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Everything posted by toast1

  1. There are some very cheap hostels nearby, if she wants a little luxury.
  2. Its odd, one day the instructions dissapeared, have never come back. Thanks
  3. Google maps has stopped giving me directions when I drive. I get a beep when I need to go to a different road, but the woman's voice telling me which road to take, has gone. This seems to be only when connected to bluetooth, though everything else works. When I disconnect from Bluetooth then the voice returns. Anyone know how I can fix this? Thank you
  4. Thx
  5. Thanks - I assume you found the quality satisfactory.
  6. Thanks for the info. My canabis oil comes from a little producer, so its legal, but not a commercial product. Thanks for info about Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine (under the MoPH), I'll be sure to check that out. I appreciate the warning about questionable products and claims. If there's a hospital or clinic you can recommend, please let me know.
  7. I have been taking legal CBD oil in the UK for medicinal purposes. As pin and nausia relief. It is now legal in the UK. It is interesting to hear that you haven't been able to find decent quailty tinctre. I am not sure as to the chemical makeup of the oil, which looks like peanut butter, however. Thank you
  8. OK, so can you tell where it is?
  9. Interesting, If you can tell me the name of the hospital, please let me know. I'm looking for some good quality canabis oil, with and without THC, for medicinal purposes. What's the best way to make sure i'm getting high quality oil, I'm guessing a hospital would be better quality and more reliable. Thanks
  10. Great, thanks If there is someone who can recommend a Dr, or a place to buy from, can you please let me have the info. Thank you
  11. I take canabis oil for medicinal purposes, not pleasure. Can I buy canabis oil with low or high THC in Thailand. I only want to buy something that is legal. I would appreciate some guidance. Thank you
  12. Thx
  13. Will do, can I open it with a key command? Instead of having to click on it Thanks
  14. The same problem appeared even after a clean reinstall, and I did the vaious repair processes you recomended. Thanks
  15. Is this a Win11 problem? I searched for a file today, it didn't even come up as a document. I had to manually click on Documents in the taskbar search, for it to come up. This seems to be a new feature in Win11. In Win10 the file would often come up below, under Documents.
  16. Thanks, I'll try that software out. I find Search does't work well sometimes on my Win11 PC or Laptop. Even after a Clean reinstall, had the same problem!
  17. Thanks
  18. I ran the diagnostic tool mdsched.exe Will look at this. Thank you
  19. That's a little above my skill grade Thank you
  20. Searching from start menu prompt never works properly in either software. Win 11, the file is not available, so I have to click on Documents, for it to appear in serarch results. Win10 it often just didn't appear. Files in my DropBox folder often do not appear, after clicking on Documents. Sometimes I hvae to go to Expolorer or open DropBox to find the file. Most of the time they do appear, not sometimes not. Once I've opened the fil, then it will appear on the next search, but if its been a long time, they sometimes do not. Had this problem for a year. Otherwise everything else in the OS works fine. Anyone know how I can fix this?
  21. Thanks
  22. Thanks for the suggestion, but its working well now.
  23. Isn't it something like 'Angry, miserable farang syndrome'? You can find one in every bar. They'll tell you how bad the Thais really are, how great tings used to be, how they're only interested in money and he knows what's really going on.
  24. Kenny202 I vacuumed it out, but as you said the dust was quiet sticky, so I just wet some Q Tips, and took the rest out by hand. Did a great job! I'll be sure to do this anually from now on. Thanks for the assistance
  25. > Yyou have answered your own question so why post on here ??????!!!!!! Most people here are really nice and helpful. But, there's always one, who wants to make stupid, rude comments and make a nusance of themselves.
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