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Posts posted by ColeBOzbourne

  1. 23 hours ago, tomgreen said:

    Is there any one else here that just like myself can’t understand the need to constantly have your face buried in your mobile phone .

    I had the same feelings as you when I saw parents come to 'watch' their children graduate from school, or participate in a performance such as sports, a play, or a school band concert. Instead of looking up at their children's accomplishments, the parents sat in the audience and stared at their phones. Now and then the sound of applause would snap them out of it so they would glance up, but then quickly return to their precious phones.

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, CharlieH said:

    You dont know how to cut n paste into Google translate, the FREE service, give it a go, very simple.

    In my experience with Google Translate in several languages is that it is great for words and short phrases. For longer passages it will give you a general idea, but if you are concerned about specifics it is not so great. Here's how GT translates the message above:


    "At that time Brother Fai played tinder. So let's download and play. I see you the first sentence that greeted you. Eat beer ???????? because at that time he was drunk."


    Regarding the OP's specific question, I believe there is still room for some confusion.

  3. The following was taken from a link in a news alert sent out by the American Embassy. See #9:


    Venues and gatherings under the BMA’s restrictions are:

    1. Cinemas and theatres.
    2. Waterparks and amusement parks.
    3. Zoos.
    4. Skate and rollerblade venues, or other similar venues.
    5. Snooker and billiard halls.
    6. Bowling lanes and gaming kiosks.
    7. Gaming and Internet shops.
    8. Swimming pools and similar service venues.
    9. Fitness centres.
    10. Exhibition halls, trade centres, and convention facilities.
    11. Museums.
    12. Libraries.
    13. Children’s nurseries except in hospitals.
    14. Elderly day care centres except overnight services.
    15. Boxing stadiums and boxing schools.
    16. Martial arts schools.
    17. Tattoo service shops.
    18. Dancing schools or similar service venues.
    19. Horse racetracks.
    20. Buddha amulet sales stalls.
    21. Weight-control service venues, cosmetic clinics, aesthetic clinics, and medical clinics that offers aesthetic treatments.
    22. Health spas, massage shops, and beauty treatment shops.
    23. All types of racetracks.
    24. Public event grounds; such as, concert stages, Thai folk theatres, and outdoor cinemas.
    25. Meeting and banquet venues both in and outside hotels.
    26. Sports stadiums.
    27. Public parks, event grounds, outdoor exercise venues, and sports grounds.
    28. Beauty salons and barber shops can open for hair washing, haircut, and hairstyling, but no queues in premises.
    29. Convenience stores can open from 05.00-22.00 Hrs.
    30. Shopping malls, department stores, community malls can open from *11.00-21.00 Hrs., but are not allowed to hold any sales promotion activities while restaurants must apply social distancing measures.
    31. No gatherings, group camping activities, film or television shootings, religious ceremonies, or family meetings with more than 20 participants.

    In addition, restaurants and food and

  4. 1 hour ago, Pilotman said:

    I wasn't always like this, far from it, but the negative feeling has grown over the years.  Silence is truly golden for me. I wonder how many otters feel the same, or is it just me; again. 

    I'm the same way. I prefer silence or talk-radio podcast from my home state. I used to work with a lady that absolutely hated the sound of birds singing. I couldn't understand that, but to each their own.

  5. 1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

    It was lovely not to have ants about.  But, now our garden is overrun with pests. Beetles eating our coconut trees, huge fat green caterpillars eating the flowers and shrubs, grubs killing the grass, aphids and mealybugs sucking sap from the fruit trees and making them loose all their leaves. 


    I put this down to the lack of ants. The ants are good predators to keep the pests under control.  So now I would not mind if a ant colony or two was to move in. 

    Long ago I read a story about spraying insecticide on an island to kill malaria carrying mosquitos. The spray also killed off the cockroaches. Cockroaches had been eating bedbug larvae, so then the bedbug population exploded. Cats went around feasting on the dead cockroaches and died, resulting in an explosion of the rat population to the point they were chewing the toes off of children in their beds at night. Authorities transplanted new populations of cats and cockroaches onto the island to restore the balance. I don't know if rats really chewed off kid's toes, but it makes for a better story.

    • Haha 2
  6. I'm glad I went back and gave this a second look. At first, I mistakenly thought it was all geared towards learning Isaan which I don't want to confuse myself with just now. But a deeper look revealed a variety of topics and short videos that perfectly match my attention span. I can understand her pretty well, but it takes full concentration. I watch a video once at 0.75X speed, and then a couple of times at normal speed. Brain fatigue sets in and I have to take a break. Doing that a couple of times a day is great practice for listening comprehension. Excellent resource. Thanks.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Andy from Kent said:

    The man is simply pointing out his unhappiness with  loud  music when he goes out for a nice dinner.    Should he be asked to leave the country over such a trifle matter?

