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hugh mckee

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Posts posted by hugh mckee

  1. ok for my peace of mind I'd better stop reading this forum, was feeling good about finally buying my holiday home in the sun but so many really bad things on here to read that makes me wish I hadn't and chose tenerife or cyprus instead, thing is I've been to them all and much prefer Thailand, everywhere in the world has it's good and bad points but if you read this forum you mostly only get to read the bad stuff, probably written by guys who've grown tired and bitter of thailand.


    on one final note from me though, all these many many condos you speak of, way too many you say of course, at least 49% of these condos get bought by a foreigner just like me, some even have to pretend they're a company just to get one, that's an awful lot of people and according to this forum, every last one of them is an idiot, that's a lot of idiots....and who said they're idiots? a handful of bitter keyboard experts on here, impatiently waiting and waiting and waiting for thailand's property market to crash!

  2. graduated from the school of hard knocks?.....yes there is many on here who have not got a good thing to say about Thailand or it's people, if past experiences in this foreign land entitles you to bad mouth Thailand to the level that goes on? I can't comment,

    to expect the same treatment as a foreigner in a 3rd world country as you do in your own country I'd say was naive but I admit to being naive about some of the things people talk about on here.


    as a "rich farang" in the eyes of Thai people I expect and would be surprised if they did not try and "take me to the cleaners", I accept this is the price I must pay to live in their country and leave my winters behind at home, of course I must pay for this and expect things to be completely different from what they are back home and know I have to have my wits about me having visited thailand many many times, I knew all this before I decided i was going to buy a condo, I imagine the guys on here complaining about Thailand had a fair idea too but still they will complain loudly and make bad comparisons with their own country.....what did you expect?

  3. 27 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

    Record number of condos under construction 




    What could go wrong ?

    yes the question mark is appropriate from you as you have absoluely no clue what could go wrong or what could go right?

    for that matter, you've been waiting years for your "crash" and people with way more knowledge than you can't predict

    such things.............yet we're supposed to read this from you, a guy who claimed sansiri made a profit only because they

    raised maintenance fees for condo owners, you proved then beyond any shadow of a doubt that you cannot be taken seriously and that your posts are out of desperation from a guy who is totally clueless on the subject he posts about.

  4. 39 minutes ago, KittenKong said:


    If I thought that I would be here forever that might be worth considering. But I regard my tenure in Thailand as flimsy, as does the Thai government. The idea of bringing a large proportion of my assets to a county in which I have to ask permission to remain every year, and which has a very unstable and illiquid property market, does not appeal to me. So I'll settle for well under 10%, including my condo and car and other possessions, and spending money for a couple of years.






    for most foreigners looking for sunnier climes, a life in the sun depends on gaining permission from the government and from my search I'd say Thailand is more accomodating than most in this respect, The Thai government regard your tenure as flimsy? have they actually told you this?....I think not, I'm sure you can live in many other foreign lands and your tenure will be even more "flimsy"


    you can have a condo and a car and it equates to less than 10% of your assets, good for you but what if it's not possible to be in this fortunate position? it does not make a less wealthy person wrong if he wants this and chooses this, there will be guys have this and it's 0.1% of there assets others it will be 50% of their wealth, they all want life to be comfortable whilst in Thailand, they all share this in common even if their assets differ greatly, we all have to sow our seed accordingly.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, JohnLick said:

    man you are probably the most biased guy in this thread... your ass is shaking for the boom to continue because you bought (likely overpriced) project that is still just on paper




    you paid your electric bill yet johnlick in your "high end" condo?


    what boom? all you guys talk of is a crash?


    and let me worry if I bought an overpriced condo, even if I have? I'm proud to be able to buy my dream holiday home

    and can guarantee you this without uncertainty I will always be able to pay my electric bill.


    this forum is just full of guys who badmouth Thailand, why don't you guys just go back home if thailand is such

    a bad place, the superior attititude of some of the guys on here to the Thai people and their derogatory comments

    on Thailand is bordering on racism, yet I bet the same guys badmouth their own country folk equally and use that to

    justify the reason they are in Thailand.


    your bullshit comment Johnlick below sums you up as a person, yesterday you were claiming you live in an affluent area when you don't as if anyone cares whilst badmouthing your Thai neighbours, now you're making snide comments about Thailand........why don't you go back home, from reading your posts of yesterday and today you obviously detest Thailand and it's people!


