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Posts posted by KenUdon

  1. Dr PP, mrentoul, and Co. If as you say, officials from the Thai Govt do monitor this site, then MAYBE, just MAYBE they will see how much unecessary distress and anxiety they are causing to people that have a very GENUINE commitment, obligation, and duty to their THAI families here.

    Dr PP You have several times intimated that we would be well advised NOT to continue to post in a negative way about these very harsh regulations. So, exactly what are you saying?

  2. Ths is not a huge amount of money. It seems the government wants a clean-out. That's tough for those who can't make the grade, and everything seems brutal and arbitrary, but look at it like this - the limit could be even higher.

    40k in Thailand IS a large amount of money every month. I am lucky that I have 40k a month, but it is easily possible to live on HALF that amount here. THAT is why many farangs come here in the first place, marry get a house, kids, etc, but now that it is confirmed that the amounts are to double, it would be impossible to save up the required amounts from a limited income. These people are in an incredible dilemna, and could do with less harsh words, and a little more of a sympathetic hearing, and maybe even some constructive help.

    That's funny. I think he hates my guts

    He hates EVERYBODYS guts!

  3. Dave, I can think of no greater pain in the butt on this board than you. Your posts spew intolerance and contempt. If you don't like it here, or if you don't like Thais, why don't you leave. This is not your land.


    Have you been taking lessons from Dr PP? That seems to be all you can both think of to say to anyone who "dares" to express their concerns and worries, and cast Thailand in anything but glowing terms.

  4. Thought occurred to me. I wonder if the Thai Airways planes are maintained to the same standard as everything else in Thailand. IE:-

    1. Buses, 2. Taxis, 3. Roads, 4. Houses, 5. Telephone and Electricity lines. Now THERE'S A THOUGHT!!

    I do find their domestic services to be quite good, but their International Services are just about the worst I have come across. Did a 13 hour Bkk-London, and after having served ONE meal, the entire cabin crew disappeared and were not seen again until UK. There was nearly a riot.

  5. elfe. It is not a question of playing by the rules, because the goalposts for those rules are being drastically changed to make what should be a pleasant experience into a nightmare of fear, uncertainty and stress, of losing everything one has invested in here, both financially - houses etc, and emotionally - wives, children families etc. Yes, by hook or crook, we will probably manage to stay here through this latest round of paranoia type regulations, but at what cost, and to what end? Just to wait for the next despotic ranting from an extreme anti-farang Govt. to think up yet more ways to screw the farang.
  6. The poster complains that he'll have to find 1000 baht a day to stay here. Let's look at that another way: in your home country, would your government allow a foreigner to marry a citizen of the country and settle down, without any income requirement? How would you feel about it if it did?

    mrentoul...The difference is......at my home country, the foreigner would be entitled (Wrongly) to all the state benefits and support that they would need to carry on living there,- at the expense of the Uk taxpayer. That is NOT the case in Thailand. There is absolutely NO danger of a foreigner becoming a burden to the taxpayer of Thailand, because there are no benefits to receive. They would have no choice if they ran out of money, but to leave. So....What's the problem?

  7. i made the decision about staying here and family and got legally married and did everything the right way. now they want to change the rules without allowing for lifetime decisions that have already been made.this means if i dont forfill these NEW criteria which i cant me and my family will be seperated. THIS IS GOOD FOR THAILAND IS IT .  

    i dont care if thailand wont suffer from my absence whatever that means but i know 4 people that will.

    i urge some of the recent posters on here to just think a bit more before spouting there middle class claptrap.

    Parryhandy....AT LAST!.. Someone who sees it at is really is!

    Beginning to think I was a lone voice in the wilderness!

  8. I take you to mean that those with political influence

    will take note of what is being said here and they will

    take steps to water down the new regs so that Farang will be happy to stay ... and those that leave will regret doing so


    I would love to believe that your interpretation is correct. It certainly isn't how I understood it, and I will be mightily reassured if that is the case.

    My interpretation was entirely more sinister, and has made me a trifle hesitant about posting in slightly more explicit terms.

    But, hey, I'm sure that sort of thing couldn't happen in Thailand...........hahahaha

  9. As a complete aside to all of this, does anyone agree that the Govt seem to have a very big bee about farangs, totally out of proportion to any problems that they perceive in allowing farangs to be here long term. It would seem that almost every day they are coming up with another set of rules/regs to make life difficult for us. Are long term farangs that big an issue, or problem to the culture/economy, or lifestyle of the Thai people, that we warrant this extroadinary amount of attention.

    I would have thought that there were a great deal more pressing matters in Thailand at the moment which should merit their attention such as poverty, unemployment, and the like. Things which matter to, and effect the ORDINARY people of Thailand should surely be more of a priority at the moment.

    Is it me, or is there a touch of paranoia about the whole attitude towards farangs here. Yes, it is THEIR country, but a little bit of common sense should be possible even in Thailand.

