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Posts posted by Kieran00001

  1. 7 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

    well vehicular manslaughter for sure.  Now if he was on a cell phone and that was why he was not paying attention, then go criminal on his ass


    In Thailand, a manslaughter charge is only laid if there was a proven intent to injure which then resulted in death.  Driving carelessly is a traffic offense, it is not criminal, the only cases where a driving offense has resulted in a manslaughter charge are when there has been evidence that they were attacking the person who died, such as the recent minivan driver who killed during a road rage attack.  This benz driver will not face a criminal charge if its deemed they were mot paying attention.

  2. The below is from a lawyers website.  The last para is interesting, even if fleeing scene, failing to report to police and refusing to give name to police, the highest sentence for a death resulting from careless driving is 3 months, none if they do not flee and stay to talk to the police.
    3.  If you are a driver, in this case, don’t flee or escape. As the crime from driving carelessly is not the intention; the offender is not a criminal. This penalty is a few measures. You should stay for fighting with the truth unless you have to take a long escape for 15 years.   If you drive a car to bump against any person to be dead, but you surrender yourself to defend, you may have got no crime or no penalty. In case, you have got crime or penalty, the crime or penalty may be reduced or relieved by court.   If you are generous and kindness, when you drive and the car accident occurs, the obligation by law are as follows:
    a.     You have to stop the vehicle and help appropriately. For example, when you drive to bump against any person, you have to stop a car and help the person who has got wounded by taking him to the hospital.
    b.     You have to appear and inform the near police officer immediately and you have to tell him that you are the car driver.
    c.     You have to inform your first name and your family name including residential address and the car license to the injured person.
    d.     In case you are a driver, if you flee, escape or not appear to the police officer, the law will assume that you are the offender; and the policeman has an authority to hold or seize the car until be able to capture the driver or until the case will get to the last.
    e.     If the driver does not follow the regulation (a, b and c), you will get the crime to be imprisoned not exceed 1 month, or you will be fined not exceed 2,000 Baht. But, if the injured person has got a serious injury or be dead, you will get the crime to be imprisoned not exceed 3 month, or you will be fined not exceed 5,000 Baht.
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  3. 11 minutes ago, chiangrai said:
    "More likely is that permission will be granted to use the ganja extract known as CBD oil that is not restricted in any way."
    Is that true.Can you import it to Thailand,in small bottles.


    I would careful doing that, even if its not illegal you could still find yourself detained while they establish that fact.  Why not just buy from someone who already imported it?  Its not dificult to find here.


  4. 10 minutes ago, SABloke said:

    Ah, dear old bizarre Thailand...what can we say? A few months ago it was reported that Thai agencies were trying to prevent foreigners from getting weed patents because it "could lead to monopolies". Now we have the "Thai Tobacco Monopoly" applying for permission to get involved. ????


    The TTM is state owned.

  5. 50 minutes ago, mikebell said:

    The Tobacco Monopoly cashes in again.  I wonder whose names are on the board of directors?


    Its state owned, the board members also have top positions in other ministries and state owned enterprises, the chairman and vice are also the Inspector General and vice of the Ministry of Finance.  Some other positions include heading the railways, PTT, and Bangkok Bank.

  6. 4 hours ago, nauseus said:

    Why did Merkel say this then?



    The 1951 Geneva Convention offers sanctuary to refugees. A big problem is that large numbers of economic migrants and others have been happy to have been classed as "refugees", to assist their movement and to reach their European goal. Genuine refugees fleeing in instant panic and fear for their lives generally do not have thousands of dollars available to pay people smugglers and most groups of genuine refugees are are not normally comprised of an absurdly high proportion of young men. 


    Utter tosh, in the war in Syria the majority who have managed to escape have had money behind them, and in all wars, money has nothing to do with being bombed or not.

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  7. 18 hours ago, candide said:

    While I am happy that this guy is neutralized, you raise a real issue. How far can police forces go on the scale leading to inducing suspects to commit a crime that they may not have committed without their involvement. 

    In this particular case, they went as far as to provide him with 'fake' bombs.


    When they use "informants" instead of police I don't think there is any limit to how far they can take it, which is very worrying.

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  8. 1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

    The tipping point that made 17.4 million people vote to quit the EU was Merkel and her cohorts in 2015 inviting hordes of aliens on to the continent and telling all EU member nations in a dictatorial manner that we'd all be required to take in our share of 'em.


