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Everything posted by toast1

  1. toast1

    Gett - no get

    Thanks for the info - using Grab!
  2. I see, thanks In Telegram and Whatsapp all my contacts are added automatically. I'll see what happens. Thank you
  3. What is Home screen? Do you mean in Android, in Line? Do you mean in Contacts? There is + next to any contact's name
  4. I don't see any 'Alow' in Line settings for friends
  5. Unfortunately, this does not work. I cannot find any way to have Android Contacts come up in Line. I auto-added friends, but they do not appear. Thanks
  6. Thanks
  7. There is no 'Friends' in Profile. Thanks
  8. How can I get my Android contacts into Line. Just downloaded the app, but can't find out how to do this. Thanks
  9. toast1

    Gett - no get

    Every time I try to use Gett or Bolt to book a ride, it says Unavailable in your area Tried it in many areas of BKK Never had this problem before, anywhere in the world. Is there something I need to do to get this working? Thanks
  10. Yes, I use DropBox
  11. I've always uninstalled OneDrive, never had a problem in the past. When I search it brings up OneDrive files, which I don't want to see as I have things in there I rarely use. But thanks for the info.
  12. After reinstalling Windows 11, everything worked fine with Search. Then it would only search for files in OneDrive. I uninstalled OneDrive as I don't use it. Now it will not search for any files on my PC. I have to go to Documents, then to Search In File Folder. Search has completely stopped working - any clues on how to get it working again?
  13. What does Expendable mean?
  14. Thanks, do you know anyone who's been upgraded because of this?
  15. I am registerd disabled, though I can move around mostly without any problems. Should I tell the airline, in case there's a need for assistance. Or should I leave it. Could it cause problems, or demands from the airline. Thanks
  16. Has anyone been on a cruise ship from Thailand? Where can I find out abuot these Expensive? What are they like? Thanks
  17. Thanks for the info Much appreciated I'll check those out Its true that XXXL Asia = L Europe
  18. What about big sizes?
  19. Which markets? What's the best company to import with, how long does it take? thanks
  20. Can one purchase farng size winter clothes in BKK? I may be flying to a cold country, and don't want to bring my winter wardrobe with me. Do they sell big sizes of winter sweaters, trousers, coats etc? I'm quite big., XXL in England, XL in America. Thanks
  21. Ignoring the last comment. I've been informed by my broker that most travel isurance will cover me for motorbike taxis, as long as i'm wearing a helmet.
  22. Thanks I'll check my travel insurance
  23. If I take a motorbike taxi, am I covered by travel insurance if there is an accident? I know I have to wear a helmet, to be covered by insurance, but what about accidents? What if the driver has no insurance? Thanks
  24. Can I drive with a license from my own country that lets me drive a 500cc, or do I need an international driving permit in Thailand? To make sure I'm covered by travel insurance. My insurance will only cover me as a passenger if I'm wearing a helmet, have to turn down any motorbike taxi that can't give me a helmet. Though I only take these when feeling suicidal. Thanks
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