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Posts posted by anon789561

  1. 3 hours ago, yyzbkk said:

    Thanks, I booked a flight yesterday, but it is okay. Now I know about extending. 


    I have a flight booked in the middle of October to Taipei so will extend the visa I get when come back from Manila and then fly out middle of October.That will give me  plenty of time. Will save me a lot of money as changing Taipei flight was expensive.


    Thanks, I appreciate your help.

    you said the thai kid is legally yours so you should be getting 60 day extensions not 30

  2. 8 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Sounds plausible.

    And for the time of repair the racer has to resort to his Ferrari :biggrin:

    if he has anything like the garage i dream of then he'll be popping around in his range sv autobiography if he needs more space than the aston. keep it british even if they aren't british owned anymore. still made there and still producing world class luxury motors ; )

  3. 2 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


    My guess is that that is about two to three million baht in damage, if he had the work done at the dealer, who is probably the only one who could match the paint exactly. We are talking about 20 coats of paint. Body work on these super cars is ridiculously expensive. The real question is, other than pure ego gratification, and the feeling of thumbing your nose at EVERYBODY else, why would you drive one of these cars on the roads here, and why would you pay three times what other people pay in the rest of the world for the car to begin with? You really have to have stupid cash to do that, and perhaps not the highest self esteem?

    true but doesn't stop me wanting  a black aston martin dbs though does it?? 555

    • Haha 2
  4. 5 hours ago, wcoast said:

    I always keep my passport in a ziplocked bag that's almost the exact size. It originally was a medication ziplock from a pharmacy. Passports with any type of damage can be refused as invalid.

    Sent from my abacus using Tapatalk

    get a new passport from the uk and they send a ziplock (songkran style) with your new passport. well they did a few years ago anyway

  5. 23 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    My guess is, that a high percent of these deaths or injuries are from renting scooters without alot of driving experience. Especially on the southern island. 


    Many of us drive motorcycles or scooters here, and it is dangerous getting on the roads with some of these other drivers. Getting on a scooter, or a motorcycle anywhere in Thailand, much less Phuket, Phangan, Dark Tao, or Samui without a very good helmet, is like playing Russian Roulette with three or four bullets in the chamber. It is absolutely asking for problems. The degree of recklessness here is astounding. And many foreigners come here thinking "how much trouble could I get in on a little scooter, on a tropical island"? Well, the answer is alot. The amount of foreigners who are killed on the Southern islands is staggering. Most are not reported in the media. I had a friend who worked for Samui rescue for many years, and said the numbers were about 30-60 a month, on Samui, Phangan and Koh Tao. He is a very honest gentleman, and did not have an agenda, so I trust him. The official number is about 3 a month. Rider beware. Use as good a helmet as you can afford, and do not use these eggshells pieces of crap. They crack at the first impact, and what lies underneath them? Your skull, which is very delicate. 

    Just ask yourself- do I have enough problems already, without a broken skull, or smashed head, or face injury, or lost eye? I have two friends who have been in motorbike accidents on Samui within the last few years. One still cannot walk, or talk or function on her own, from a motorbike accident, where she hit her head on the pavement going only 20 kph. No helmet, unfortunately. The other one has lost alot of his mental capacity after hitting his head. He insisted for years he would never wear a helmet. Now, he seems 15 years older. 


    I was told by a very reliable source. He did not have an agenda. He rescued alot of the survivors. He attended to alot of the ones who did not make it. The press here is highly censored. The report only what the so called leaders want them to report. Nothing else. Social media? Why would social media report these statistics? They report individual accidents, but not overall statistics. Anything you read about accidents on Samui in the media would be false.  





    why are your posts always so long? 555 i took the time to read btw and made sense as usual. i have a thai mate from dark tao as you name it. different topic. he's in hospital in nonthaburi paralyzed from the waist down from a 'small' motorcycle accident on tao. he had to hire a driver and maid so he can get out and about whilst he does his physio and stuff. will he actually be able to walk again? we doubt it but we don't tell him until all hope is lost. bikes are dangerous whether on your moo ban or on the main roads or a nice little island. one mistake (not even yours) and it can change your life. you told me that when i was 19 and exploring the world would i have listened? yes, i just wouldn't have cared

    • Thanks 1
  6. not much info as usual. would be interesting to see what kind of tourists these were. i imagine alot of claims are by back packers whether genuine or not and most as i did back in the day fly into bkk and use it as a base the same way aussie, kiwis and saffas do london to back pack europe so of course bkk will get the brunt of any insurance claims. also, many moons ago my old man lived in spain and i went with a load of guys from school at 16 and we were able to hire motorbikes without even a licence never mind a helmet. don't think that's possible now in most places anyway. i reckon spain may well have been the 'most dangerous' place for tourists from the uk not so long ago. basically the article is kind of pants, not enough info

  7. 1 hour ago, impulse said:


    To play fetch, you have to let them off the leash, right?   That can get you a $200 ticket in many municipalities back home- for having an unleashed pet. 


