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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. You cannot provide a quote because it was a false accusation and you continue with your dishonest debate.
  2. I asked for a quote of mine that was according to you a misrepresentation. Read my previous posts your obviously not. the majority of mosques are of charitable status and as such receive grants from the gov and other orgs, along with tax and associated public benefits. You need to do some research you have no Clue on this
  3. Now quote me where I was misrepresenting. logic dictates the budget is given on the number of mosques that need it. If here is an increase the next budget will no doubt reflect that. Why do you also keep ignoring that this is by far not the only source of public funding they get?
  4. Let’s wind back a bit to the part where you claimed I was making things up. after that slander I expect an apology before I go back to your original post of why. the government does not only provide funds for security either.
  5. Read my post again, I specifically said I did have a link. I have many actually it’s so well known. Here is just one. Government commits more funding to protect UK Muslims The government has committed to providing UK Muslims with more than £117 million of protective security funding over the next 4 years. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-commits-more-funding-to-protect-uk-muslims I also have a link that states most UK mosques are of charitable status and as such can can obtain grants and have many benefit's including tax. So now tell me. What was it I was making up? My tax money contributes to these places of which some spread their hate in the UK. Oh yea I have a link to that too.
  6. Yes I have but I am not the gov so cannot allocate it anywhere. Perhaps you should tell some mosques such as the ones that hold hate speech and imans who preach Islamist fundamentalism to stop there violent rhetoric
  7. Hostages coming out now all state they were kept in tunnels. I thought most of the houses were destroyed?
  8. Y Bothers me. a massive budget from UK tax payers is allocated for the security of those mosques. the more there is the more expense paid out by public funding. that’s without the mosques that are sometimes used as terrorist hubs by the Imans to preach their Islamic fundamentalist views.
  9. Good news, a shift in the Correspondence corridor at the Whitehouse. No surprise with NPR being ousted since its being investigated for violating federal law by airing commercials. Great to see NYT shoved out with the NYP replacing it. Surprised at the far left Huffpost being given a table but I suppose it's to stop the whinging from the lefties, that said apparently not reading a couple of the posts here
  10. Yea, yea, yea, you wish. You should know Israel by now, they'll get em............They should surrender really, but if they want to hide amongst the civilians they will still be eliminated. This won't please you but tough eh Terrorist who captured IDF soldier Naama Levy was killed in a drone strike, army reveals The news of Muhammad Abu Aseed's death in Gaza was kept classified until the return of the five female soldiers kidnapped along with Levy on Oct. 7, 2023. An Israeli drone strike in September eliminated the Palestinian terrorist who kidnapped Israel Defense Forces field observer Naama Levy during the Hamas-led Oct. 7, 2023 cross-border massacre, the military revealed on Thursday. The news of Muhammad Abu Aseed’s death in Gaza was kept classified until the return of the five female soldiers who were taken hostage alongside Levy and held captive for almost 500 days. The footage of Levy’s abduction from the IDF’s Nahal Oz base was widely shared on social media. https://www.jns.org/terrorist-who-captured-idf-soldier-naama-levy-was-killed-in-a-drone-strike-army-reveals/
  11. You could interpret it as it was without making things up quite simple really. It was an excellent overall day but of course you pick up outliner remarks on BRICS congratulations
  12. Over ride first amendment just for terror supporting foreign students on visas? Chuck them out of the US
  13. More like your accusations are ignorant and faculties failing for sure. He never said that in the way you are misrepresenting it.
  14. Reading through this topic and seeing the usual suspects trying to make a moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel including the hostage swap which it is not. Hamas kidnapped and holds babies & elderly. Israel holds convicted murderers among others which it has to release to get innocent Israelis back. The agreement, which was signed in Doha early Friday and ratified by Israel early Saturday, states that Hamas is required to provide the names of the hostages at least 24 hours ahead of their release. Its not happened yet. Hope it gets rectified very soon by Hamas! "The agreement, which was signed in Doha early Friday and ratified by Israel early Saturday, states that Hamas is required to provide the names of the hostages at least 24 hours ahead of their release. “We will not move forward with the outline until we receive a list of the hostages to be freed, as agreed,” the PMO said in a statement. “Israel will not tolerate violations of the agreement. The sole responsibility lies with Hamas.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/gaza-ceasefire-to-begin-830-a-m-sunday-israel-awaits-names-of-first-3-women-to-be-freed/
  15. Ask Lambeth, they’ll let you know how to become masters at debt
  16. You need to catch up. Lots want to leave. You seen the huge frigging wall that Egypt has built? Do you know the massive amounts of money they are prepared to pay to leave?
  17. I thought the beauty they came up with earlier this month was even more bizarre. Israel has a new weapon that vaporizes bodies. The Hamas supporters lap it all up
  18. No it does not back up your opinions. Go to the topic
  19. The evidence does not back up your opinions
  20. No here was you point. You claimed all western media was extremely bias to pro Israel information sources. Total rubbish
  21. This topic is about accusations against Meta from the BBC
  22. If it’s news to you about the BBC then you have just confirmed how blind you are to the anti Israel bias of most western media
  23. Another baseless opinion devoid of facts. Check out the reports on the anti Israel BBC to start you off
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