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Posts posted by samuisam

  1. MOST EXCITING POST in thaivisa - guys please let us know how it works out!

    Don't lose your friendship over someone who is playing your hearts.

    Butterfly - prostitution is an honest exchange, though dangerous for the body and difficult for the heart.  Having a few lovers overseas and being honest about it is a thing most foriegners can handle.  

    Breaking hearts, deceiving, and destroying peoples belief in love and all that is good in order to make money has heavy karmic consequences.

  2. What would be helpful, I think, is a process for regulating prostitution (as in Australia, Nevada (USA), the Netherlands and elswhere)  This way the women can become regular, valued members of society, and aquire wealth, respect and political clout.

    This would include:


    Minimum (high) wages

    Health and medical benefits and VD testing

    a retirement plan

    child care services

    legal services


    The Thai establishment has been feeding off these women for years, and ripping them off with high interest loans and the like, it is time they were protected.

  3. Does anyone know where I could buy the Abbot Laboratories Determine HIV 3-minute rapid test?  (even in lots of 100)

    They are currently unavailable for private purchase worldwide, but I once was able to buy 100 of these from a Thai Doctor.  They are used in 50% of the worlds hospitals.  We Paid $2.75 ea. US three years ago.

  4. I agree, the United States was set up to be a republic, not a democracy, to prevent the majority from enslaving the minority.

    Everyone check out that original US Constitution - Bill of Rights - it is a very good starting point.   What other countries have good constitutions that should be being discussed by Iraqis and the world right now?

    And, oh yeah, when do the Iraqis get representation in the US Congress.  We fought a war with the English over the phrase - "No taxation without representation!"

  5. The US Constitution and Bill of Rights should be translated and distributed widely.

    But what the Islamic world really longs for is a revolution of human conciousness similar to what has been taking place in the West since the 1960's, with leaders such as Ghandi, ML King, John Lennon and others.   Unfortunately this is the last thing that the Bush-Blair team can fathom, as they are still stuck in the pre-sixties world.  



  6. State-enforced religious laws apply to Muslims and include regulation of family matters and courting. For example, men and unmarried women face up to two months in jail and fines if they are convicted of khalwat, or close proximity, a crime akin to adultery applying to unchaperoned meetings.

    I worry about what laws I may be breaking unknowingly when I go to Malaysia.  Have the Malaysian lawbooks been translated to English?

    I think the following would be beneficial to Malaysia, and would attract visitors and retirees:

    Seperation of Church and State (the state should have no part in enforcing the laws of a religion)

    Freedom from Islamic religious law

    Freedom of speech

    Equality for women

    Understanding that all people are created equal.

  7. You may also try for a type-o visa, perhaps.  

    What most people do ther is give their visa to one of the travel agencies that send it to Malaysia and get it stamped for a fee.  a reliable one is the one in the main intersection in Lamai across from the supermarket, the one with the electric doors that slide open.  (Lamai travel?) it is air conditioned.  This may be illegal, so i can't say that i've ever done it.

    Also, if you haven't checked this stuff out before now - you are definitely in the danger zone of having your money and house stolen, or worse.  

    Read every entry on this board, and watch out for hucksters - thai and falang!

  8. Pridi Banyomyong(?) is the father of Thai Democracy.  Read his works, and follow the struggle that the people are still fighting.  Also check out See Phandin - a movie about the change from Monarchy to the first democracy, before all the military coups. (It is also a book - means 4 reigns, I think)
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