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Posts posted by petercool

  1. The reality is that there is always someone at the top of any food chain whether that be the supermarket, the hospital, the taxi company, beggars or anything else.

    Should we stop buying potatoes because the farmer's son gets little out of his work on the farm ?

    We all understand your oft-stated position and by now you should understand that not everyone thinks as you do.

    Can we leave it at that ?

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  2. Yes, that distinction between "buy" and "rent" is doubly important when speaking Thai about Buddha images to the one who rents them to you and to any Thai you talk to about the cost of such rental.

  3. Perhaps the point is that these money lenders have no banking laws to follow, no license to operate, no company registration, pay no tax and do in fact charge interest that can be way above any credit card or bank - plus use strong arm tactics. The actual amount of interest tends to be be less relevant under those circumstances even if any reporter could ever learn what that interest was.

  4. I think you might be underestimating the use of this tune in Thai and International nurseries here as a teaching tool. But anything that brings back nice memories in even one person has a certain validity. The advertising value may be minimal but the doing of what is expected in local promotion terms via a van (and the owner's self worth that this creates) outweighs that, no doubt.

  5. Family obligation in Thailand outweighs all else but in my own case my half Thai daughter supports me in my pensionless and no income years so it works for me ...... the secret seems to be, though, to marry into a family that is self sufficient. Not always that easy.

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  6. The Banks' interest is annual whereas the money lenders can charge 20% monthly or weekly and even daily. And the banks don't have "heavies" collecting for them.

    Try not paying and see what the Banks do!!!!!

    I have it on good authority that while some banks "sell" their debt to collection agencies, that practice is against the law.

    More normally they use lawyer services to take out a case,

  7. To report, you need to go to the police station covering the area in which the items were stolen.

    Unlike other countries you cannot just go to nearest police station to report an incident that occurred somewhere outside that station's jurisdiction.

  8. That particular individual had a few friends at Soi 9 station but he has run out of those under the new Superintendent and he is not affiliated with any recognized foreign volunteer group even though he does some translation work with his very average Thai language skills at the Court from time to time. He lives in his own fantasy world.

  9. There are now many police divisions using foreign help - The Tourist Police, The Traffic Police, The Highway Police and the regular Police at Soi 9, Banglamung and Nongprue stations who use The Foreign Police Volunteers. Each has a different set of uniform badges, procedures, conduct code, responsibilities, reporting and quality of training. To lump them all into one category is not very meaningful but it is recognized by all these groups that recruiting the perfect person is difficult and in any group some will be better than others. That they all fully fund their own uniforms, any equipment and their travel costs yet receive nothing but misunderstanding (and often worse) has to be taken into account. You don't have to like them but most do try to provide real assistance to foreigners and all are under their Thai counterparts' strict orders and existing only with the relevant Thai police division's wishes. My view is that any issues with any one volunteer should be taken up with the relevant supervising Thai police division directly. Many dismissals have followed from such actions and that's the route to take in my opinion.

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  10. I have found Mobi's bar to be a very pleasant place to drop in for a chat with the man himself or a joke with his charming wife and/or the girls. I confess that, for the days that I do not drop in, it is fun for me to read about what I may have missed .... Why anyone would begrudge his thread is beyond me and, as has been said, it is not compulsory to read the posts ....

  11. A complaint direct to the management is more in line with what I would do. That is not libel as no one else sees or hears it. It is the third party part that affects these laws.

  12. It is probably related to intent. If the sole intention of communicating negative comments (even if it's all true) is to cause damage to the reputation of someone else then those libel laws are more likely to be applied. News reporting can be generally said to have no such intent but one could query some news on its intent.

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