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Posts posted by KenUdon

  1. Hansco, you might find it useful to have a look at the post by alykev on visa fee increases and the Philippines. The attitude of the Pi Govt is in stark contrast to Thailand, in that instead of becoming more hostile to long term stayers, they are amending their legislation to actively encourage them. Quite a refreshing policy, when you consider what is going on here.

    I think that what we are seeing now is only the start, and that life will become increasingly difficult under Toxin.

    Not just my view. Many ex-pats in my area are looking for pastures new.

  2. The Philippines is the focus of my attention at the moment. I am taking the view that things will only get more difficult here now, and so "do it unto them before they do it to me" etc.

    Now free of the restrictions of the IMF, there is nothing to stop Toxin going totally berserk with regard to his obvious hatred of any farang. Nationalism is one thing, but I think it's a question of watch this space here now.

    He has been quoted this week as saying that all foreigners arriving in Thailand BY LAND are to be fingerprinted, and that the process has already started at some crossings. Can you imagine if they try to apply this to all ARRIVALS! Hysterical. The man has really lost it, but...what's to stop him.

    No, I will find much more friendly shores to spend/invest my money.

  3. Hi Roger.

    From what I am TOLD, there is very little restriction on the 59day visa, and seems to be available to any nationality, with no requirement for the sort of hoops that Thailand expects. This is only what I have been able to glean from the Yahoo Groups website. There are some really helpful people who post there, and they all seem to regard this type of visa as the best to go for at the moment, assuming you are not married to a Filipino National. I am still in the early stages of fact finding myself, so more informed info on the site I think. The main problem I have at the moment, is deciding exactly where to start looking there. There are 7000 islands, so quite confusing.

  4. Wanting to try to export in a small way to Uk. Just some handicrafts and knick-knack type things that I think would go down well in Uk. No idea how to go about sending the stuff. Assume be better by sea, but where to go?. Also, what sort of problems/liability with Uk customs etc. Anyone have any experience of doing this, or something similar?  As you can tell, I havn't got a clue yet, but am willing to learn. Many Thanks.
  5. Roger, The 59 day visa is apparently the best way of doing it, and is no hassle at all. Very easy to do, and a foregone conclusion. The retirement visa thing is under review at the moment, as it is not proving to be attractive to retirees. This Yahoo Group is very helpful in this respect.

    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LivingInThePhilippines2/ Might be an idea for us to liase on info re:- Pi in the future. Am sure we can find out more that way. Let me know.

  6. An in a very similar situation, and agree wholeheartedly with your view. An accumulation of things has contributed to my decision to consider other options, and I am just one of many in my area doing the same thing. No idea if the retirement Visa criteria will increase to 1.5m, but even if not, 800k is in my opinion, now too much to entrust to a Thai bank, or the Thai Govt. I think the latest changes are just the start of things to come, and you can be pretty certain that nothing in the future Thai Govt. thinking will be be good for farangs.

    The Phillippines are my focus at the moment, but I am getting conflicting opinions about costs of living relative to Thailand. Some say that the costs there are considerably higher than Thailand, but others have actually indicated things being cheaper, or the same. Hard to get specifics. Many people saying it is cheaper there, then go on to quote figures that are way higher than my expenditure here.

    Maybe some more informed info will come as a result of this thread. Would be very useful at this point to many farangs here.

  7. Am looking into the alternatives to LOS (joke) and there seem to be serious advantages to living in the other SE Asian countries already mentioned, which certainly have a more friendly and welcoming attitude to foreigners. Some of them are even ENCOURAGING retired people to go there, Yes, that includes land ownership, long term visas, and a sense of being of value to them as well. Refreshing huh?

    Still waiting to hear from ANYBODY who wants the card.......WHY????..........please?

  8. Lopburi3

    It is VERY noticeable how the admin come out in force to jump on any attempt to comment on the REAL situation regarding long term farangs in Thailand, and the attitude of the Thai Govt.

    The alternatives which you know very well are as stated above, and obviously known by people who are not quite so Thai indoctrinated :- Malaysia - Silver Hair scheme specifically designed to ENCOURAGE foreigners and to make the transition easier, Phillipines - under normal circumstances MUCH more welcoming, Vietnam, who are really getting their act together, and showing some degree of intelligence in seeing that a good degree of their future prosperity depends on tourism, and long term residence of foreigners, and Cambodia. In fact when you think about it, just about ANY other SE Asian country is a more attractive proposition than Thailand!

    Have a nice day!

  9. To the 6 or 7 people who indicated that they would buy the card, PLEASE do tell me WHY you would do such a stupid thing? Can you not see that this is yet another scam to get money out of farangs. When will you realise that they do NOT want us here. They only want our money, and I for one along with many of my friends here are sick of it all, and together with the visa hikes, am not staying around to be ripped off any more. In my case, they will gain 1400baht increase in my retirement visa fee, and LOSE my 65000 baht a MONTH that I spend here!.........Really sound economics!!!
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