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Everything posted by Millcx

  1. All visitors will die but for a price they can stop that happening with a special document
  2. And where do you think they will go .. To photograph Temples? - I think not sort out Bsrs Resturants and Nightclubs or give every tourist a free book to read as they have to go to bed at 11pm
  3. About time after all the negative rubbish aimed at Europeans … We spend unlike the puppet Chinese and Indian masters
  4. Should have been scrapped by now .. Thailand trailing the world while elite make money
  5. WHO .. China's puppets … And Thailand wants to wake up .. but they won’t 5555
  6. Because they can’t agree best way to make rip off money when they do … That’s why Vietnam and Cambodia is getting the visits before Land of False Smiles
  7. And pre-covid it was on a major decline due to double pricing and crazy rip off visa trails .. Thailand can’t have it both ways … 1% comes for photographing Temples .. Someone needs to speak up
  8. TAT should now overinflated these figures to entice 100 million rich Indians to come to spend 15 million baht each in a week
  9. A U turn that is easily seen for what it is … Maybe the Scandle of the Police inspector who had to run and hide in Australia is catching up on them
  10. Exactly … Old Bernie Biden thinks these 2 guys will deflect from Southern border 555555
  11. Think YOU should get over saying we are all annoyed about it … A few loony liberals might be but rest don’t give it a second thought … Biggest concern is Double Pricing which should be voiced more …. Sticks and Stones … But suppose you are giving the TAT Tits a bit of respite “;0) 55555
  12. I guess nobody told TAT that millions are being camp forced to lockdown in Chinese cities 55555 … Bang goes the 50 baht a day crowd “;0)
  13. Gonna milk it to get the Last Baht … Some fools only care for themselves while the rest suffer … Time for Stocktake !!!!!! Open the Country and stick your next booster where sun don’t shine … Herd immunity has always been the way forward … Geez only have to watch first 8 series of The Walking Dead 55555
  14. The World knows that until the bars are allowed to get their licences at full swing and lights flashing … Then Thailand will just be another Scarborough with Sunshine …. No doubt TAT will hail this as 10 million spending 500K a week
  15. People are not Stupid ANYMORE .. This mob couldn’t prepare for a pissup in a brewery … Now that’s a fact
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