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Older and Wiser

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Everything posted by Older and Wiser

  1. If his wife finds out he has a girlfriend in Thailand, he may lose more than his gold necklace.
  2. What I can't understand is why it is so severe in his case. Dengue is not rare by any means and very seldom a problem unless the patient is young, old or has other conditions. They don't even bother to hospitalise most cases and it passes in only a few days. He's only 36 and seems to be fit and strong. So what's different here?
  3. Even with the largest denomination of Oz currency, that would 95 hundred dollar bills, plus his Thai money, that would be a well-stuffed wallet. Just saying.
  4. A "Mouse Hunt" looking for a guy called Mickey. A Mickey Mouse Hunt? You couldn't make this up.
  5. Not all conditions are stated in the contract because they are the laws (contract law) governing the contract. Such as, you signed a binding contract to stay and pay for one year. Therefore, you must pay for one year, even if you decide to leave earlier.
  6. I reply as a landlord of several properties in the Philippines, different country but same problems. Firstly, the legal obligations; you signed a one year contract, your are obliged to stay or pay for one. I offer 3 month or more leases, so there is no excuse for signing a one year lease and wanting to leave after 3 months. Of course, there are situations where the tenant needs to leave early due to extenuating circumstances and in such cases I am sympathetic and will try to reach a compromise. However, people lie, one tenant had a 3 month contract but after one month said his mother was very sick in Oz and he had to go back, I let him go, only to find he never left the country. Now, in genuine cases, I will discuss with the tenant and compromise, then prepare a termination agreement under which the compromise is the basis. I will hold the 1 month security deposit, but it will take at least a month to replace the tenant, so I don't make money from it. It takes a few days for clean up, repairs and replacement before I can show it. Even if I find a new tenant, they rarely want to move in immediately due to having existing lease, prepaid hotel, etc. In this case, seems the tenant wants to leave without any reason, only convenience. I don't think I'd be too sympathetic.
  7. The swastika, if that's what it was, has a long past. It was popular long before Hitler adopted it and it became a hated symbol. They appear in Budhist and Hindu religions. I remember when I lived in Japan about 30 odd years ago, that the locations of temples were indicated by a reversed swastika. I would also add, as a Filipino resident of 25 years, that such incidents, killing a friend after drinking and getting into an argument, in the Philippines are quite common. I know personally of two cases. In one case, the brother of my now ex-wife (my b-in-l) was drinking heavily with friends. One of his friends pulled a ring off his finger and, horsing around, wouldn't return it. He went home came back with a gun and shot his friend dead. I was even asked to pay Php50k blood money to keep him out of jail.
  8. Limousine bus from Narita to Tokyo is most convenient, or used to be when I lived there up till 1998.
  9. I am based in the Philippines, though spend quite a lot of time Thailand. I subscribed to anzfootball.com in the Philippines, it also works in Thailand. All ads and pundits in Thai. Cost about $7/month and features all kinds of matches, including all top European leagues and beyond.
  10. I sold mine 2021, it had been rented out to the same guy for 16 years, then he bought it. I had to do self-assessment for cap gains, paid around GBP2,300, it was my only property in UK.
  11. B3000 Per semester? Doesn't that work out at around B30+ per day. Nuf said.
  12. Unless it's a busy time or busy location. I've tried for 3 hours or more for Grab in Ortigas.
  13. I bought a condo in South Cha-Am, agent was fellow Brit and seller was Swedish. No problems at all. Perhaps that tells you something?
  14. Not just what he left out but what he put in. Would you recommend a tourist to take a tuk tuk if you'd stayed in Bangkok more than a few days even, he does.
  15. I don't know about other airlines, but if I book through PAL they always ask nationality.
  16. It said that Thais were 56% of visitors in 2022. Strange, of approx 750k visitors from Nov 1 to Jan 26, there were only 7k, or about 1%. If for whole of 2022 the number of visitors was 9.5m, or approx 800k per month, then Thais were around 525k a month. But for three months from Nov to Jan total 7200, or 2,400 per month. What happened to all the Thais?
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