    It is well known that when anyone complains about anything on TV, common protocol dictates that others , in turn, will complain about said complaining. If you have a complaint about that, kindly direct your complaints to the complaint department.

  8. In some areas people enjoy noise (of their choosing), and in other places they do not. In Salvador, Brazil they have groups of drummers in the streets constantly pounding so loud it echoes through the city. It's deafening. I once talked to a guy that grew up in Salvador but moved away. He told me what he missed the most was all the noise. To each their own. If you don't like it, go some place to be with like-minded people.

    • Like 2
  9. An unhappy girl pointed out to me that she had pimples. So I asked her why do you have pimples. She said she was allergic to her cheap makeup and it gave her pimples. I asked what she would do. She said she would apply more makeup to hide the pimples. I asked why she didn't stop using the makeup. She said she had to use it, because she had pimples.

    • Haha 2

    On 3/8/2021 at 11:54 AM, ColeBOzbourne said:

    Context Two: Judges were expressing opinions or giving feedback on the meals, and many times started with ความคิดสั้นๆ. I'm thinking it's like saying, "In brief my opinion is..." or "A quick thought of mine is..."

    20 hours ago, tgeezer said:

    I notice that you are treating ความคิดสั้น as a verb phrase when it is an abstract noun. Look for a verb in the dialogue where you found it. 

    Now that my brain is tuned into it I seem to hear it often. Below are some examples of how it was used in combination with a verb. Sometimes the verb was before and sometimes it was after ความคิดสั้นๆ. Judges were choosing between dish-A and dish-B. I typed it up the best I could after hearing the dialogue, I'm sure there are mistakes. The verbs are 'I like', 'I have to go with', 'I believe'.

    ความคิดสั้นๆ เพิยงชอบจาน-A

    ชอบความคิดสั้นๆ จาน-A

    ความคิดสั้นๆ ต้องไปกับจาน-A

    ความคิดสั้นๆ ผมเชื่อจาน-A ดีที่สุด


  11. Yes, thanks tgeezer. That fits very well with context one, and you explained it much better than me. I still wonder about context two where they often began a sentence with ความคิดสั้นๆ, and then went on to express their opinions. It's possible I misunderstood what was happening.

    On 3/8/2021 at 11:54 AM, ColeBOzbourne said:

    Context Two: Judges were expressing opinions or giving feedback on the meals, and many times started with ความคิดสั้นๆ. I'm thinking it's like saying, "In brief my opinion is..." or "A quick thought of mine is..."


  12. I recently heard ความคิดสั้นๆ used multiple times on Master Chef Thailand in a couple of contexts. I would roughly translate it to some type of brief/short thought or idea, but would like to understand it better.


    Context One: Competitors were deciding how to prepare a meal and were told that ความคิดสั้นๆ is not good enough. I'm assuming they needed to put more thought or deeper thought into it. Not just settle for the first quick idea that came to mind.


    Context Two: Judges were expressing opinions or giving feedback on the meals, and many times started with ความคิดสั้นๆ. I'm thinking it's like saying, "In brief my opinion is..." or "A quick thought of mine is..."


    I'm hoping somebody here can give a better translation or do better justice in expressing what is meant by this phrase. Thanks 

  13. 23 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    While I sympathise ( I'm partially deaf myself and hate wearing a hearing aid ), does it not occur to you that going to a public place and shouting is somewhat antisocial? Can you not write things down that have to be conveyed, and keep the shouting till in your own space?

    I used to visit my aunt and when she was past age 80 I had to yell for her to hear. She was lonely and loved to be taken out to eat and she loved to talk. Writing notes when your fingers are covered with hot-wing sauce is less than convenient. I had to talk so loud the entire restaurant could hear me and probably people up and down the block. I didn't feel 'antisocial', maybe embarrassed at times, but she was my aunt and I was happy to do it.

    However, in general I do agree that loud people are annoying and inconsiderate of others.

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  14. At 11 years old I was arrested for throwing a snowball from a moving vehicle into the windshield of another vehicle moving in the opposite direction. The windshield shattered and wicked chaos broke loose from there. I was charged with Assault With A Deadly Weapon. Perhaps the OP, and others here wanting protection, could carry a few snowballs in their pockets. However, beware, the worst part is having to call your dad and tell him to come pick you up from jail.

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