visited until 2010 bars went all night lots of dancing was blast that was until now WEF Davo group stuffed us all with the Covid bs along WHO UN , So glad l'm in Vietnam funny communist here your more free than Australia or by sounds Thailand over governed Dictators world wide.. Apparently Philippines is going to rock on at Xmas eve no issues presume NY be same
  4. Glad I'm in Vietnam, we have huge street party bbq viet street food , bars / cafe's live bands Vinhomes district 9 HCMC No mask do what you like up to you wear or not wear , stand or sit walk whatever considering VN non mainstream religious country .. Going to be one big party ! Can't wait for New year ! Let alone Tet to follow merry Xmas all glad lm here VN For NY Apparently going to blast here also friends said Philippines planning big Xmas parties with no interference from Government ! Thailand really WEF Davo groups WHO UN Party pooper like Australia US UK EU Still in covid theatre and renewable scams Merry Xmas & let's hope Free New year from past 3 years of bs ! life's good in VN
  5. I'm Australian does not mean gang member possibilty or other contract to do hec that's long shot hire local ! I had guns ! However not dumb enough take on plane with me and not for self defence he's not in lraq or Afghanistan +++
  6. You can't control the flu it's similar to covid some get sick severely others don't, easy stay home until you feel better, lm living Vietnam its same here there not interested in controlling virus that you can not ! They say stay home if feel.sick that's it , there medical report last month coming from there health officials 92% Vietnamese have had the virus only answer herd immunity Vietnamese answer to it , life goes on as normal as does each flu season's . Those who are vulnerable to flu virus etc,. Or with comobiditys seek medical attention IF you become ill.. You can not cure common cold virus each year new virus strain & That's life with or without covid live with it.. Not going away its been released man made it is ! what it is ! ..
  7. It's funny Xmas story ???? and excuse thought guy was asleep ???? didn't even bother to at least check back seat ! one hec of xmas story & Norwegian won't ever forget !! Merry Xmas all
  8. At the end of the day or days lets hope all Naval crew ++ are OK or found if lost at sea ????
  9. Non woke l guess in Thailand that's bonus ++ most of Asia not swallowing latest cult West ideology that's going on @ all levels of Governments military our place of work identify gender diffirence Male + female our politicians cant answer simple biological question inclusive of Medical fraternity ! Being born white its your fault ur racist or whatever like in US UK Australia NZ EU + + its all about devide us and Conquer if only left and right realised we got more on common with each other than those who are Governing us
  10. What load bs face mask theatre still continues! Would no bother going out too any event says wear face mask ! Its ok take off ???? eat ???? or back on ???? off ???? same old covid control theatre continues happy new year ???????????????? WEF ???????? WHO
  11. RIP. Very lucky people who helped did not receive electric shocks also Can be risky , pulling anyone away or off from electricity source metal or pipe whatever the current going right through them into someone else tyring help lucky not more casualty you think doing right thing its normal reactive moment ! Condolences to family
  12. Might bring back old memories of Once was young , nothing wrong looking at chick's though , blokes running in budgie smugglers might be OK for Lady boys , if there all haven fun, good luck !! Life is a beach .
  13. RIP condolences to family !! Plenty of elderly will die in the west from cold or heat stroke thanks dumb as_ climate change religion & scam renewable by Governments
  14. What a stupid ugly eye saw thing to do if photo depicted where they are planning beach front ???? property clueless Who in government & local has their hands on money ???? pot , solve nothing another half baked idea
  15. Could face criminal charge, ! They failed got caught cheating instant dismissal first thing they learn is how to cheat take bribes not get caught ????! Parents lose money for failing considering they pay to get into police entry exams in first place buy your way in with long-term police honey ???? pot
  16. Could of been an accident trip slip dizzy who knows ! Lot of people here quick to jump on suggesting suicide was on 2cnd floor lose balcony low over balanced fall , for myself hope he's OK has good Xmas
  17. Crikey take him few years to fix that epidemic of corruption in Thailand let alone rest world Governments its rife every where ! Be careful Joke they will rub you out ,
  18. Thai hes jealous not in on it ! Its funny my old Thai father inlaw who died at 93 smoked grew pot on his farm in Khao - Tao outside Hua-Hin all his life + his forefathers before him !! until American Government clamp down upon Thailand along with other Asian countries with exception of lndia + Vietnam today in Hanoi no issues as one old timer translated VN Won the war ???? , US mid 70s 80s / 90s Now US Grows dope has licensed local shops ! Always made me suspicious make it illegal to take control & legalise it > this case maryjane ! Typical of Governments same with proabition in the 1920s or 30s with alcohol ???? its all a scam Until they the Governments & large comperations control all..,???? taxes
  19. What don't understand how was he living here Thai free / no money to go home country ! Scams , thief , begging or friends other option ! guess eating left over foods, sleep on streets ? ????
  20. What pair of savages don't deserve to walk amongst us ever again ! I hope the end up in Bkk Hilton
  21. Too right we are , we'll and truly in matrix ???? green???? pill or red???? make it 2 jabs or vaxxxx endless????
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