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Everything posted by ColeBOzbourne

  1. My father had a nasty habit of keeping an eye on the neighborhood. When people went out he would go peek in their windows or let himself in their houses as he knew where the spare keys were. He wasn't a thief, but would snoop through all rooms, closets and drawers, read mail, look at documents and tax returns, open the fridge, etc.. We could never get him to stop or even take it serious. His excuse was always the same, "It's OK. If they have nothing to hide it shouldn't be a problem."
  2. Whenever I hand a taxi driver a slip of paper with an address written on it, they invariably flip the paper over and study whatever scribbling is on the other side. It could be Granny's recipe for fruit cake, it doesn't matter, they're determined to figure it out. I tell them to flip the paper back and only look at that address. They glance at it, then flip over the paper and continue studying the back again. It's easier just to make sure nothing is written on the opposite side of the address.
  3. It was open this morning.
  4. Black-Eyed (Peas)
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