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Posts posted by Golgota

  1. 2 minutes ago, trogers said:

    Being responsible is linked to understand the target of people you address. Don't use one measuring stick on all. Your standards might be pearls to you but not to others.

    So you re just dodging one more time the answer and deflect with stupid Quote from a book


    Self censorship is done because of FEAR , moreover self censorship is mostly targetting topics which are free to be talked, especially when those topics imply corruption, or criticize the JUnta for exemple.

    Responsibility is done because you know it is wrong in many standards...I guess it is useless to have a discussion with you as the way you answer is useless.

    You re just  avoiding any discussion because you know you do not have any real answer to it

  2. Just now, trogers said:

    We cannot impose our set of standards on others who have a different set, or else there would be conflict.

    Your original comment which started our discussion was :

    "Any reason words like 'being responsible' are not used in place of self-censor?"

    which seemed to imply self censorship is the same as being responsible.

    From which I answered it was not the same, and you started to speak about religion, people being stupid for praying and we should use "another kind of measurement"


    So just to get back on topic

  3. Just now, rkidlad said:

    No, it's not racist. It's ridiculing a set of ideas and not a race of people. Same as people who ridicule religious 'ideas' (Islam usually)  - they're not racist. They're ridiculing bad ideas or people who believe in something with zero evidence and that defies the laws of science. 


    Personal beliefs are fine. You wanna believe that praying to inanimate objects will cure yourself or others of diseases, etc, that's up to you. Once you start preaching this and try to make others believe it, that's where you should rightfully be ridiculed and have your ideas easily and scientifically debunked.  





    Weh you use this to justify self censorship and you say it is done because the people are stupid in Thailand and the government do this for "their own good" you are racist or at least someone who thinks he worth much more than the others...especially when this one is used to praise an unelected junta which threatens his citizen

  4. 11 minutes ago, trogers said:

    Read what was taught 2000 years ago - Matt 7:6


    Google for it is you are not familiar.


    Timothy 2:12 : I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent.
    Exodus 22:18: Do not allow a sorceress to live.

    Psalm 137: Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us / He who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

    Peter 2:18: Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel

    we can see religion is cool and funny

  5. 5 minutes ago, trogers said:

    Read what was taught 2000 years ago - Matt 7:6


    Google for it is you are not familiar.

    I find your lack of real answer disturbing, and you re moving to OT waters...

    Self censorship is different than responsibility, you may not like it, you may praise The Prayuth, but the facts are : self censorship is based on fear, while responsibility is based on conscience...


    Oh and the bible is not really used by me except as a wedge for my office desk...

  6. 59 minutes ago, trogers said:

    You are talking about a country where people rub tree barks and undergrads prostrating to statues...


    Use a different measuring ruler.

    this is either racist, pretentious or just a lack of answer for the discussion ..

    (Catholic spread water on their face thinking it is holy,by the way)

    Either you understand censorship is different than responsibility or you just a troll, plain and simple

  7. 1 minute ago, trogers said:

    Responsibility does not come from the goodness of our hearts.


    It is either taught or not taught by our parents. See Red Bull case.

    You still have people who do not have this...I am quite sure the thing the Junta wants to monitor and the censorship has nothing to do with education or responsibility...for exemple a journalist may think it is his responsibility to let the public now about government corruption and abuses...self censorship will  make this same journalist shut his mouth because he may go to some kind of attitude adjustment...I sincerly hope you see the differences between the two of them 

  8. 1 hour ago, binjalin said:

    I don't really care if you were born a man and want to become a lady. Your business. I don't understand it though and can't pretend that I do but I do think the worlds gone into a PC overdrive. Will there be a Trans Olympics next?  

    You can not understand because you are noth them. The same goes for Olympics, office and other things...remember the army has a screening test before being able to enroll? if they fail they will not be enrolled. I guess you re also not in favor of gays people in the army...by the way working for the army is not necesseraly synonymous of being on the field...

  9. 8 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

    People who comment on the issue might find it useful to understand the original policy before commenting. 


