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Posts posted by eddy-ham

  1. Yes, usually the guy phones his partner in the cinema who is filming and he brings the film around.I know this since on the DVDs I have you can definately hear the mobile ring and then there is a shacking of the camera in the jacket as the guy passes the coat to his girlfriend to continue filming while he delivers the film.

  2. It was a blatant BS call from the ref, We would play england anywhere in the world I think, you can have the home court advantage, it wouldnt matter.

    We only have 20mill people, and we are the best in the world at alot of sports. Soccer will be next

    1. Its football.

    2. 20 million but most of them in other countries.

    3. Best in the world at what? Cricket? Aussie rules?Swimming? Rounders?Netball? Inline skating? Surfing?

    Boreing everybody to death at the bars about sport?

  3. Now that we've proven ourselves on the world stage it would be great to have a regular Ashes type Aus vs England football game. There was talk about it after the last friendly that we won but it didnt eventuate. Once every 18 months with the venue alternating between England and Oz would be ideal.

    I'm sure it would be a sell out and a big TV event.

    Big problem with this is where would the matches be played.Most of you HOME matches are played in Europe since ALL your players would be here.It would be a B International as the last one was

    and after a few years have little or no meaning except to the Austrailians.We found that this also happened with the football home internationals we dropped these since most of the matches were one sided,a shame since the Scot would really be worth playing in their current state.

    I really think that if you stick to you own sports(ie ones that you are world champions at Aussie rules ect) you will have a better development.

    As to the Italy match, 11 against 10 not cricket really.The Aussie full back obviouly went to ground to early and the Italian do what they do best, fell over him......easy decision for the ref.....

    Please will all the Aussies stop whinnging.....you lost....

  4. We would beat the poms anyday of the week

    1. The Aussies are out of the World Cup, England are still in...

    We've played Brazil, Croatia, Italy and 3 refs. England has played ........

    Every team that has been placed in front of them and not lost!!!!!!!!!

    2. Currently England holds The Ashes...

    With the help of two South Africans, a Welshman and A PNG player. (just a few more months to justice day!)

    Belive is or not Wales is within the selection area of the Selectors, I know you are old but the MCC touring side passed away a long time ago.

    Did you not have a South African operner and a Tasmanian operner some years ago?

    3. Currently England holds The Rugby World Cup...

    Please read ..You do not hold the world cup at rugby,you lost it at home to England, you cannot hold the world cup at rugby until you play in the final and WIN !!!!

    Old history. Australia crapped on England in two test matches played this month! .....

    4. Aussies and English are now both as <deleted> as each other at tennis...

    Nearly right. Hewitt has just won the Queens Tournament for the forth or fifth time and has a couple of grand slams.

    Sorry but Hewitt as you say is history

    Any other sports you play apart from Aussie "No Rules" Football...???

    Virtually everything and we can beat England in all of them.


    As per a previous mail.............one game and they THINK they are world champions

    as a New Zealand guy said when I asked how far Austrail was from New Zealand....reply NOT FAR ENOUGH :D

    Hee, hee. Touched a nerve there!!!


  5. Well I guess we cant win every sport

    Yeah - who currently has the Ashes and the Rugby World Cup? :D

    We will not retain them of course but we have them in our sweaty mitts right now

    We always have had The Ashes even when we lost. Can't let the ole bread thieves get their hands on the real ones. :o:D

    You just knew it, as soon as they (Aussies) start thinking they are world beaters in football the rest of the sporting comunity will have to listen to their continual chat through out the sporting world about how great they are and how poor the rest of the world are at any sport.They should be banned form the next World Cup on the grounds that half their team is Croatian, none if any play in thier home competion, most of their home international matches are played in other countries and if you can't beat a team with 10 men then who are you going to beat............ :D

  6. There is an enormous thread on the main site regarding foreign ownership of land. I would recommed anyone to read it if at all interested in this subject. Here is my 25 satang worth. As a farang working in a law firm in Samui, working with Thai lawyers, I can briefly say the following;

    1. Foreigners cannot own land in Thailand.

    Hello ,

    Many thanks for the well written unbiased opinion.Most replies are sent through biased glasses from people burnt from previous experiences or in the castle looking down on the people trying to get in.

    Having been in the position where I was able to loses just a small deposit I have decided to do so and wait and see. Over the last few years people have come to realise that Thailand is a excellent development location, no taxes,easy laws ect. The cost of land has risen way beyond most Thais ability to buy and thas given the government a problem and caused resentment from the Thais.I am from London, prices rose the same there, the same happened.I have decided to sit on the fence since I am sure this will blow over and 15 yrs time we shall look back and wonder what the problem was. But as for now I think the prices will hold for 6 months until a new directive or Law is passed.I do not want to invest in a property in a market that is stagnating.There will be a kick back from this since many developers have pre ordered meterials and have cash flows that the banks will need to see materializing, so there I also see problems in the short term.Ideally a new 99year lease would be ideal.Since there is no government this could take a time. As stated I do not think this is aimed at the retiree just the developers, the golden gooses is just having a holiday.

  7. Hi,

    Reading all this negative information regarding hoses, land ect.It really amazes me that so many of the apparent negative thought, vibes are originating from people who live in Thailand.

    Do all the residents live here with their Thai wives? Do they rent?

    Own condos?Lease?

    Can we see how they have avoided the curent problem before answering the problem raised.

  8. Hi,

    Many thanks, the lease idea seems OK but since the head lease is held with the bank what happens with the land after 30yrs.

