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Bob Chittie

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Posts posted by Bob Chittie

  1. Interesting comments. No facts. Believe me, I did everything possible to avoid defaulting. I was defrauded out of some assets and a certain Thai woman friend made off with a nice chunk herself.

    I am aware about the negative effects of defaulting and the burning your bridges bit. But when you can't pay, then you simply can't pay. there's no way around it.

    Well if you simply can't pay then you should have filed for a personal bankruptcy, a chapter 7 filing. But to simply default and run away is just pure foolishness. Hoping that by staying in Thailand this will simply go away is also foolish thinking. This is not an insignificant sum. Unless you plan to live the rest of your life on the lamb hoping to get another country's passport then you might want to contact a lawyer back in the US and get sound sound legal advice. Having let a Thai woman run off with your assets testifies that you don't have the wisdom to outsmart the authorities by your lonesome.

    You assume so much... Of course I have considered bankruptcy. There are reasons this is not an option. I have not 'run away to Thailand' as you so boldly assume. I lived here many years making my payments on time every month before I ran into this problem. Why you seem to think that one who has defaulted on credit card debt will be on the run for the rest of their lives, attempting to secure a passport of another country is beyond me. I suggest you read up on unsecured debt and the laws that governs the industry. I do not mean that this is not a serious matter and believe me, I have lost sleep over it, but you've taken it too far. And I did not state that a Thai woman ran off with my assets. I stated that a Thai woman got a nice sum. Now if you want to try to tell me that I am the first one to see money go the way of a pretty Thai girl, please do and we can discredit you altogether. And finally, it is not about outsmarting the authorities. It is about understanding the law to the fullest extent and protecting my interests. Its abaout remaining intelligent and well educated in a difficult and unfortunate sitaution and not sucumbing to groundless paranoia.

    I appreciate the more useful advice from the likes of Pat Pong and others.

    It still seems unclear as to whether Us creditors could seize Thai assets or if they remain outside of their jurisdiction.

  2. Okay, we all know that this forum is full of different political views, but can someone just confirm or deny as to whether a copy of the movie is available in Thailand? When I talked to the bootleg people, they looked at me like I was an idiot for asking for a movie that had just come out in the US the same day....

    It was very difficult to even find it on "bootleg" download sites. I think Moore didn't want any leak before the official release, so that his "conservative" friends don't burn theaters when it was showed.

    The movie was the best selling box office ever in NY in a single day. Everything was sold out within a few hours and they have theaters with 24 hours run over the week-end and they were fully booked until Sunday.

    A lot of positive reactions, and people angry at Bush when they get out of the theater. Even those who supported the war and were initially pro-Bush.

    Moore show them in a mirror what the US has become: a Banana Republic for the oil cartels.

    Yes I think Moore and his crew kept a tight lid on it (and rightly so). maybe I'll try calling Major to see if they're going to show it. Somehow I doubt they have ever even heard of it.

  3. We do not condone supporting illegal businesses -- such as those that produce bootleg CD's -- here. See it in the theater or wait until the legal DVD is released.

    Can anyone confirm that it will actually be shown in the theater here? If it will be in the near future, I will wait.

    If not, I will do what I have to do even if that means, dare I say it, buying a bootleg copy.

    Its similar to the rules on our friend Xanax Private Dick. You're supposed to go to the hospital and talk with a doctor, not pick them up at a local outlet becuase you decide they help to take the edge off. But at the end of the day, we can all make our own decisions.

  4. Okay, we all know that this forum is full of different political views, but can someone just confirm or deny as to whether a copy of the movie is available in Thailand? When I talked to the bootleg people, they looked at me like I was an idiot for asking for a movie that had just come out in the US the same day....

  5. Interesting comments. No facts. Believe me, I did everything possible to avoid defaulting. I was defrauded out of some assets and a certain Thai woman friend made off with a nice chunk herself.

    I am aware about the negative effects of defaulting and the burning your bridges bit. But when you can't pay, then you simply can't pay. there's no way around it.

    At any rate, the question still remains. Can a US creditor seize int assets keeping in mind this isn't terrorism or drug running or money laundering. Its defaulting on credit card debt.

    (By the way- one creditor- $25,000. The others 7 creditors total about $30,000. I guess that's a luxury sedan in the US.)

  6. I checked with the local bootleg DVD people here and they have never heard of it. Has anyone really seen it on the streets of Thailand and what if this rumour of an August date with the theaters?

    Even if you don't believe Moore, its worth seeing all the out takes of Bush that have never been shown by any other media before. Like when he's laughing and playing around like a little kid 30 minutes before addressing the nation regarding the beginning of a war.

