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Posts posted by Jimmyjames120

  1. 5 hours ago, CGW said:

    You & I both! sounds like he is the court jester! reminds me of the scene from Black Adder where he is court-martialed for killing a pigeon!

    Someone is not going to get a fair trial, the court will be too busy laughing!

    Flanders Pigeon Murderer!


    May it please the court, as this is clearly an open and shut case, I
    beg leave to bring a private prosecution against the defence council for wasting the court’s time.


     Granted. Council, he is fined fifty pounds for turning up.

  2. 15 hours ago, upside said:

    I was looking at IQ scores done by a professor in 80 countries.


    Thailand scores quite low at 85. 100 being acceptable. 


    For those of you with your kids at school in Thailand, don't you feel like you're letting your children down to suit yourself? You should as a parent want the best for your kids correct? There's no reason to not school your kids back in your home countries ,  and I won't go into medical where your children would no doubt recieve a much higher level of care through better skilled medical proffesionals. 


    I'd actually call it child abuse.

    Considering your moronic post, I'd say You have an IQ of a toilet brush 

  3. 10 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Firstly Education - the subject can't be avoided....  IF kids are in a decent International School OK - If not, get them educated back home. 


    On the subject of Safety: It's a major concern of mine. 

    We pretty much drive everywhere in Bangkok, or Drive to the Mall, park at the Mall and use the BTS.

    Walking anywhere is just too dangerous, motorcycles on pavements, food-carts with boiling oil etc... we only walk within a very close proximity. That said, my Wife or I walk my son to school which is <500m.

    Safety around the home is another concern: We live in a large condo with a large kids play area on the ground level, lots of kids, fun etc.. but our son (and all the other kids) are supervised (of course he is at 3 yrs old). There are also lots of 'soft-play' ares in Bangkok such as kidzoona etc... we go there a lot, and of course swimming... But always our son is supervised...

    ... issues such as electricity, grounding etc... hot food being carried over our childs heads in restaurants (pet hate) etc... but, we are more vigilant here than I perhaps would be in the UK - because of this, perhaps my son is at less risk....??...


    The real aspect of safety will strike home as our son approaches teens and he will want to go to areas without supervision etc... the issue is the same in any city. The concerns are not yet sufficient to move home and I compare Education / safety etc in balance with what my nephews of the same age are exposed to....  

    Your pet hate.....yep me too....absolutely drives me nuts when they do that, they just seem to have no awareness

  4. A lot of really great replies here gentlemen, a lot of valid points in both directions, keep them coming. 


    As a general reply to some, my situation is: Safe security gated moo baan, my children never leave my sight, International school in Chiang Mai where I do the school run myself and will do until they finish school or can drive themselves, Luckily financially ok to move to UK if that's what I decide.



  5. 6 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    Gluing the the locks??? :blink: 


    What next? A stinkbomb thrown in? Itching powder left on the chairs? Knocking the door and running away before someone answers?  :laugh:



    No, I think there really gonna turn it up a notch,  


    when the bar owners walking, one of the gang will walk up behind him and tap him on the right shoulder but continue on past his left side........ 

  6. 6 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    I worry about this a lot (2 year-old son), especially the horrendous air pollution in Bangkok and the traffic accidents.  However, as my job is here, I'm left with little choice.  At least we've found a good pre-school for him.  Once I retire, the UK may be an option but I no longer have property there and getting a Settlement visa for my Lao wife will not be easy.

    If you need to stay in Thailand on retirement  then better to relocate, maybe chiang  mai, get a place on the outskirts of the city, good schools, cleaner air, except for a couple months burning season, and avoid the town like the plague! Traffic like Bangkok soon

  7. 1 hour ago, cooked said:

    10 years? From what I hear, the UK has really gone downhill, especially in the area of law and order and education.

    Plenty of nice villages left though.


    Yes 10 years is a long time, guess I should spend a bit of time there to see what's changed, I have heard a lot of talk about privatising the NHS, that would be a sad day, no more free healthcare.


    Village life is certainty appealing though.

  8. 21 minutes ago, steve187 said:

    land crossing are 2 in one year, you will get 30 days which can be extended at local immigration for a further 30 days cost is 1,900 baht.

    Ok thanks,  any idea if this is per calendar year ?  And Myanmar mai sai border all good still? I'm chiang mai 

    need to show an onward ticket out of country?

  9. I first arrived in Thailand 10 years ago, got married, bought a house etc and as a couple everything was fun and carefree, now I have a 5 year old son and 20 month old daughter and I worry about there future with respect to safety. People on TV always talk about Education which is valid but I'm interested in opinions on safety in this thread.


    ie: Life is cheap here, egos are so fragile you can be killed for simply beeping the horn, small arguments or many other insignificant things


    The police are, let's face it, pretty useless, won't lift a finger unless paid and even then terrible, couple that with the corruption and it's a disaster.


    All I see these days is danger, whether it's live wires hanging broken, holes in pavements and no drain covers, incredibly dangerous driving, giant pans of boiling liquids at food stalls etc etc it seems life can be cut short for a very stupid reason.


    I could go on but let's try to keep it short. This is not an exercise in Thai bashing, just my truthful observations. I'm from the UK so these problems you would not need to worry about, yes there is crime but no way can you compare it to here.


    I'm obviously interested in replies from those of you with children as you will understand more I think, or am I just worrying too much....?. where do you see your children in the future? slotted in nicely amongst the caos? or not......  Replies from all are of course welcome and I don't mind a few smartass comments, we all need a laugh, but let's try to have a few Educated replies, I know you are out there.







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