    Can the lease contract be written so that the existing leasee (house owner) is offered the house

    for a further 30 years at a nominal rent?

    The idea of spending 1m Baht at a club in Pattaya does have an appeal if only for a fleating second. :o

  9. Hi,

    Many thanks to you all for the comments.I have had lots of involvment with the leasehold legal side

    of property and usually you can renegotiate the lease.

    One other question,

    It has been ugested that the land is leased from a bank.

    A)How could this be done, ie monies, sale

    :o Same as above but from the developer...not really a option with the current state.

  10. Hi, Has nobody offered to send the lady one, I live in Hamburg 2km from the Reiperbahn, shops full of them, selection would be a problem but I am sure the will send via mail,not cheap though 20$ plus so a local pruchase would be easier if not.........reply


  11. Just paid a vist to this site with the interesting title'What o women want in a man`'

    Most of the men, boys, guys I know are not into rodents so really girls you have a completly different set of values that you require.

    However ,Goldfish now there's a different stroy....................... :o

  12. Hi,

    Thanks, are there problems if you wish to sell the property that is held on a lease?

    You can do a 30 year lease on the property and put the house in your name. With the seller, tell them instead of buying, you want to lease the land for 30 years. If they won't do that, get a Thai bank to buy the land and do a 30 year lease with the bank. This is all registered at the land dept.

  13. Hi,

    Many thanks for the info from you all.

    At present I am in aposition where I can walk away from a property in Pattaya and just lose a small deposit ,I would like to buy a property but the present climate there seems to be unstable.

    I am not a developer but do not want to invest 100K and next week find the market has fallen 20%

    or the Land Dept are looking into the way my house has been purchased/registered.

    I do not have a Thai wife (2 European ones sorted that out) so another named party is out.

    Any of you experinced lads have any suggestions of how a house can be owned here with some security besides''don't buy''.

    PS ;I was offered the Buy Now Transfer later deal 1 month ago, from a European view of Bussiness Law it seemed OK.

  14. Hi,

    Prehaps you can explain this little chapter from a developer who I was thinking of buying from.

    Are you a natural or juristic person?

    Under the Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand a juristic person enjoys the same rights and is subject the same duties as a natural person.

    The Alien Business Operations Acts and Section 97 of the Land Code provide that alien person includes a juristic person with half of the shares constituting its capital held by alien. Therefore, a company has the same rights as a Thai Person.

    Under Section 1144 of the Civil and Commercial Code, every limited company shall be managed by a director or directors under the control of the general meeting of shareholders and according to the by-law of the company.

    Tax aspects

    A company is liable to corporate tax only if it makes profit from the business in any fiscal year. A dormant company will not pay any tax but the returns and the balance sheet have to be filed as usual, once annually for the balance sheet and twice for tax returns.

    There is no property tax on your property if you keep the property for your own use and not for commercial purposes.


    Foreigners are entitled to acquire mortgages in their favour as collateral for financial support to Thais. There is no period limit on such mortgage. Again, the mortgage fee is 1% of the amount involved.

    Now in plain English...........please

  15. Don't mean to throw a spanner in the works but I was under the impression that Building Permit applications could be made only by the land title owner, makes sense?

    Remember the foreigner has a 30 year lease, so he can apply for the building permit in his name.


    I was thinking of property over here but at present the state of the market seems

    pretty murcky and unstable.I don't really want to pay a price now and see the market fall 20%

    in the next year.

    However, attached below is the offical sale speak from the company I was interested in buying from, can anybody give comments on it in a serious manner..All help will be appreciated::::



    Under the Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand a juristic person enjoys the same rights and is subject the same duties as a natural person.

    The Alien Business Operations Acts and Section 97 of the Land Code provide that alien person includes a juristic person with half of the shares constituting its capital held by alien. Therefore, a company has the same rights as a Thai Person.

    Under Section 1144 of the Civil and Commercial Code, every limited company shall be managed by a director or directors under the control of the general meeting of shareholders and according to the by-law of the company.

  16. Nice to see some justice done.I do however having read the details and see bail was refused which to me is correct.Do not understand how the Thai girlfriend who arranged the killing of her boyfriend managed to get out of jail on bail!

    The other guy who killed himself how come he was out and not inside?

  17. Hi ,

    Having read most of the comments about Pattaya for and against, really it is all about personal choose. To say that ALL the people here are low life is

    pretty narrow minded and indicates a holyier than thou attitude.

    I visit here live in Jomtien, play golf, meet friends and holiday, there is nowhere else in the world where it is so easy for me to arrange a holiday,

    hotel walk into a golf society (Lewinski's) and hookup with some great and golf, golf and golf.

    The other attractions are here, if you want them go if you don't fine, but really NOBODY is in a position to condemn everybody who is here

    as the same type of people in one sentence.

    Having traveled most of Asia, Europe and Africa all these places have the same areas in their big cities, I live in Hamburg, yes we have one,

    yes there's drunks, yes there's rip offs and mostly its the people who weekend trip and don't know the rules who get caught.

    The girls are controlled by the pimps , the bars are controlled by the underworld, the police let it go on since its an attraction to the city that

    the business people like.....................just like...................most places..

    One big thing I have learnt traveling smile it always help, you are a guest in their country, behave as you would wish them to behave in your country

    and smile................ :o

  18. HI,

    Nice picture, have you ever seen this guy exibitions?

    Here in Germany they seem to go for this type of thing a lot, some contries banned it.I had a look at a few pieces and decided that it was to much for me.

    By the way nice pic and nice scence of humour in most of your posts,makes a change from the usual groaning of people in a beautiful country.


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