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Posts posted by petercool

  1. You can get overseas bought phones unlocked here quite readily but can face the issues of OS or app updates that may not work ....or those might put you back to square one of being unlocked again when try to do updates.

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  2. Having lived in Thailand for a few decades, I have many such stories .... people getting their buffaloes to pull my car out of a ditch up-country, police politely escorting me out of a one way street that I accidentally entered the wrong way, a stranger who guided out of a maze of unlit dirt tracks for miles one night etc. etc. ......none of whom would take any gift or reward.

    Now living in Pattaya for a few years shows me a side of life in Thailand that is far from the norm but such acts can be found if you yourself are polite and friendly.

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  3. You have to consider the average age of expats in Pattaya, that most are single, as well as absolute numbers of those and access to high-rise buildings when comparing to other places in Thailand and maybe even when comparing to other places around the globe. Then there is the reporting which seldom occurs in quite the same way as it does in Pattaya where this is "news".

  4. I have, on occasion, seen the local post office delivery man when he has delivered mail or bills to my house and tipped him.

    For some time after, he seemed to get my mail to me within reasonable time - maybe he searched for my stuff, no doubt hoping to see me again ......

  5. Here we go again,.....another one got ripped off by either a she/he, or a lady of the night. When will this type of behavior end.

    and why do they keep posting these type of stories? Same story over and over again, its just the names that change! Is there

    a list to see whom is the most likely the next victim? Thailand........one month period through out the country. It would be interesting to see

    German Russian American Belgian Danish Swedish British........Australian New Zealand others

    Drunk 11 4 3 1 2 1 14 6 2 7

    Fighting 7 2 5 2 6 2 19 4 1 10

    Mugged 2 4 3 1 2 1 10 2 1 6

    Doped 2 9 3 2 1 2 5 3 1 5

    Suicide 2 1 2 0 0 1 3 2 0 1

    Death 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 3 0 4

    Would not apply for position as an insurance actuary with those predictions ....:)

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