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Posts posted by sunshine13

  1. on this forum it seems to be accepted that the majority of thai men are unfaithful and have women on the side and visit dens of prostitution.

    I would like to do the same but I am not sure what the customs are in thai culture?

    do i just do it, and not tell her, inwhich case she doesnt mind. in other words, is it something that goes on beneath the surface?

    do i have a responsibility to let her know that i am ready to start setting up mia nois and do i have to run the financial figures by her since thai women control the expenses?

    how many mia nois is one allowed to have and what are the rules? how many times a month can i see them?

    thanks and please dont delete this as i know its a sensitive subject. give it 24 hours atleast to see what responses come as i am confused on how to act.

  2. Nok

    Your favorite band is Girly Berry

    you love the b street boys too

    how should i say "Mai Ru"?

    But no need to say that

    You know me so well, wearing your hat

    Two love birds flying through the Sky

    Lets never whisper "Bye Bye"

    40 years I am your senior

    Please dont change your calm demeanor

  3. OK, I have been buying tshirts from this chick for over 3 months now in a major BKK shopping mall. Everytime I go in, I will flirt with her, touch her gently on varioius parts of her body and she will usually giggle and rub her backside into my groin, etc.

    Well, after 3 months, I decide to ask her if she wants to meet outside of this atmosphere and I am thinking of setting her up as a Mia Noi.

    She tells me she is actually married. When I ask her what have we been doing for the last 3 months, she claims that she didnt know it was flirting and thought we were just friends.

    What do you think, is she lying?

    Also, what is a good gift to bring her the next time I see her... She is in her early thirties, do you think a yearly pass to So-Soy-Am Water Park would be well recieved?

  4. the other thai teenagers

    look at you enviously

    yet your chin doesnt rise

    you remain modest

    i try to give you money

    but you refuse and

    say true love has no price

    i have a surprise for your

    birthday in three days

    here is a hint -


    ((i am getting us a yearly pass to So-Soy-Am Water Park))

  5. Nok

    Like a cookie you are sweet

    who would have thought that love

    in all its infinite glory

    was waiting for me inside pizza hut

    your black skirt so sexy

    yet you so innocent

    and beautiful

    me, i am 59 year young today

    your birthday is in three days,

    you are so wise for a 19 year old.

    Love in the rarest of places -

    they call it the land of smiles

    but a smile is just a smile

    and love is infinite

    Nok, like a cookie so I will eat you up

    two souls that are one

    can you believe how special this is

    i will love you forever and always

  6. i dont speak thai, but i have to say that it is kind of rare that i meet a thai who i feel really understands what i am saying. this might not make much sense, but i could have the same conversation with two thai people - all their responses the same, and I can tell by looking in one of their eyes that they understand what i am saying, while the other does it. Also, I can see in the eyes of many thai people that they have self esteem issues when being around a farang and do not feel comfortable, and this is not nessecarily because they speak bad english.

    really, this entire thread is pointless besides the following fact: DONT PUT MONEY AND LAND IN WIFES NAME IF YOU CANT AFFORD TO LOSE IT, AND IF YOU DO, PLEASE BLAME YOURSELF.

  7. if you say "old farang" on thai visa, i am pretty sure that is an automatic crucifixtion. Applying that 20 year old thai women are not sexually attracted to their 50 year old husbands, that is a double crucifixtion. Time to run and hide because these guys are gonna eat you alive emperor.

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