  7. A US citizen defaults on their credit card payments. Not a huge amount, but enough to buy a nice new sedan in the US. A judgement may eventually be won against him in US court giving the creditors the authorization to seize assets. Now, I've got people telling me that this US COURT ORDER will allow the creditors to hunt down and seize all personal assets around the globe. Do governemtns and institutions around the world really bow down to a US court order when no major crime has been commited? So can this person (me) expect bank accounts at Thai Farmer's bank for instance to be seized by US creditors holding a US court order? Somehow I have a hard time believing this.

    Comments and opinions are interesting, but solid facts far more so.

  8. Before you do something very foolish you might want to read this FAQ on buying drugs in Mexico at LINK
    According to federal U.S. statutes, it is forbidden to purchase, mail, transport, possess, ingest, transfer, or ship medicines for anyone other than yourself. Only the person who actually uses the medicine can legally handle it. The only way around this rigid law is to obtain a federal DEA number. Don’t even bother to ask... it would probably be easier to get a license to build an atomic bomb.

    Last but not least: if you don’t declare your medications or foolishly attempt to conceal them, U.S. Customs considers you to be a smuggler. The penalties can be harsh, even for relatively minor infractions.

    It is worth repeating: any medicine brought into the United States must be personal, for your own use. No matter how sincere your reasons might be, you cannot mail, give away or sell the medicines to another person.

    Fair enough. What do you make of the thousands of successful online pharmacies? They must have found a legal loophole somewhere.

  9. So can the doctor be anywhere in the world or does it have to be a US doctor? If its the former, then I don't know how customs could verify. Private Dick, I'm afraid I've promised my source to keep it quiet. They're apparently pretty paranoid, but it must be such a good seller that they don't want to give it up. I would suggest the real 'Thai' areas, ie. Not the night bazaar in Chiang Mai or Kao San in Bangkok, but the places a typical thai might find themselves.

    If I send 100 and write a return address of 'Joe Smith' am I safe if my friend wants to take the risk or are they going to interrogate him until he gives me up? We are talking about just 100 pills, not a big time smuggling operation or anything...

    And yes, its all quite addictive. Should only be used when really needed.

  10. A friend in the US has asked me to send him 100 or so Xanax. He doesn't have a prescription. That's the point actually. He wants to avoid the doctor's fee plus apparently they are cheaper here. Now I imagine this is illegal or at least some kind of grey area. I do see thousands of online pharmacies, many based in places like India who say that it is legal for them to ship to the US.

    So does anyone have reliable info here? I'd like to help a friend, but I don't want to end up in hot water.

    By the way, technically xanax is only available at the hospital here, but TIT and its widely available...

  11. No one else knows? Come on guys. I ship 2 cubic meters from here to some country town in Vermont. The nearest port of entry is hours away. What do I tell the customer?

    1. They have to go drive to the port themselves.

    2. For a large fee, so and so will pick up the goods, clear customs and deliver to your door. (If so, who is so and so?)

    3. You can choose to have your goods sent to any port of entry OR

    You must choose a service port only.

    Thanks for any info!

  12. UBC sattelite has HBO, CINEMAX, HALLMARK, and Star Movies. as well as four sport channels and number of thai/u.s. soap channels, CNN, BBC and Discovey, History and National Geographic Channel, all in English.

    There is another source of English language channels but others will have to provide info on them

    It needs to be pointed out that these channels are all complete sh$t for the most part. They do not contain the same programming as you get in the US. HBO, for instance has no original comedy programming and no Curb your Enthusiasm. Six feet under is on, but it is one year behind the US and it is highly censored.

    Discovery and National Geographic air shows from 6 or 7 years ago that have no relevance any more. ie. predictions on what will happen in the year 2000. Very little is current programming.

    UBC is good for sports and news and that is all. Even then, you have to settle. They choose not to show the Eastern Conference finals in the NBA for example. And in the West, the commentators are not even at the game! They're in a studio watching it on TV. It does take away from the fun.

    As soon as UBC has a competitor, they will lose many customers.

  13. There is only one way to deal with this problem and so far it hasn't been done.

    You have the solution that not one person in the world can find? Please do enlighten us.

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there is no immediate solution. Over the next couple centuries, through education and increased equality throughout the world, we can hope that this will subside. No matter what you do now; no matter how many fanatics you kill, no matter how many walls you build, it will continue.

    In the mean time, I hate to say it, but Phuket seems a very obvious target and I imagine its only a matter of time. I hope I am wrong.

  14. Woke up early today to catch Detroit and Indiana and ESPN is showing some Jordan exhibition game from awhile back. I check the internet and the real game is in full swing. There's no explanation on the screen. What is wrong with UBC? Is this common that they advertise a live event and then don't show it and don't even bother to insert a graphic that explains why?

  15. Hi...

    here is how I read it

    If you send 2 cubic meters , I assume pallets or big boxes, from Thailand to the USA,

    if you want them to arrive in Denver, you have to find a shipper who is filling a container to Denver,

    I would think that could be a long wait....