    No compromise was involved nor even suggested. Had there been it's possible that there would not have been a Brexit.


    That was actually the Geneva Convention that invited them and stipulated that we must take them, and as for no compromise, how exactly was it that we managed to negotiate to take so few of them then?

  9. 18 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

    You think because Thailand doesn't package its statistics to your liking that they're hiding mass shootings in the streets? Like I posted earlier, in this social media world you can't hide anything, especially 20 people shot on a weekend. That's a joke. Mass shootings have happened here but not even close to other countries frequency. 


    Nope, I never mentioned mass shootings, and no one is disputing the number of murders by gun in Thailand, the whole point of our conversation was arguing over whether there are hot spots of gun crime in Thailand or not, I claim that there are, such as Khlong Toei, for instance, do you know of anywhere in Bangkok with more shootings?

  10. Just now, from the home of CC said:


    If people were getting shot at the rate of Chiraq's 20 a weekend you don't think in this social media/everybody has a camera society in Thailand we wouldn't hear about it? You think the Chinese would be travelling to Thailand in the numbers they do if part of their holiday wardrobe was a bullet proof vest? Crime reporting isn't suppressed here, hell TVF would be out of business if it was. 


    Why are you comparing one city in the US with the whole of Thailand?  Do tourists go to the US wearing bulletproof vests?  No, they go to see the sights whilst avoiding places like Detroit.  Its the same in Thailand, the Chinese tour buses don't stop off in Khlong Toey, do they?


    In other countries the press read the stats released by the national statistics office and report on them, in Thailand they release very little.  Do you really expect the Thai press to go out and gather the stats themselves?



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  11. 17 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Perhaps the single greatest weakness any man or woman can manifest is face. A total lack of self reflection, self love, self esteem, confidence, knowledge of one's self and ability to practice common sense or reason. Who on earth cares what people think of you? It means less than zero to me. Tell me it is cultural. A bit like saying Alaskans eat mostly fish. 


    In the UK people call it reputation, and there are millions of lads willing to punch your lights out for challenging theirs on a Saturday night, losing face is certainly not something unique to this part of the world, I would say it is a natural trait, a negative one, but natural none the less.

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  12. 20 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

    In the U.S. cities take turns being the murder capital. One year it's Detroit then it's Baltimore and and then it's Miami. This same scenario does not occur in Thailand and it probably never will.



    How on earth do you know that that doesn't happen in Thailand?  The whole point of my first post was that you'd have no idea if it did as they won't release the stats.  Some years they wont even release the total figure for the country, presumably because of the global rating it would give them, they are always high on the gun murder table, perhaps they top it some years, we just don't know about Thailand like we know about the US.

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  13. 1 hour ago, from the home of CC said:

    Not even close, have a niece who is a doctor who worked at Cook County Hospital. If Thailand went like Chi town they're be tanks on every soi.


    Thailand's murder rate per 100,000 is roughly 5, its about the same as the US rate. 


    Chicago's is over 15, its one of the cities which gives the US their high rate, without three cities the US would have a murder rate in line with developed countries.


    A similar thing is probably happening in Thailand, there are districts in Bangkok where you hear gunshots regularly, but no stats released so we have no idea what the murder rate is in different cities and different districts of cities, like we know for the US.

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  14. On 4/28/2019 at 6:11 PM, geoffbezoz said:

    and if you take the trouble to read the thread in chronological order prior to posting you may understand better that indeed later posted items rectify the matter. But hey ho you just go on and attempt to criticise rather than add anything useful to the thread if it makes you happy.


    Its you who hasn't added anything useful.  The post you choose to critisize, although not useful to the OP, was potentially useful to others, unlike your own false information.  You really need to wind your neck in Geoff, this is becoming a regular thing with you.

  15. 2 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

    Wow, that just beggars belief. It makes you wonder about the standards of other parts such as tyres, seatbelts, and brakes.


    Its shocking stuff, however they did warn me that the reason it was so cheap was because its not laminated and they also screwed their nose up when telling me, that was quite a good warning as well, but then they also had them in stock, so they can't think that little of them. I don't know about tires and seat belts are not generally replaced so little chance for fakes, however brakes can be for sure, I came across some brake pads for a hilux that were made in Turkey, they felt rough like a piece of sandpaper, never seen anything like it, obviously not real and very cheap.

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