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Posts posted by Jimmyjames120

  1. 1 hour ago, jossthaifarang said:

    The story of the parents doesn't seem to add up, 1st story says she disappeared at noon and they waited till 18:00, 2nd story says mom got home at 18:00.


    1. Who leaves a 5 year old outside alone for 6 hours?

    2. Who leaves a 5 year old at home alone all day?

    3. How did they know to go look for her inside a septic tank 100 meters away?


    I'm no expert but the story doesn't add up.


    Never the less, RIP young lady, another tragic story..

    Points 1 and 2 are standard practice in Thailand, as crazy as that sounds

  2. 7 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    The 15 day entry rule at land border crossing was rescinded on January 1st of this year when the 2 entries at land border crossings per calendar year rule went into effect.

    Good info, I had no idea.


    So I entered Thailand by air and got 90 days visa,  non 0 married to a Thai (the last possible entry on my 1 year multiple entry from UK)   It was then extended for 60 days based on married to a Thai.

    i think I will need 1 more month so would you think a land border crossing would be ok? 

    Thanks for your help.

  3. 1 hour ago, Roger Harris said:

    Same old story I hear ever day, they do not want old falangs, they want you money. I have not a problem in the world. Get smart use them for boom boom, kick them out next day. Then you sleep good the next night. Your stupid like all the rest that have lost all there money


    You sound like a nice chap

  4. 1 hour ago, colinneil said:

    You think i sat back and did nothing?

    When i found out i engaged the best law firm in Issan, they checked things out for me, then they said, up to you but if you proceed you have zero chance of winning.

    When the judge is corrupt, you think other judges will over rule him?

    No way. Why spend serious money for nothing.

    Unfortunately the best law firm in Isaan is still Mickey Mouse, the best lawyers naturally gravitate to Bangkok and yes, a big judge will overrule an underling, I know this to be true from my own experience. 


    Its a terrible thing that has happened to you and the OP and many many others in Thailand, I'm just pointing out that above anything else you need a Good Lawyer and they will be in Bangkok, also for all it's corruption  Thailand does have written laws which cannot be ignored IF you have a competent lawyer and your willing to push it all the way, most people walk away, sometimes for good reason.

  5. 6 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Please stop telling folk everything is split 50/50, that happens in some cases but not all.

    I was divorced 3 weeks after i left for the UK, FOR DESERTION.

    Law here states that cannot happen until after 1 year and 1 day.

    knew nothing about the divorce, was never notified by anyone.

    Court granted ex house/car, in fact everything, corrupt judge/ corrupt lawyer/ corrupt police, farang has no chance.

    In your case the standard course of action was to Appeal and take it to higher court in Bangkok and use a competent lawyer, because the Law IS 50/50, it is written so. 


    You would of course have to weigh up the extra costs vs the value of what you actually lost to deem is it worth it.

  6. 3 hours ago, Falcon said:

    Disgusting attack in the young woman, just because it seems that the woman was angry about something and, like a child kicking a chair or table when he/she can't get their own way, she decides to grab the hair and violently pull the young Thai lady to the floor and then proceed to kick her in the head, all for no reason whatsoever. The young thai lady should take this higher than the kao saan police station if they won't do anything and complain to the higher ranks in the police headquarters.

    I bet your good at Cluedo.....

  7. 1 hour ago, phantomfiddler said:

    Are you deliberately trying to be obtuse ? "the glass was not already broken and therefore dangerous" ? !!!  So the entire world population is living in great danger because we have unbroken glass windows in our houses ! Soalbundy is, I believe, correct, showing how ridiculous is the legal system in UK.

    Learn to read or better still learn to understand what you read.


    "Entire world population"  I am clearly talking about the UK only.


    soalbundy is not correct because you could not sue for this particular incident, therefore this does not show how ridiculous the UK legal system is whether it is or not. The only ridiculous thing is your statement.


    Go back to sleep 

  8. 3 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    If this had happened in the UK his relatives could sue the house owners

    Not in this instance, he smashed the glass, the glass was not already broken and therefore dangerous, if for example he climbed across the roof and fell in because it was in poor condition and in need of repair, then it's possible to sue in the UK

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