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Everything posted by ColeBOzbourne

  1. I agree. But also must say you have handled it all well. You didn't lower yourself to their level, and you have replied kindly to everyone that tried to be supportive.
  2. Based on the title of your OP and your post, it seems your real question was if the criminality in Thailand has increased. Maybe you were not looking for suggestions regarding how to deal with the robbery. You probably would have got entirely different feedback if you hadn't mentioned it was your wife that got robbed. You could have said, "A woman in my small town was robbed..." I know, a little late now. But for future reference, I think removing any personal aspects from it tends to reduce the sarcasm and attracts a much different reaction from the negative crowd. Had you not mentioned it was your wife, this thread might have gone in an entirely different direction.
  3. No, not insinuating anything at all. Actually, I just had the impression from the beginning of your post that you were not in Thailand based on the way you phrase things. Maybe I assumed others had the same impression. So it caught my attention when other posters made suggestions for you to, "Go to the bank and see the video. Go to the police. Go to the media." I was just curious to whether it was possible for you to take action yourself, or if your wife was handling this on her own and keeping you informed long distance. I'm sorry to hear about your ordeal and wish the best for both of you.
  4. Maybe I missed it somewhere but, just out of curiosity, are you actually in Thailand at the moment or possibly back in your own country. From most of your comments I had the feeling you were not here now, and found it interesting that you did not go to the police station with her. Are you in Thailand helping her through this now, or is she relaying all this to you long distance?
  5. Nice to see you back again.
  6. I think there is something to that. I often wonder if living the simple life doesn't correlate to increased happiness in Thailand. Many people attempt to make life more convenient for themselves by buying a house, condo, car, motorcycle, mountains of material things, etc.. Only to have to then deal with Thai bureaucracy, red tape, documentation, storage, moving, traffic, parking, license, maintenance, insurance, utility companies, traffic cops, etc.. Seems to me it makes life more complicated.
  7. Why do you call "quotation marks" (parentheses)? Is that some kind of secret code?
  8. I did not hear the Loi Kratong song playing over the loudspeakers in any stores in Bangkok that I went to, as they normally do. Yesterday, Loi Kratong Day, I heard Christmas Music in one store. Is the pandemic to blame for that too?
  9. You seem to spend a lot of time watching older farangs and what they do. Also creepy.
  10. Same here. Never use credit cards, have never bought anything online in my life, and don't own a smartphone...never felt the need to and have never regretted it.
  11. I saw her up in the stands when I was playing baseball. I went straight up and said, "Buy yourself a dress and do something with that hair. We're getting married on Sunday. Don't be late!"
  12. Why not be dignified and proud? Loud gets attention, but not always positive attention. Loud is obnoxious.
  13. Your average is 1.730353280461428 posts per day in case you were wondering.????
  14. Read the fine print on the terms and conditions of the policy. It's probably right there.
  15. Probably the same Europeans that bash Americans at every opportunity for giving tips for good service and to people who actually need the extra help.
  16. Lower your expectations. Not always easy to do. A guy in my building has high expectations that he has the right to sleep until noon in pure, uninterrupted silence. If he hears a vacuum cleaner down the hall, or a hammer upstairs, he flies into a rage and gets his adrenaline pumping and goes to confront them. The next time it happens he gets even angrier until he's so worked-up that any little noise sets him off. It's like walking down the sidewalk here. Don't expect everyone to clear you a path, no obstacles, no motorcycles. Set your mind ahead of time that it's part of life here and try to come to terms with it. If possible, even relax and try to enjoy it. I spent a few years living in a motorhome and stayed in truck stops frequently. Trucks driving in and out, generators running all night, instead of fighting it, I laid there and enjoyed listening and it lulled me to sleep. But I realize everyone has limitations. Those stupid sound effects on Thai television yank my chain when I'm trying to sleep and I'll never come to peace with that.
  17. Personally, I enjoy the sounds of roosters crowing no matter the time of night and how close they are. Peacocks, guineas, geckos, frogs too. Some of the many soothing sounds of nature that help me relax. The constant yipping and barking of dogs close by is another story, but I can block it out when needed. Getting yourself all worked-up about it is the bigger problem.
  18. As with any weight loss thread, the Armchair Dieticians and Wanna-be Wellness Coaches come crawling out of the woodwork. Disregard their ridiculous and radical suggestions. My program is the one that works. I am a certified SAIC (Self-Certified Anonymous Internet Consultant) and have years of experience with OKKS (Obnoxious Keyboard Know-it-All Services). Follow these six easy steps. Trust me. I guarantee it. Step 1: When you weigh yourself, only put one foot on the scale. You will notice a rapid and dramatic improvement on day one. Trust me. Step 2: Stop wearing clothes in public. As you fly down the road on your scooter, or stroll through Lotus and Terminal-21, people will point and laugh at your soggy, droopy naked body. You will overhear snickering and comments like, “Look, he’s pregnant,” “His boobs are bigger than mine,” and “Oh, that’s gross!”. Humiliation is the fuel that fires motivation. This will keep you on track. Trust me. Step 3: Fasting. Prepare three enormous meals per day, anything you like. Pizza, pasta, bacon cheeseburgers, anything. Set the table, sit down, but don’t eat it. Just stare at it, and smell it. It feeds the soul, that’s why they call it soul food. Between meals you can look at snacks, and smell them. Follow that regiment daily forever. Drink only water, and only from an empty beer bottle. It gives the sensation that you’re enjoying a cold brew. You earned it! And stop breathing air. Breathe only helium. It counteracts the effects of gravity. This sounds difficult, but you can do it. Trust me. Step 4: If you find yourself craving food, leave your television on 24 hours/day tuned to either CNN or FOX News. It will curb your appetite. Should you happen to fall off the wagon and consume some food, don’t beat yourself up, just watch any interaction between Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo, the part where they say, “I love you Bro. I love you too Bro. Well, I love you MORE Bro. No Bro, I love YOU more. Kiss kiss hug hug” That will trigger strong gag reflexes and reverse peristalsis, promptly expelling the contents of your stomach. Trust me. Step 5: DIY Liposuction. It’s not rocket science. Easily done yourself in the comfort of your own home. You’ll need a sharp steel rod and a rubber hose. Insert, scrape, suck, spit, repeat. Detailed instructions are all on my website. Trust me. Step 6: DIY Amputations and Organ Removals. Four limbs are a luxury, not a necessity. Start with the weaker arm and leg. Your overall weight will decrease rapidly, and the added struggle of hobbling around on crutches will burn calories. Also, begin with non-vital organs. Since your not eating, 25 feet of those intestines can go. Use them for jump ropes. Get creative! One kidney, one lung, and one lobe of the liver is sufficient. Humans only use 10% of their brain. Many members of this forum get by with far less than that. The rest of that brain can go. You can do all this yourself at home. No problem. Job done. Note: complete your organ removals before lopping off that second arm. It’s easier than trying to hold a scalpel between your teeth. Don’t follow these other posters down a path that could decrease your quality of life or put you at risk of danger. You’ve seen my qualifications. My advice is the best. It’s all on my website. I guarantee that every part of my program is 100% guaranteed. Trust me.
  19. The acronym now grows to 2SLGBTQQIA: Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual. If you see this on a parking space in Germany, find another spot. Much like Handicapped Parking, now some places have designated "2SLGBTQQIA Parking Only". They call them "Diversity Spaces". Soon coming to a parking lot near you.
  20. A business on the edge of town agreed to dispose of my remains for free. I can't remember the name of the company, Soylent Green or something like that.
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