    "  Thais intend to be the masters of universe and also Thal language is to become #1 language in the world as current prime minister said.. "


    • Like 1
  6. http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/general/1317747/rapid-rail-link-to-rayong-set-for-2023


    ok there may be rude or derogatory comments  about this but thailand fully intends to have  "japanese style"

    bullet trains in operation by 2023, linking airports, commuters and Bangkok to the coast, this puts the eastern seaboard in commuting distance of bangkok, this is a partnership with japan and their expertise will of course be invaluable so please no comments about Thailand's inability to succesfully complete this.


    there's even rumours there will be casinos in Pattaya in the future, yes that one unlike the bullet train is just a rumour

    but with a one hour train planned linking Pattaya to Bangkok in 2023, I'd say now could actually be a good time to buy a condo in Pattaya where prices are less than half that of bangkok, yes 6 years sounds like a long time but they will be marketing properties on the strength of this very soon I'd imagine.


    sorry to the doomsday guys on here for being positive but as I'm planning on spending my UK winters in Thailand for what years I have left it's nice to read positive stories on Thailand and not the constant negative bullshit the guys on here desperate for a property crash write.

  7. 21 minutes ago, inThailand said:

    Let me guess.... your trying to unload a bad property investment to some newbie who is naive enough to believe that it's a good and safe investment? 

    ah, you guys are too clever, of course that's what I'm doing..............can't fool you guys????


    on the otherhand, I have only ever bought property to live in, as my home, not lucky enough like you "big shot" guys

    on here who have their portfolio of numerous "property investments"


    for me a house is a home.............................am I so wrong?

  8. 46 minutes ago, trogers said:

    Danger that I have pointed out is not in speculation by buyers.


    Danger lies in speculation and overbuilding by public listed developers using borrowed funds. There is no mechanism to penalize building up large unsold inventory in Thailand, unlike in Singapore.

    overbuilding? despite what your friend funand sun posted about the results of the major house construction companies in thailand vitually all of them had a very health balance sheet....this despite the recent turmoil in Thailand's history including military coup and the death of their beloved king.


    Thailand overcomes these isses as their foundations are strong.


    in my country UK, there is a massive problem with not nearly enough properties being built, maybe for thailand's future in the next 10, 20. 30 years maybe it is not so such a bad thing they have construction companies overly keen??? to build new homes.

  9. this from the financial times from 8 weeks ago, now personally I prefer to read what they are saying as compared to trogers and funandsun

    Foreign buyers lift Thai property market from doldrums

    Demand led by Hong Kong and China helps counter sluggish domestic growth


    "Wealthy Asian nationals have snapped up Thai apartments in soaring numbers in a sign of how foreign money is lifting sluggish property markets in the region"



  10. 1 hour ago, trogers said:

    Thanks. Will check if info is supported by other sources.

    if you read this recent report from the governor of the bank of thailand and his colleagues then it maybe gives a clearer picture that the one from the experts trogers and funinsun.


    yes they are aware of the dangers caused by oversupply and basically people trying to make money out of new condos but the last paragraph contains...."This sentiment was supported by Chansak Fuangfu, a director and senior executive Vice President at Bangkok Bank who said he doubted whether a property bubble in the market would develop as there was currently less demand for property. "


    who do we believe internet experts like trogers and funinsun or a chief executive at bangkok bank and the governor of the bank of thailand?.....the report says there has been unfounded speculation for the last few years, my god has funinsun and trogers been praying for a crash for that long? yes a bubble in property remains a risk but things continuing as they are or improving is also a risk too.......for trogers and funinsun that is


    "The Bank of Thailand governor indicated that the bank was aware of speculation in the Thai property sector but stressed that Thailand’s economy was in far better shape than it was prior to the 1997 crash. Today Thailand has a current account surplus of 35 billion US dollars accounting for 9% of Gross Domestic Product and has a public debt which is only 44% of GDP. "


    "The fall of Thailand’s property market, speculated on for the last few years, has not materialised. Despite a sluggish economy with reduced growth, there is continued interest in property in Thailand particularly in Bangkok from foreigners and in particular those in the Asian region. But it is focused exclusively at the high end of the market. "