  10. I had the same thoughts about the laptop before I came here. I did decide in the end, that as there was little or no price diference, that I would buy in Thai if only because of getting it repaired easily. I bought a Compaq because there are service facilities nearby. Thankfully havn't need it yet.
  11. On reading the article again I think that the  actual requirements as stated in the article are not from the Lt.Col. but directly from the committee, My understanding is that the only part that can be attributed to the Lt Col. are the replies to the questions from the CM paper. Is that not how you see it?

    Trust me, these pages are read by many people of real political influence. Those that see greener grass in other countries are in for a surprise.

    On this, not sure what you are saying here. Care to expand?

  12. Hi Roger.

    Yes that particular phrase "valid reason etc" is causing me a lot of thought too. What on earth reason would be acceptable to them. I think if they asked me at this point in time, I would be stumped to come up with something specific that would satisfy them.

    On the question of interpretation/translation, I still think that the the actual requirements as stated in the article are not from the Lt.Col. but directly from the committee, My understanding is that the only part that can be attributed to the Lt Col. are the replies to the questions from the CM paper. I hope I am wrong.

  13. DaveYo.

    On the question of getting money out of the country, I did contact HSBC, which being a UK based bank I had high hopes of being able to open an account here, and withdraw the money in Uk, but they told me that there systems are NOT linked by computer or in any other way (unbelievable) and that I could not withdraw money in the Uk. They told me that I would have major problems trying to send any money home at all, unless I could prove that I brought the money into Thailand from outside. It did come from outside the country, because I brought it in in travellers checks when I first came here, but of course now, there is no proof of that. I have my own plans to deal with the situation which will prove expensive, risky, and not ideal, but better than leave it here for those b......ds to have.

    As to the permanent residency here, in all seriousness, DO NOT hold your breath, and certainly do not make any plans based on the assumption that you will get it. In all likelihood, it WILL NOT HAPPEN. It is incredibly difficult to get permanent residency now, with only a very limited number of these being granted every year, regardless of your visa history. Goodness knows how much more difficult it will be in the future, and is something that definately can not be relied upon. Best of luck to us all. We are going to need it.

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  14. The following new proposals are due to be made law and put into effect by July next year. They could have profound effects on foreigners applying for 1 year visas because they run small businesses in Thailand – and/or those wishing to stay here due to their marriage to a Thai national, or other family links. Here are the proposed measures, with comments from Lt-Col. Banpote Kittiweera of Immigration Police, Chiangmai

    w7mux. If you look at the above, you will see that these are the proposals put together by the commitee on immigration, and only with added COMMENTS from the Lt Col. in charge of Chiang Mai Imm. If you look further at his comments,, you will see that he does NOT expect any changes to these measures.

    I wish I could say otherwise, but may be better to keep the money outside the country now!......wish I had!

  15. and evidence of the necessity to stay here permanently must be submitted.

    Hurricane, I think you will find that this is the part that will cause the problems, and will apply to ALL categories of Retirement Visas.  I have no idea how one would be able to submit evidence to this effect, and if it really does become necessary, will again be subject to interpretation, and create a huge grey area........another one!

  16. Can you imagine the outcry if these sort of rules were applied to Thais living in our home countries?

    At the moment, at least for the UK, Thais enjoy the same rights and benefits as UK nationals when living in England. This includes being able to buy land, and houses, yes not just one house, as many as they want. They do not live under the terrible uncertainty doubt about your next visa run or renewal. They are entitled to drive with a Thai Driving Licence (God help us) and not face the prospect of the insurance company wriggling out of a claim using invalid licence as an excuse as happens here. There are man many more instances where Thais are treated very fairly overseas in comparison to the way farangs are treated here, and the situation is getting ludicrous. Makes you wonder how much worse it can get before it becomes unrealistic to stay in Thailand long-term. Yes, Yes, I know that is what they want. Yes, Yes, I know it is THEIR country,  but I am talking about what is fair, decent and right.

  17. Use of the diplomatic channel at the Kingdom's international airports

    Expedited processing of visa applications

    limo discounts to downtown Bnagkok

    Thai admission prices at national parks

    additional duty free allowance for wine import

    invitations to royal occasions

    speeding ticket discounts

    special telephone number at Tourist Police

    discounted rate for police body guard service

    Payne. I do hope that this is all tongue-in-cheek. Can't believe you are serious!

  18. The only real problems are the legal issues if you don't buy a condo but land or a house. In your financial calculation always take into account the worst case scenario: you can be kicked out of the land at the end of the lease. Still, if within the lease period you can get your money back, why not ?

    One more possibility is that we are all kicked out of Thailand, and all our property rights taken away from us, which in the present climate is very very possible. Toxin is at this moment 'considering" the farang/condo situation. Watch this space!!

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