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Mutt Daeng

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Everything posted by Mutt Daeng

  1. I recently watched The State Within season 1 and it was very good IMHO. Well worth a look. Storyline from IMDB: The British Ambassador to Washington is the pinnacle of success in the Foreign Office and the position is offered to only the brightest and the best. But Ambassador Mark Brydon finds his skills tested to the limits when, following a major diplomatic incident, he is thrust into a web of tangled relationships and conflicting interests. In a world of high stakes, where manipulation of information means ultimate power, the question is: who can he trust? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0770652/ I got it from solidtorrents.
  2. Got to agree with you @Denim, you can't beat a bit of Fanny!!!!
  3. I use Password Safe on my Windows and android devices. Very easy to use. https://www.pwsafe.org/
  4. Yet another bungling error in my post above. The URL above should read tinyzonetv<dot>to and not tinyzonetv<dot>net. Sorry for any confusion I may have caused.
  5. My apologies for that mistake. I downloaded The Company from kickass2 as in the post you quoted.
  6. Newcastle Brown Ale aka Brown Dog or simply Dog, brings back memories. Haven't had one since 2010. IMHO it's nout like Beer Lao Dark.
  7. Just finished watching it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Everything just as you said. Alan Cumming, the transgender show girl, played an absolutely brilliant part. Thank you. I've also just finished The Runaway and enjoyed it. Thanks for the recommendation @The Hammer2021. I watched it on tinyzonetv.
  8. Both great. I posted the KC version sometime ago. Maybe on last years topic.
  9. Surely that can't be right. What if you don't have any family in the UK?
  10. Might be worth checking this out.
  11. There is a website and an app to stream movies. The website works best for me using Firefox browser on my android box. Brave browser works but not so well for me. Your experience may be different depending on your software platform/browser. I looked at the app and it didn't work too well on my android box. Other android devices may have a different experience. The website is tinyzonetv<dot>net - not sure if proper link is allowed on this forum.
  12. Westworld complete season 4 now available on TGx. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0475784/
  13. Sorry about that @sanuk711, I watched The Company on tinyzonetv. I got the Game from solidtorrents. Runaway is also in tinyzonetv,
  14. I've just watched The Company season 1. The storyline (copied from IMDB) "Spy vs. spy. Three Yale grads, class of 1954, join their respective countries' secret service. We follow them for 40 years - through the outing of a British spy, the Hungarian revolution, the Bay of Pigs, the scent of moles, and the collapse of the USSR. Fictional characters - Yalies Jack McCauliffe, Leo Kritzky, and Yevgeny Tsipin and Jack's boss Harvey Torriti - rub shoulders with real figures like Kim Philby and James Angleton to tell stories of romance, intrigue, double-crosses, false leads, suicide, execution, and exile - in the name of ideology, patriotism, paranoia, perfidy, and one-upsmanship." I thought it was very good and worth a look IMHO. I got it from kickass2. It's cast includes Alfred Molina, Chris O'Donnell & Michael Keaton. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0488352/?ref_=tt_ov_inf
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