    " A executive Vice President with Bank of Ayudhya, Nathapol Luepromchai, said that it was clear that the Thai Central Bank was sending a warning to developers who have been in process of developing condominium complexes along the route of proposed mass transit systems being driven by Thai government and urban authorities. The executive Vice President went further and suggested that it was possible that an over supply of such condominium units may exist or develop in the future as some existing projects seem to be facing headwinds. He pointed out that potential purchasers of such properties may be rethinking their position as the sluggish economy is causing confidence levels to drop. This sentiment was supported by Chansak Fuangfu, a director and senior executive Vice President at Bangkok Bank who said he doubted whether a property bubble in the market would develop as there was currently less demand for property. "

  11. 1 hour ago, trogers said:

    Thanks. Will check if info is supported by other sources.

    thanks??? what do you mean trogers thanks


    I'll post a hundred similar type recent news reports which say that Thailand's economy is doing fine and contradict what the idiot funinsun posted.


    the desperation from trogers and funinsun for a crash in thailand property is despicable, this thread started at the beginning of this year with a similar report posted from funinsun from 2016, he and you trogers are still waiting.

  12. 1 hour ago, funandsuninbangkok said:






    hong kong




    top three picked to blow up !

    looking bad, I didn't believe you before funandsun, after all you made some pretty silly statements but now you've published an internet report from an "expert" so now it's official and thailand and many other countries are extremely soon going to have a financial crash.


    congratulations funandsun, you got it right you were right all along, you're a very smart guy, after all you told all of us this was going to happen and now an "internet report" has confirmed this, very sorry for thinking you were printing nonsense for your own selfish agenda.


    yes you did claim sansiri were only in profit because they raised maintenance fees for condo owners, which only goes to prove that even someone with a great mind like funandsun can make incredibly stupid comments.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  13. looking bad, I didn't believe you before funandsun, after all you made some pretty silly statements but now you've published an internet report from an "expert" so now it's official and thailand and many other countries are extremely soon going to have a financial crash.


    congratulations funandsun, you got it right you were right all along, you're a very smart guy, after all you told all of us this was going to happen and now an "internet report" has confirmed this, very sorry for thinking you were printing nonsense for your own selfish agenda.


    yes you did claim sansiri were only in profit because they raised maintenance fees for condo owners, which only goes to prove that even someone with a great mind like funandsun can make incredibly stupid comments.

  14. 2 hours ago, trogers said:

    Should they have no unsold inventory in the projects that they are managing, yes, 0% overcharging. If the project team is also managing the rental of unsold inventory while being paid from the common fees, then, yes they would be overcharging.


    Overcharging can mean invoicing higher cost into the accounts, and not just demanding a higher monthly fee.


    Since you are open to discussion, perhaps you can offer the reason for your optimism in view of developers having substantial unsold inventory and have to rent them out, knowing that such units would lose their 'Virgin' status and become used condo units.

    I don't have optimism or pessimsim, I just go on what I read fron news reports, from the likes of bangkok post, reuters, the nation etc and EVERYTHING I read from them contradicts the "experts" on here.


    I plan on spending maybe 5 months per year in thailand so yes it suits me if the country is prospering, not too bothered about property prices, buying a new condo in thailand is a bit like buying a new car at home, you accept it's bad value but you do it because this is what you want, to be the first and only owner and for this you accept there is a premium, I know buying my condo was risky, bad value and possibly not too smart but my condo building is now 70% complete and 90% sold, great location, 50 yards from a nice quiet beach, hopefully and most likely I will be fine, if it drops 20% in value afterwards I'm not too bothered, nothing I can do about that and I get exactly the condo I wanted


    I wish and hope for Thailand to prosper but not for financial reasons unlike the posters on here who wish for Thailand not to prosper in fact they wish for the total opposite they hope for financial crashes, many thai and foreign people suffering just so as they can benefit, selfish to extremes, lets hope these parasites do not get their wishes, these guys do not care what lies or even slander they produce, they basically will say anything and back up any lie to support their argument.


    still find it hard to believe that yesterday 2 frequent posters trogers and sunandfuninabangkok were claiming that a massive comapny like sansiri were only in profit beause they were overcharging condo owners for maintenance fees, any little credibility you may have had went there, you guys proved you are clowns who will say absolutely anything.



    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, trogers said:

    Lots of words and optimism but none would explain why a large developer of housing project for sales would have to depend on rental returns for profits.


