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Mad mick

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Everything posted by Mad mick

  1. Separate millatary from Thai Government , Coup d'etat Jaunta regime will continue ! Thailand had more coups since end of WW11 than any other country in the ???? number 1 for democracy ????????????
  2. More b_ Thai Baht is financially propped up ! as always against $£€ etc,.fake economy keep on printing money ???? ???? Thai Government never needed covid as an excuse ???? ???? ever since financial disasters / crisis in late 90s ???? Now every Government does it US , UK , EU , AUS, Thanks covid lockdowns b_
  3. RIP ???? . Trust they RTP actually find this guy ?
  4. So you're saying your paid every 3 month your pension UK EU . As far as l know most countries pension paid monthly, Australia is every 2 weeks , few years back was monthly ! l guess Aussie pension dropped to fortnightly in case you dropped dead, only lost 2 weeks instead of a month Typical of Government's, Every 3 months ???? or unless you mean > 3 months in total = 1 month ! ln comparece with Thai School Principe monthly salary , without brown envelope used normally upgrade below average grades D to A
  5. As far as l'm concerned all Millatary Coup d'etat leadership should be at front of the cuew & imprisoned for life well before Thaksin or his sister The real criminals are in power taken by force , Millatary should be completely removed from any elected Government, As from removal of word Coup d'etat being removed by military request is nonsense They are criminals & against freedom or so called Democracy, Real criminals are Millatary Jaunta Top Brass & cronies
  6. more than likely drunk & legs unsteady few drinks to many ????
  7. So should of been beaten ! only Cowards spend rest there stay in Thailand inside detention centre ready for deportation Asap , Quality tourist
  8. WHO already rule & Ruled + announced covid 19 is Over " on & on this goes ! HIV no lockdowns or rules , Ebola , ++++ let's treat it like common cold or flu ???? iF sick stay home , Herd Immunity only way ! This is never ending story authoritarian Regimes worldwide like being in Nth Korea , Old soviet union prior , & 100% CCP & worldwide Corperations running our world + mainstream media propoganda machine hypocratcical journalism This probably get myself band off this forum ! Free speech ( rip ) manner ! lm totally just fed up with all the li_s +++. Kids have suffered enough enormous mental illness ???? wide. let alone us adults Government over reach will never end , When You speak to people who escaped communism why are we going down this path as communism ! using health to clamp down on us " Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan those with brain know its con over the top , Qs are Ask Thai Government why let CCP Chinese people into Thailand knowing this was going to happen if they were so worried should not opened the door as Chinese people were locked down for years and its mutated , Covid is here to STAY Live with it that life , As we do with (sugar) diabetes , cancer , heart , respiratory + + + illness ???? that's life .
  9. Good luck to her , she's not the first 2 or 3 years back was girl doing same water melons or durian Why not look guy in the pic eyes Deffinity Not concentrating on durian ! Only pair of Papaya looking ????
  10. Amazing Thailand cyanide escapes death penalty ???????? f_up
  11. Won't say A word ????what l really think freedom of speech as_an_o.c_m ????free speech about pandemic or post is sin lm amazed TAT were allowed to say or predict 2025 boom after oh that word panicdemic ????????????
  12. Who one earth would not of guessed if boy , named after grandfather in someway or other nickname no Suprise here ????
  13. it's attempted murder ! pull gun point & pull the trigger & 13 year old kid shot , what cos you weren't invited to the wedding or were not welcomed to free alcohol you shot a kid ????
  14. l think he's or she is joking , not serious just banter
  15. disagree it's Thai new year or did you mean stupid Turk insulting * assaulting others He's coward & fool Bkk Hilton next stop that wipesmile off his dile & damage to property throwing bottles etc,. its only water + powder fun for day or so up to you ! IF don't like don't go out ! After all its Thai people & there Country ! it is what it is ????chill ????
  16. All tourist know its well known event worldwide ???? ???? few days it's over the old plastic rain coat or plastic cover pouch for >???? all will be OK or stay away
  17. lm sorry missed part man in Como very sad hope he makes full recovery & Turk does time im Bangkok Hilton " it's cowards act let alone throwing bottles at others Thai New Year Chill ???? if you don't like it don't go out ?
  18. Well at least not an Aussie or Brit for change , hec you know it's Songkran Thai new year just chill have some fun go home ,Your guest in there country if you don't like Thai tradition Don't go , simple as that ..
  19. funny in early / late 90s when l lived Hua-hin for 4.5year never was any international flights, odd twin prop plane's small jet 20 seater ! only if or when airport was actually operational periodically closed for runway repairs or overpass extensions ???????? etc,.
  20. Gif welcome CCP ???????? longest lockdowns don't work after 3 years once its out its out thank you gift from EHA Fauchi Daszak crimes against humanity we all have to get use to it ! its here to stay live with it
  21. your confused icon> ???? proved my point murder suicide if not mommy boy syndrome = 1 reason so many ladybogs in Thailand ! Daddy little gun ???? son same rank ???????? RIP ???? kills themselves rather than gf or ex
  22. That's a given???????????????? ???? Thai New Year good go enjoy ???? ! just don't drink & drive killing others ????
  23. Well if that's not attempted murder l don't know what is Sicopathic nutter , unlucky he's not Thai bail immediately drag your gf down the rd 1km by motor bike is ok mommy to rescue ,
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