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Chris Renaix

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Everything posted by Chris Renaix

  1. Why publishing predictions for a period that's a couple of years ago?
  2. A 17 year old in a Ferrari?? Obviously no driver's license, no driving experience, no clue whatsoever. What could go wrong, right?
  3. Must be the most valid excuse ever...
  4. They are outraged by this?? They should be happy, it's great! And all Thai people speak English, taxi's are taking them to asked destinations, people are helpful etc. In fact, they should be proud hehe. I guess they do not understand a little parody huh... sadly.
  5. You beat me to it. Peizhi is a time traveller!
  6. Plus a movie! I hear Matt Damon is interested 😉
  7. Suzuki Motor Corp has announced it will cease manufacturing cars and trucks in Thailand by the end of 2024. Not correct, it is the end of 2025, according to Suzuki. Title is correct though.
  8. Only one, and I'm guessing I know which one...🤣
  9. Well I have seen this brawl from different angles now, and yes, that would be clear murder. The 'guard' is standing there, looking, waiting, then takes a penalty kick to the guy's head when he's laying on the ground. Despicable thughs. Great advertising for foreigners and "security" personnel.
  10. Do some proof-reading before publishing, will you...
  11. That would be Deux Cheveaux. You wrote "2 hairs"
  12. After 3 months??? Oh my, Mr. Lawyer must be awfully busy!
  13. And he said that in public???? No more words...
  14. ehm... will they promote the entrance price difference for foreigners too?
  15. Do you even read what you write???? How is 29 an even number?
  16. Clouseau, inspector Jacques Clouseau
  17. Yup, sure, that's right...
  18. If the car turned left to enter the petrol station, and the damage is left hand side, the bike was not driving against traffic. If the car turned right to enter the petrol station, and the damage is left hand side, the bike was not riding against traffic. If this news report is correct, the car driver is lying, and the reporter didn't check.
  19. 0.9% is a rally nowadays? Really?
  20. And how did they do that?? Virtual currency, materially presented at a foreign exchange kiosk? Seems to me this is factual incorrect.
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