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Posts posted by DonTron

  1. Baaah.. you guys are all a bunch of old whiners :o

    Last year when I went to play with my staff it was great fun everywhere. Ok we didn’t go to the bad areas, and I heard it was a bit more hardcore there.

    In fact the only fight I saw was a German and a Brit who obvious didn’t get the message that at Songkran you throw water at each other, not beer bottles.

    Ok – to be perfectly honest, I would wish that Songkran only lasted one day and then it was over – so now who is the whiner :-D

  2. Thats not entirely true.

    The massive days in Pattaya is the 18th for Naklua and the 19th for Pattaya Klang/Tai

    These are the days where the roads are full and water/powder everywhere.

    The rest of the time its pretty quiet, well at least in Naklua.

    Here me and my staff getting ready for battle :-)


  3. I have lived here 2 years now and I go out every night, so here is the hot-list.....

    #1 MumAroi - take a bathbus and say "Mum-Aroy Soi 4" and he will take you to the end of Naklua road to a fantastic restaurant right on the beach with some of the best Thai food Pattaya has to offer

    #2 Mantra - Go down to the roundabout where Amari hotel is, and walk a bit down to their Mantra restaurant at the corner of Beach Road - this is the most upscale place in Pattaya with 6 different kitchens and great food

    #4 Mama Duck - Opposite Woodland and a bit up the road is a little place with a german hand-written sign outside. It looks like a crappy little restaurant with tables setup all the way out to the street, but the food is awsome and its almost always full

    #5 Across from Woodland is World Sports Restaurant, they got a good range of foods and make great Thaifood also.

    These are the places I usually go.

  4. >>Police are investigating and have informed Mr. Delplanque that it is up to him if he wants to take the case further.

    If the roles were reversed, would it still be " up to her"?

    Yeah steelepulse, that one caught me too.

    Usually the law is the law and nothing the victim can say or do will change the fact that she stabbed him and therefor should be punished according to law.

    Perhaps the thai law has a clause saying... "eehhhh if the victim agrees that you stab him, then its ok to do it daah"


  5. Here in Naklua/Pattaya things look like Business as usual. I would even say a bit better than last year cause I had to wait for a table at my favorite restaurant, that never happened before, also the local cafe "La Bagette" was totally packed today with no free tables at all for hours.

    Also I have heard of people having trouble finding rooms at the moment, especially in the 1000-3000 baht range. There are still plenty of rooms in the 200-500 bath range and of cause in the 10,000 to 50,000 bath range :o (yes we do have several of such hotels here)

  6. Im sure you can get realtors down to 2-3% but then you will have to fight against scammers and fraud (un-fair properties as an example)

    You get what you pay for and Town & Country is definately one of the best realtors in Pattaya. I have used them for 80% of my deals and they have never let me down.

  7. Currently the worst must be FashionClub, for the following reasons:

    1) I paid 380 Bath for a beer... Auch! - My friend paid 500 Bath for a bucket of ice... more Auch! :o


    3) You have to pay each time you get a drink, no building up a bill

    4) You are now forced to order food if you sit at a table. (fruit or popcorn at 250 Bath)

    5) It smells like wet dog because of the drinks-soaked carpets :D

    That said.. the girls are still pretty hot :D

  8. Dumbest crooks I have ever seen no gloves 2 of them no disguise. & leaving prints everywhere

    This really shows the desperation for money these poor Thais have. I think you did the right thing just giving them the stuff and letting them leave. If you had shot all 3 of them then the next batch of desperate thieves will not hit anyone with a frying pan, they would simply just kill everyone in the house, so I think you did the right thing!

    And if you got away with shooting them, then how can you ever be sure that their families will not come after you. Remember these people are so far down that they really have nothing to lose.

    Losing a few bath is nothing against losing your life. You did good Beardog :-)

    After reading this I am putting up security cams - I want to have two fake cams out on the wall and four hidden micro cams placed around the house and garden. Lets see if they can figure that out :-D

  9. I have another, unfortunately I didnt take a photo.

    It was on the billboard at Ananya Condo where a piece of paper first said a lot in Thai, and followed by a few lines in English:

    "tomorrow please smoke the poison insect in room"

    I wonder if they are talking about those Jabaa flies? :-D

  10. You know what is really funny? Most of those Uzbeki girls all have expired tourist visas and yet all the police do is fine them 1500 Baht, slap them on the wrist and send them right back on WalkingStreet. The reason I know is that we were eating at a table next to 4 of them, so we asked.

    It turned out one of the 4 girls had been arrested 3 times and her tourist visa expired in November 2007.

    So forget about all this trouble getting Non-B visas and work permits, if you get busted just tell the immigration that you are an Uzbeki prostitute and they will send you on your way :o

  11. lets see the Real Estate Companies run for cover. Hang on to your money.

    Yada yada yada... prove it! Show me where in Pattaya to get cheap real estate from all those companies and owners who "run for cover". I send out 20-30 offers each week and all I can see is that Pattaya prices are still going up. So if you truly believe this crash, then how come nobody is reacting by lowing prices?

    That goes for everyone out there - if you hear about anyone wanting to sell below market value, then please send me a private message cause I would be more than happy to give them an offer.

    If you're looking for poor people, you're in the wrong country. Only 10% of Thais live below the poverty line, about the same as most wealthy nations. Take a trip to Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines to experience true poverty where about 50% live below the poverty line.

    Not to mention Myanmar (Burma) where poverty is a soaring 70%. That country (and Bangladesh) are by far the worst countries I have ever been to.

  12. Sutaerp is claiming self defense and because the incident occurred inside his property it is unlikely the case will be taken any further according to Police

    So all we have to do is invite our enemies to our homes and shoot them or what? :o

    This is sooo much different from back home - in Denmark you even get jail time if you try to apprehend the thief yourself. You are supposed to call the police and then passively sit down and wait while the thief robs you blind and rapes your wife etc. This Danish law got a lot of criticism on this one but the police defends the it with "so far nobody was ever shot or killed during a break-in in Denmark" and that is actually true. When burglars knows that the "victims" don’t have guns/weapons they are not likely to bring any weapons themselves, so this works a bit better than the American “shoot first” approach hehe :D

    (that said I would definitely NOT sit passively by if someone came uninvited to my home!!)

  13. just dont be silly enough to pay a developer 200% profit for building you a breeze block apartment in the sky

    Thanks for the advise spiderman2, but dont worry. My investments are usually in Raimonland, Ananya and such quality. I dont buy "blimps" (I dont know the english slang for "luftkastellen" :o )

  14. The 1-page pamphlet is of the poorest quality ever produced in real estate land.... :o


    Thats true LaoPo, but the location is actually quite good and within walking distance of DongTan beach (which btw is great).

    If they actually plan to build this I might consider investing.

    (but it wont be thru a "100% GUARANTEE 100% GET RICH QUICK 100% RETURN" scheme hehehe)

    We should go check it out one of these days.

  15. I could let you have details of lots of people dropping their prices by 30 to 40% - but I won't as I think your obviously living in dreamland and i don't know where that is!

    Do you think that world depression - and most curriencies currently down 30% on the baht don't/aren't having an affect. Come out of the rabbit hole :o Hehehe!

    Hi misterman21, if you know of anyone dropping their condos/houses by 30-40% then please let me know. You can write me a private message to keep it confidential. I would even be willing to give you a cut if you have access to really great deals.

    About dreamland, when I buy a condo for 9,3 mill and 10 months later sell it for 14,2 mill then I really feel that this IS wonderland, and I love this rabbithole :D

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