    With all that foreign money coming in, at low sales prices compared to overseas, there should not be any significant unsold inventory to provide such profits.

    so it's rental returns now trogers, have you dropped the belief they are making their profits from charging condo owner's higher maintenance which was the belief you were peddling on here only a few hours ago?


    if you actually read the report, you'd see that "property management" accounted for 16% of their total profits, oh and 0% from charging condo owners higher maintenance.


    so 84% of their profits have got nothing to do with rental returns which is bizarre as you write trogers that this large developer depends on rental returns for its profits..........once again fake news trogers, really if you are as smart as you claim try writing like you are a smart guy and not leave yourself open to ridicule with your continuous ridiculous posts.


    to simplify things for you "smart guy" trogers, their rental revenue was 23 million baht,

    hardly dependent on that are they? they made net profit of 804 million baht, 35 times

    their rental revenue


    "Sansiri and its subsidiaries reported net profit of 804 Million Baht, an increase of 29 percent from net profit of 622 Million Baht in 2Q-2016, making the net profit as of 6M2017 increased from 1,178 Million Baht in 6M2016 to 1,316 Million Baht "


    In 2Q-2017, the revenue from projects for rent amounted to 23 Million Baht, increasing from 15 Million Baht in 2Q-2016

  16. 24 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

    Yes we have missed 10 years of riots, rain, rabies, and flat rents.  All the while enjoying a 4 fold increase in boring stocks on the NASDAQ


    stock chart

    funandsuninbangkok, you have a very unhealthy obsession with money?


    and before you say so do I, I bought a condo at 42 baht to the £ knowing full well the £ can rise 10%, 20% as it is so low, my first visit to thailand i got 67, last year 52, life is for living, having money is no good if you don't spend it, never heard of anyone yet whose managed to depart this life and take his money with him, I own zero stock or shares, not interested and have worked hard enough to afford to retire early and escape UK winters in beautiful sunny Thailand.


    it's ok for you to be greedy, to have stock and share and investments, that's your life but if you come on to a forum spouting lies and false claims all in the hope that you can make even more money,  pathetically hoping Thailand has a catastrophic event inflicting their economy, god knows maybe you even wish for a war in North Korea? who knows? anything that will give you more money to count, funinsuninbangkok, why don't you lay off spouting  more lies on here and go and spend some of your money and enjoy your wealth, your greed is a very unattractive disposition.

  17. 8 hours ago, trogers said:

    You seem to have missed the main point of my thrust - Rental Revenue!


    Perhaps you may want to ponder over some keywords to understand my main thrust: speculation, overbuilding, attractive to flippers, resale units, renting out unsold inventory, conflict of interest in managing the maintenance of completed projects sold with substantial unsold inventory with management cost paid by common fees...

    on the contrary, I exactly get your "main thrust", you and that fool funinsuninbangkok, you'll argue whatever to support your desires for a Thailand property crash, claiming maintenace fees from condo owners was responsible for an increase in profits was just plain silly and a lie but you supported your friend with this claim.


    many many smart people locally and abroad are still ploughing money into Thailand, yet on here we are supposed to believe

    that trogers, funinsuninbangkok, expatoilworker, these keyboard experts actually know better than the successful businessman investing heavily in Thailand.


    now we have the fool funinsuninbangkok posting speculation from RT, he'll use any source, reliable or unreliable to fuel his argument but at the same time ignore anything which says that Thailand is actually doing ok, there is many many postive news stories on the web about Thai property and economy from far more reliable sources than RT,  you guys on here will ignore that and cherrypick from wherever any possible negative stories you can find, you will then add to this your own fiercely negative opinion and add the odd lie as well to try and create your illusion.


    face it guys, Thailand's property prices are low compared to many countries, local and further afield, it's a growing economy, and 3rd most popular in the world for tourism, it has the foundations in place to grow and improve on it's current situation, the likeliehood of the type of crash you guys are hoping for is very low, not sure of the motivation of you guys, cheap rent? cheap ownership? just wanting others to suffer? whatever it is your most likey going to be disappointed.

  18. this comes from "the nation" from 2 weeks ago, the same publication that funinsuninbangkok used for his fake news and crazy condo maintenance comment,

    doesn't sound like thailand's property market is doing too badly

    Condo development sets records as projects follow new mass-transit lines


    Condo projects lure major offshore investments


  19. 2 hours ago, trogers said:

    Doesn't sound like good news to those who buy units from such a developer.


