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Posts posted by observer90210

  1. 6 minutes ago, Morch said:


    What is obvious is that you need a reality check. I have fully quoted your post, and further highlighted the part I was referring to. There is no obligation to address the entire post, and there was no change in context nor any manipulation. You will not answer because you have no reasonable answer.

    well if that makes you feel better......... to make it simpler for you, read my post no 21 above  and count the lines. You did not fully quote and kindly have a mimum of honesty should you be amused in baiting other posters. Thank you. Now I will stop taking up space and gladly grant you and your little ego that ok you win, I loose.... happy ? now move on please.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Morch said:


    "it is more then obvious that those HK protestors are instrumentalised by groups of interest either from abroad of within the region."


    Other than in your opinion, obvious how? And by whom?

    What is very obvious here is that you are quoting only part of my post with an aim to take the point out of it's context and change the initial statement. Now that's an obvious form of manipulation dear poster and hopefully should answer your question. Have a nice life ????

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  3. Why don't people talk about the police office who was nearly beaten to death by the mob a few minutes before ?


    Sad that a chap was shot, but it's like the journalists who go into lawless war zones, get shot and then society makes them into martyrs...


    You know what to expect if you enter such a mess, so no point in pointing a finger at anybody, should it be the police or the protesters.


    it is more then obvious that those HK protestors are instrumentalised by groups of interest either from abroad of within the region.

    • Like 2
  4. Good thing to get that trigger happy female with a badge, off the force and the streets.


    But the training and dogma needs to be revised, as in US law enforcement training, the officer can shoot under the plain individual assomption of a threat and not as in other countries of the world where the armed police response must be proportionate or consist of a solid element of  threat.

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  5. End greed and selfishness under the greenhouse gas global trend ? ...lovely....in that case, your royal highness, please make governments start with dropping their so-called greenhouse taxes on fuel, air travel and stop being greedy with the consumers wallet.....start rather to make strict laws calling cargo or supertanker shipowners to update their highly polluting engines....one single cargo ship on a single long haul crossing,  generates as much pollution as tens of millions of indiviual cars in 1 year....

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