I've just watched Fifty Dead Men Walking and thought it was pretty good. Worth a look IMHO. I think it was recommended by @Andrew Dwyer, so thanks for that. I got it from 1337x.
All great movies above @sanuk711. I generally avoid comedies but I did like Groundhog Day. I do think that "older" movies generally are better quality with respect to entertainment and plots than their newer counterparts. I guess that's why I watch TV series mainly.
I'm currently watching season 1 of The Man Who Fell To Earth and it's entertaining & enjoyable IMHO. Worth a look. It's already been mentioned in this forum by others. I got it from TGx.
AFAIK there are currently no plans for HSBC to close non-UK residents accounts. I registered my Thai address with HSBC over 10 years ago and have been using the account as normal since then. New debit/credit cards are sent to my Thai address (I don't have a UK address).