    They are being undercut in their search for tenants, and being overcharged for maintenance to subsidize the cost of the unsold inventory.

    trogers, I thought you were meant to be the smart guy? you have repeated and quoted on funinsuninbangkok's foolish

    claim that sansiri's profit's have risen because they are charging CONDO OWNER'S higher maintenance fees, he made that up.


    if you had read their results their profits increased due to a number of reasons one of which was an increase in their business management revenue from from 764 million baht to 951 million baht at the same time their rental revenue grew from 15 million baht to 23 million Baht, there is no mention of "maintenance" charges for condo owners, in the same period their costs for business management were 823 million baht


    you guys just jump on anything to support your argument and make yourself sound just plain stupid


    really funinsuninbangkok did you think their revenue from condo owner maintenance was 951 million baht?

    are you that stupid? yet rental revenue in the same period was only 23 million baht


    business management and condo maintenance are not the same thing funinsuninbangkok


    trogers if you really are a smart guy and have much experience/knowledge in the construction industry? please don't

    be so quick to quote and vindicate the fool who goes by the name funinsuninbangkok


    he made a ridiculous claim that their profits rose because they were charging condo owners higher maintenance fees and you backed him up...........shame on you trogers


    maybe you will be honest enough to admit your foolishness?

  20. 2 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

    You should read the fine print.


    Profit increase is due to renting unsold units and higher fees to condo owners for maintainace costs. Also a decrease in sales and marketing costs. 





    more fake news, nothing wrong with a business who builds condos to rent unsold units and their increased profits have got nothing to do with charging condo OWNERS higher fees for maintenance, you made that bit up....fake news


    your previous post/graph had sansiri's profit in decline, now you are posting a reason for their "profit increase"

    can you please make your mind up, one post you say profit's down, next post you tell us why they have profit increase,

    really you will post anything to support your wish that Thailand's property market is going to crumble, you started this

    topic many months ago......maybe eventually you'll get it right.....could be a long wait though.

  21. 1 hour ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

    Lookin bad



    BRIEF-Sansiri posts quarterly net profit of 805.1 mln baht


    Reuters Staff

    1 Min Read

    Aug 15 (Reuters) - Sansiri Pcl

    * Quarterly net profit 805.1 million baht versus 622.3 million baht

    * Quarterly total revenues 8.66 billion baht versus 8.24 billion baht Source text for Eikon: Further company coverage:


    fake news from you funandsuninbangkok, your one man crusade to cause a slump continues.

  22. 52 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    Trogers actually know his stuff when it comes to real-estate, so you could learn something here, but your seem entrenched in your own thinking. Try watching a movie like The Big Short, sometimes a smart few guys can see through hype.

    I've no doubt Trogers is a smart guy........if you actually asked him is there any certainty of a crash in Thailand property?

    his answer would have to be....I don't know, I am not sure or similar.......he is only speculating on one possible outcome and using his knowledge to predict an as of yet not to materialise event....or am I wrong and you can answer with confidence?


    Trogers, you're a smart guy, tell us what you believe is going to happen with Thai property in the next few years and we can see in the future by reading on here how accurate you actually were.


     it's all speculation and as for hype expatworker, there is plenty of hype on here on this topic, all negative of course, I'll stick to facts and figures and not rely on holywood and movies or guys on here with their own agenda as for "learning something here", as you advise expatworker, not the smartest thing to believe faceless posters on an internet forum who consistently contradict the Bangkok Post or similar publications because these faceless internet posters actually know better............really?


    expatworker as smart as you think Trogers is, he doesn't know what the future holds for Thailand's property market.





  23. 2 hours ago, chrisandsu said:

    You want to take the bangkok post as serious reporting ? ?

    All real estate bubbles are firmly entrenched with massive doses of speculation . Just yesterday I read the government are about to break ground in November for the high speed train from bkk to korat , that speculation has been going on for years where a lot of generals in bkk bought up massive amounts of land around korat and pak Chong . The land prices are now ten times the price they were ten years ago! the generals have become super rich out of 'speculation' !! I will do ok as well but I won't hold my breath until it happens . 

    yes and there's speculation about high speed trains from BKK to pattaya, the local airport expanding be to be thailands no 4 airport, speculation about much better roads and even speculation Pattaya could boom from casinos, speculation about chinese starting to buy, about Russians coming back as their economy and oil price improves...blah blah blah, point is you could write a lot of stuff to actually talk up the property prices too but it would be wrong as it's all if's but's and maybe's but that's exactly what this topic is except it's dominated by guys talking property prices down, not because that's what they believe but instead what they hope for.


    so far only evidence is that despite many many detrimental things happening in pattaya there has been no crash, can't comment on the rest of thailand but after a bit of reading on Pattaya it's easy to see the motivation of many of the posts on this topic.

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