    Now if you were sending it to a Seaport , say Oakland , more containers are sent there, so a 20-40ft container will fill up quickly.

    The container is off loaded into a bonded wherehouse around Oakland, then each individual shipper needs to get cusoms clearance.

    A shipping agent can clear it , just costs $$$ and a few signitures.

    Once customs is cleared it can be shipped to Denver or anywhere else you want

    I'm not sure if that's true about a long wait to ship LCL to non sea ports. Can someone confirm?

    I also think you're mistaken about clearing customs in Oakland before going to Denver. I imagine the cost of having 2 cubic meters cleared and picked up in Oakland and then driven to Denver would be very very high. Am I wrong?

    I am aware that customs brokers can be hired to clear customs. From there, I need to know if their are services which will pick up the goods and drive them to a customer's door, which may be a few hours away. If so, who and how much?

  16. True, you can trap the message between the ATM and the data centre. Your problem is that the PIN is encrypted under the COMMs key, which is exchanged with the ATM daily encrypted under the ATM master key. As of this year most ATMs use the 3DES algorithm which, the lastest estimates for cracking this using the 'test any key' approach is 27 years....

    Get the feeling I also know a lot about this?

    This is getting interesting. I'm waiting for the reply.

  17. In a follow up the last question. Let's say I ship a couple cubic meters to Denver. The customer is in Colorado Springs, a number of hours drive South. They don't have the time to come pick up the goods in Denver. What then? Are there reliable freight forwarders who pick up the goods at the port and then make a delivery to the customer's door? If so, what kind of prices would one expect and does anyone have the websites of any such companies in the US?

    Axel commented that 2 cubic meters would be about $300. I have to think that the cost of having the goods picked up and driven to the customer's house would be more than this?! Am I right here?

    One more thing. Here's the list of ports of entry in the US.


    Can goods be picked up at every port or at service ports only? If you click on Colorado, you can see that Denver is a service port. If you click on Delaware, you can see that there are no service ports in the state. If you can only ship to service ports, this would mean that the people in Delaware and a number of other states are just out of luck. So I'm assuming you can ship from here to all ports, not just service ports, but I need confirmation on this.

  18. Say I'm shipping 2 cubic meters by sea, door to port from Thailand to San Francisco. The person on the receiving end goes to the port in Oakland with their paperwork and picks up the goods. No problem.

    But what if I need to send the same shipment to Denver, CO in the middle of the US? Must i hire an expensive forwarding service to pick up the package and drive it Denver? Surely there is an easier way.

    Perhaps I'm wrongly assuming that door to port implies a sea port. If so, does this mean that the shipping company will deliver my product to Denver for little more than it costs to ship to San Francisco?


    No, you don't have to pick up in the US-port. The cargo will be shipped through to Denver CO where you can pick it up from the inland point.

    One would need to know the commodity and the weight, but roughly it should cost you from fob Bangkok to free arrival Denver US$ 120 per cbm plus AMS US$ 25 per shipment. T/time about 33 days.

    Your 2 cbm should not exceed 720 kgs as the rate is based on 360 kgs = 1 cbm.

    If the cargo is heavier, the cbm-basis will be increase. (Let's say 1 cbm weighs 720 kgs than you have to pay for your 1 cbm actually the rate of 2 cbm)

    Anyway, you give me 2 cbm (within the weight) and I charge you 240 plus AMS 25, total US$ 265.00 plus VAT 7%.

    33 days later you can pick it up in Denver CO.

    If more questions, give me a PM please and we will contact you by e-mail or phone.

    Thanks Axel. I'm not quite ready to ship anything yet, just looking at my options, but I'll PM you when I start.

    I found this list of ports in the US:


    Can it be delivered to any port on the list or just the Service Ports? (I'm assuming just the service ports).

    Also, you seem to be knowledgable in the export area, do you happen to have any idea what the duty charged on hemp bags is going into the US? I've looked at the tarriff scedule and US customs website, but I don't see any description that just says 'hemp bag'. (In case it helps, most of the bags have hemp shoulder straps). If you don't know yourself, any idea where I can find a clear and concise list? I know that's what the tariff schedule is supposed to be, but I'm not getting my answer there!

  19. Say I'm shipping 2 cubic meters by sea, door to port from Thailand to San Francisco. The person on the receiving end goes to the port in Oakland with their paperwork and picks up the goods. No problem.

    But what if I need to send the same shipment to Denver, CO in the middle of the US? Must i hire an expensive forwarding service to pick up the package and drive it Denver? Surely there is an easier way.

    Perhaps I'm wrongly assuming that door to port implies a sea port. If so, does this mean that the shipping company will deliver my product to Denver for little more than it costs to ship to San Francisco?


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