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Posts posted by Jimmyjames120

  1. 22 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Someone who will cheat a crippled girl out of her compensation, is about as nasty a low down piece of scum that you can possibly imagine. This piece of filth needs to be found and punished to the maximum letter of the law. I just hope he still has at least some of the money.

    I add to that comment, that the fact it has taken so long to get to this point, and it is only through social media that the case is now getting attention, is a damning indictment of the Thai judicial system.

    Agreed but I think the only reason nothing had been done is because they don't have money to pay the police, new leech ...err I mean lawyer, judge etc Nobody does anything for free in this country. The attitude is <deleted> You pay me, got a problem? Been wronged? Pay and we can help. It's progressing now because as you say, media is involved and authorities can start to lose face. Very sad. 

  2. 6 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Bullfighting is a kind of entertainment favored by many millions of people,

    unlike fox hunting, duck shootings and alike, cruel in inhuman? you bet ya,

    s is slaughtering  millions of stock animals for our daily food....

    but so are the millions of people that perish every year to war, famine and

    diseases.... so I feel sorry for the matador, who was preforming his art

    in order to entertain people, but gloating over it? come on now....

    Art?  I don't feel sorry for him, he was a <deleted> 

  3. On 02/06/2017 at 3:42 PM, Jai Dee said:

    Have you tried opensubtitles.org?

    Hi, yes got opensubtitles and subscene, it seems lots of recent animated movies have Thai subs but not so many recent studio movies actually have subtitles, even though the cinemas do? I've tried a few other subtitles sites within kodi but they don't have Thai. Anyway some is better than none. 

  4. On 16/08/2016 at 7:28 AM, scooterboy said:

    Sorry, been away for some time, so haven't followed this thread. OK - here we go :


    FIRSTLY. download the (hopefully attached) "fonts" zip file and unzip it. You will need to transfer the unzipped fonts folder to a USB stick or SD-CARD. Make sure the USB/SD is inserted into your Android Box before you switch on.


    1. If you're NOT using ES Fi;e Explorer, then install it - so that we're "talking" about the same things. Different explorers do different things in different ways - and tend to screw up any communication. You can uninstall ES later.


    2. Start ES and allow ES to use your USB.

    On the LEFT ES panel click on USB or SD-CARD1 and find the folder "fonts". Press on

    the folder name for a few seconds until the bottom status line changes to COPY....etc.

    Click on COPY.

    On the LEFT ES panel click on HOME - not the FIRST HOME, but the one underneath. Now you have a list of files and folders on the screen. Click on "Android", then on "data".


    3. Look for the folder "org.xbmc.kodi"
    Click on this folder, then on "files", then on "kodi", then on "media".
    This is where you have to place the "fonts" folder.
    Click on the PASTE icon on the bottom status line. The folder will be inserted
    so that you can see "fonts",  "SKINDEFAULT.jpg" and  "SPLASH.jpg"
    in the "media" folder on the screen - nothing more.

    4. Start KODI and click on SYSTEM, Video, Subtitles - and in "Font to use
    for subtitles" you should now be able to choose from the arrow menu.
    Choose ARIAL.ttf (YES - with capital letters!) - this is the same font you downloaded.
    In "Languages to download subtitles for" choose English, Thai (and any other
    languages you need).

    5. Now you should be able to see any Thai subtitles.

    IF this doesn't work the first time, then try closing down and starting KODI


    Hope it all goes off OK. :D




    Hi, I know this is a very old thread so I don't know if this message will get seen...anyway wanted to say Thanks Scooterboy, followed these instructions to a t and it works perfectly, Thai missus happy = balls less broken, just need to find a way of adding more Thai Sub sites?  Seems not so many movies etc actually have Thai subs using Subscene etc 

  5. 19 hours ago, Emster23 said:

    " They said that tourists should not offer easy pickings to the thieves. "

     I thought this might be another fool with gold chain bling, but this was her bag/purse/?

    Solution: use room service, never leave hotel property , and keep close eye on the staff....

    Amazing Thailand

    Nothing wrong with wearing a gold chain, just need to have your wits about you, same as carrying a handbag or wearing a watch etc

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