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Everything posted by toast1

  1. Thank you I appreciate your kind words
  2. I'm trying to not string it out, but as they can't practice euthanasia, its just a matter of avoiding pain through medication. I've always been a believer in Euthanasia, but all I can do here is a Do Not Resuscitate form and a request to not receive medical treatment. thanks
  3. The problem with Koon, is they didn't have anyone I could speak to who spoke English. Probably the doctors did, but their English was very bad, so I didn't go there.
  4. Palliative hospital
  5. Thank you very much for the advice - most useful. I've been taking morphine for a few weeks, but developed a stomach reaction of nausea and vomiting. This is odd, as usually these side effects diminish with time, but perhaps I increased the dose too quickly and so caused a reaction. Yes Sheryl, morphine was not prescribed by the palliative doctor but the oncologist. So I was not getting the required oversight. Now I'm getting anti-nausea medication from a palliative doctor, and so am able to take as much morphine as necessary, which is a great relief, as it is vital in controlling pain. Thanks again
  6. Sheryl & others Thank you for your excellent advice. Most useful. I am in Palliative care now, its not so cheap, but I have found the doctors very helpful, with good English and an understanding of Living Wills etc. Treatment has been efficient and reasonable. There's Koon, Brumengrad, St Louis etc. in BKK, Koon being the cheapest.s Though, what the add on costs will be, I don't know. Cheers
  7. No, I'll do this Thanks
  8. I'm taking liquid morphine, but its causing terrible stomach problems, such vomiting and stomach pain. Apparently, this is a common side effect of morphine. However, I need this, as its my only strong pain killer, which is necessary at the moment. What might I take to calm the stomach? Thanks
  9. Was able to get medical visa at Brumengrad as I was being treated for long term and serious illness there. Immigration comes once a week, and does all visa work there and then. Thx
  10. It won't be for that long, a week or two, so yes.
  11. I have terminal cancer and the grim reaper is looking through my window. I'd rather die at home, but the issue is how to manage pain, which palliative clinics are good at. I have lots of morphine at home, which can control pain, but have been considering various palliative hospices and hospitals in BKK. Has anyone had experience with this. thanks
  12. Interesting Thank you
  13. The CBD oil I found was only 0.2% THC and I found it very weak, almost not worth using. What percentage is yours, what company? Thx
  14. thanks
  15. Customer convenience Thx
  16. Are there wheelchairs available at the big, Lotus or Big C stores for customers? Thanks
  17. Why isn't it good for palliative care? Thx
  18. What about palliative care? Has anyone got a medical visa to stay in Thailand for palliative, end of life, care? Thanks
  19. Do you know the name of the tincture company? How can I tell what's good or bad CBD? Any edible is fine, I just hate having to buy expensive candy. Thx
  20. Thanks for the advice, but I'm not in a situation to do any of this fine suggestions. Is CBD oil strong enough in the LOS? In the UK its very weak and often useless, I need quite a strong dose for my illness.
  21. I can't smoke, but all the cannabis shops can give me, is gummies, which I hate. In the UK I could get cannabis oil, thick and potent, but it appears I can't get this here. Is there any way to get cannabis without smoking or as a candy? I ask about making tea or eating cannabis buds, but they always say not OK. Thanks
  22. eisfeld Do you think I'm a helpless little child? Do you think I'm unable to read other's comments and make up my own mind? How old do you think I am, 8? I am NOT venerable, I am perfectly capable of thinking as an adult, and I do not need you telling other people not to give me their opinion, or to moderate their posts. I am very happy to hear from roietfortress and appreciate him taking the time to share his experience. You do not need to censor him, for my benefit. Or anyone else's benefit. We can talk like adults without your input.
  23. toast1

    Grab tips

    What tips do people give for Grab Taxi or Grad food delivery? Never sure what the normal thing is. Thanks
  24. Thanks for the soursop tip Will order and report back! Have you recommended this to other cancer suffers with similar results?
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