    "...plan for accepting transgender recruits carries a number of stipulations: candidates suffering from gender dysphoria may not join unless a medical provider certifies that the applicant “has been stable without clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning for 18 months.” The applicant also must have completed “medical treatment associated with gender transition” and have been “stable in the preferred gender for 18 months.”








    I think you shouldn't bother, most of the "retired heroes" (sic) we have on Thai visa do not read the answers or do not comment the arguments

  10. 14 minutes ago, jimmyyy said:

    Report was submitted way before that.  All the chiefs had input on it.  My level of trust in what yahoo or CNN says is up there with Thai drinkable tap water.   Transgender people are not mentally fit to serve, many people are excluded from serving in the armed forces.  Its not a right its a privileged. 

    And who are you to be able to tell if transgenders people are not mentally fit to serve?

    I know the old chaps here tend to  be a bit homophobic and antiLGBT (which is ironic in such country) but they are screened the same way that regular joes before entering the army...being transgenders do no give them a All pass for the army

  11. 34 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Typical red response.. if it goes our way its encouraging.. if it goes an other way its political.


    Same like.. if someone is guilty and we can't deny the facts we call it political.


    It gets a bit boring. 

    This is politic and it is done by the yellow and the JUnta as well... you should open your eyes and understand the verdict of this trial: if they were found guilty, this would mean the Abhisit government and Generals can be also be indicted...

  12. 24 minutes ago, Dave67 said:

    "In our view, the nuclear deal has been violated and we will show an appropriate and proportional reaction to this issue," 


    Why did he say  "In our View" makes it sound like he's not 100% positive they are breaking the deal.


    On the other hand with the new sanctions, he can be positive they going to break the deal

    Well, the deal was made and Iran followed agreed to it, the US even recognized the deal was made and followed by Iran, but Trump and his Administration said the "Idea of the nuclear deal" is not...


  13. 6 hours ago, captspectre said:

    these clown and yes some generals can be clowns (just look at mark clark and all the GI's he got killed in WW-2) seem to believe that some two thousand or so screwed up people who don't know or accept what they are will screw up the Armed Forces. I could go on but it is disgusting.

    I dunno where or even if you went to the army, but last time I checked you didn't have to pull the trigger with your d!ck...

    Some may argue that the screwed up people are the ones leaving their country to enjoy a life with a far younger wife in a thrid world country ruled by dictatorship

  14. The only and sole goal of the Junta is to prevent any Shinawatra to ever come to politics again.

    Unfortunately they are losing this bet.


    If the rice scheme was such a mess, the most reasonable thing to do would be to let them fall, and lose the support from their base. But the dear Prayuth, pushed by Suthep ( a guy crooked to the bones), came too fast.

    Now they are making, one more time, a martyr from Yingluck...and they will pay the price in a way or another....If they just had wait, Yingluck would have fall alone...

  15. 2 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    But these are some of the worst nations on earth.  They treat their citizens terribly.  The atrocities these 3 leaders have committed is well documented.  You are aware of them right?


    P.S. I'm against the military industrial complex.  Though I think it's also misrepresented.  Congress holds the power to go to war, not private companies.  Some think they've got power that they don't really have. 


    I'm also against invading other countries.  Iraq 1 was justified.  Iraq 2 wasn't.  Afghanistan is a quagmire, they did help Bin Laden.  I use to work in the WTC, so feel quite strongly about that.

    Wrong : Liby and Sirya and Iraq were NOT the worst nations on earth

    WTC was orchestrated by Saudi, I am surprised you don't feel more about the fact that every government still lick Saudi <deleted> and why The Trump made a ban which DID NOT include any nation involved in 9/11

    I can tell you there are worst countries, North Korea is one of them, we are sure of this, and I went to Iran a couple of time last year, the government is harsh yes and it is no democracy but the people still do not understand why their country and themselves are seen as terrorists and why we still see the US as freedom fighters when they only look at their own interest...that's also why they didn't care about NOrth Korea, until the ICBM  can reach their territories

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