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Posts posted by samuisam

  1. Can I put in my two cents here:

    IMHO the game being played in Thailand and the rest of the world is simple - the ruling elite blames all of the countries problems on "The Americans" in order to misdirect the public from the real problem - the ruling elite in most countries has an vastly unequal share of the wealth;  this is especially true of Thailand.  

    Also, I am wary of the individuals who post racist comments against people they don't know just because of the country they were born in.

  2. Great idea - will help stop the women from being exploited with the right laws and union rules in place.

    I know it is legal in USA (Nevada), Holland, and Australia and many others - where else?

    It was legal in Hawaii until the late 1940's.  But they adopted stringent rules to keep the women downtrodden including making it illegal for them to own land, cars, or even put their money in a bank!

    The best law I know of is the one they have in Australia which says that NO MEN MAY BE ALLOWED TO BE INVOLVED IN THE PROSTITUTION OF WOMEN EXCEPT AS CUSTOMERS!  (No pimps, brothel owners are women).

  3. these folks love dogs and may be able to help -

    Dog Rescue Center Samui

            Brigitte Gomm

            112 / 35 Moo 6, Bophut

            Koh Samui, 84320 Suratthani - THAILAND        

    Phone:       0066 77 413 490 or 0066 1 893 94 43        

    e-Mail:       [email protected]      

    The Dog Rescue Center Samui is located close to the Laem          Din Market in Chaweng.        



              Lilly Jenzer, Via Giulia 16, 6855 Stabio, Tel.: 0041 9164 71972

  4. If anyone is interested in these tests, there is a grat thread at Nanaplaza.com under Health, then 7covered=1bareback.

    There is a new test out called Oraquick - also by Abbott Labs - available near Patpong for 500THB.  USFDA approved.

  5. Someone needs to star selling/manufacturing the Purell hand sanitizer which works without water.  

    Basically, it is jellied isopropyl alchohol, which is what surgeons use to wash up with before surgery.

    You can make this stuff dirt cheap and it would be great for reducing infections in thailand, where so many bathrooms are unsanitary.

  6. Peeter - I do not know how clearing works.

    There are two prices listed for stocks on the SET.  One price is higher - it is what I would pay.  The other price is for Thais - it is cheaper and what they would pay.  

    Simply buy shares at a Thai price and instantly sell to a falang at the falang price and you make a profit!  Or, just wait for any falang to buy any stock at anytime, purchase the stock at the discount price and immediatly sell it for a profit.

    There is one price listed on the DOW.  It is the same price anyone would pay.  I prefer to work in simple straight forward systems.

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