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Everything posted by ThailandYoda

  1. They certainly don't look French. A better description would be people holding French passports.
  2. Chinese female called them Shabby in Chinese which means "F@#king C&$T" Blacklist the 2 Chinese females
  3. Their country, their rules. Unfortunately USA is a woke mess that could use some of this
  4. Interesting how you assume Thai/Asian banks are wrong here. Why don't the Euro banks change their procedure? Or better yet remove head from anus before leaving the ATM and pay attention
  5. London doesn't look like London anymore. Being woke & ignoring the problems of immigration increases the problem. It's a 3rd world sh@#house now
  6. Good way to start a fight with you being the instigator
  7. WOW don't like difference of opinion? Thin skinned? How do you know they are weed addicted? So you must be an alcoholic right? Your body your choice. Their body their choice
  8. Hit the gym 💪🏻 and grow your self confidence. 5 years of training and you will be a new man. Good luck on your new fitness journey
  9. Many assumptions there. You don't think a woman can make her own decisions? Infantizing women much? Many farangs die in Thailand and their wives continue to receive retirement benefits from the west.
  10. Wow so it's alright to kick a lady in the back for sitting on your "illegal" stairs? Someone that is not a threat to you. Show some kindness and compassion
  11. And every expat is ex-CIA or Navy SEAL. There were 500 Navy Seals in Vietnam & I've met all 10,000 of them in SEA
  12. Really? Where did your get this interesting bit of information on the length of people's vacations?
  13. Another option is to get an ED visa to study Muay Thai. It's a bit pricey but 100% legit. There are a few schools in Phuket that offer them (Tiger & AKA) Ignore the bitter old jealous dudes with ED. They need to get a life or hobby instead of being grumpy old geezers
  14. I'm also from USA & was in very similar situation. I used that consulate 2 or 3 times. Got to see some of Oz. Easy visa. I also used Wellington NZ once. Extremely nice there. Flights on Jetstar were very affordable (then not sure now)
  15. If you have the funds in the bank, either 300 or 400K Baht (or equivalent) head over to Melbourne Australia Consulate. Very Friendly
  16. Actually booze is a way bigger problem. Weed not so much. Pick your poison
  17. No Clarification needed. Extension must be cancelled or the next time you return to Thailand & go to immigration they will consider you on overstay. (And yes, I realize that this does not make sense but I am telling you from personal experience) So if you want to save 20,000 get a letter from your school
  18. Also you must CANCEL your ED Extension before leaving the country. It does not automatically end when it expires. Need to get a letter from your school with the ending date of your course
  19. Why don't you spend a few days in Laos? No rush no hurries, enjoy a new place. Looks better to the IO. And always try to get a man immigration officer to stamp you in
  20. Friend got involved in Thailand, real tall big guy farang. The Thai guy broke a bottle and stabbed the farang in the neck. He almost bled to death. MYOB
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