    It's true.  In many places, there is no legal way to give a Lab, a Huskie or a German Shepherd the amount of exercise they need to thrive.  You can't run fast enough or far enough.  Let them off the leash, and it's no longer legal.  Unless you want to drive an hour (or more) to get far enough out of town to let them run free.


    the lady in the OP looks like she lives in a similar estate to ours which many now, at least in bkk, have dog parks or if not there's dog parks around. some owners here don't really understand a dogs need. personally i think a pug and a huskie are just token dogs for show. huskies shouldn't be out here. they started taking over the staffordshire bull terrier in the uk as most common breed in dogs homes as people got them as thought they looked nice without realising they actually take a lot of looking after. they refer to them as status dogs. some parks in the uk banned letting dogs off leads but that was more to do with the many dog walking companies that used to walk 20 dogs a time in a park causing mayhem. most UK parks are still dog friendly as far as i know

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Will they have an area for sexual encounters,

    which the Governor say NEVER happen in his parks.

    regards worgeordie

    usually the public toilets like george michael when he got caught in clapham. nasty. they even ended up closing the toilets after that. they are still there next to clapham common south tube station. filthy things went on in those toliets

  9. 54 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    I'm not doing your research for you. I've given you a pointer on how to do your own.

    i would say mostly brits doing it out of SEA. used to be run by americans and canadians but things changed and people died or went to jail etc. in thailand they are more low key now due to pressures from the west. it's believed the main BR boss based in thailand is a brit who mascarades as a nightlife owner, most people know who he is including the thai authorities but hey you pay you stay as they say

    • Thanks 1
  10. 16 minutes ago, BestB said:

    Only in the West people seem

    to care about keeping their job, where is in Thailand they often do not show up at all or go missing for days , not to mention working spans for few months if lucky 

    not in any companies i've worked at otherwise they'd have been sacked whether in thailand or the west.

    i'm pretty sure most thais care about keeping their livelihood btw

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, scorecard said:

    Up to the immigration officers on duty wherever you land, a few might be sympathetic but even that's doubtful. Most would outright not accept it.


    Sidenote, I read there's a change, coming sometime soon, to the international standards for passport production, for every country to use a type of paper which quickly disintegrates when wet, even one drop of water, coffee, etc., will cause the paper it hits to quickly disintegrate and cause a sizeable hole in that page and if it's a larger amount of liquid it will quickly cause integration down into further pages.


    Plus production and sale of the new paper will be highly controlled internationally.


    Plus there's a check coming that will facilitate immigration officials, any country, to do a quick check to test for fake passports printed on not-standard paper.




    in my experience immo weren't the main problem it was the airline staff to even allow you to get to immo to board the flight in the first place

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Nong Khai Man said:

    My Mate just got his new one back in 10 Days......Is This a RECORD ??

    mine was about 10 days year before last. i think i put it in friday to trendy and got email back for pick up a week monday after. good service.

    that passport was also water damaged, they were concerned with the photo on the main page. couldn't leave vietnam on one airline as they wouldn't let me through despite flying in with them less than a week before, got a ticket through  different airline and was fine.

    thai immo were always fine but was once asked to show further ID once at swampy but they were fine too, used thai driving licence. in the end i knew it was getting to be a hassle so got a new one.

    oh. if you're british the new passports are pretty well waterproof although stamps could be smeared.

    i know this as i jumped in a pool with my new one not long after i got it. good quality

    • Like 2
  13. 13 hours ago, humbug said:



    be unhappy in ones life and take it out on dobbing in a foreigner walking into 7-11 by contacting a 24 hr hotline.


    Thats after the police start checking other nations citizens like Nigeria


    but if you are chinese immigrant from the last 100

    years you can own land, citizenship the works

    if you are pretty much any immigrant you can apply for citizenship if you meet the criteria as you can with many nations

  14. 1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Or the police don't bother even trying to administer one -- depending on how pretty or influential or rich the offending person is. No test, no case later for drunk driving.


    At least in this case, the BA level info suggests that they did in fact do a test somewhere in the process.



    this is the thing though. the outcomes the same. bit of money to the bib and some to the civic driver. next day as normal

    • Like 1
  15. 4 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

    Ok have a seat here we go:

    It's obvious it was the Civics fault.   

    (Sarcastic Commentary)


    HiSo Benz, and their like, rule the country

    (Cynical, but realistic observance of Thailand)



    (Knowing that it WAS the Benz fault AND nothing will be done we might as well move on to the next case of  HiSo's getting away with it).

    i think it's a CLA so not hiso. enough to pay the bib and no doubt the civic driver. there was no real harm done. kind of normal here isn't it?

    had the civic driver been the knob he would have had to pay the bib and the merc driver. same shit mate. not hisos

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