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Posts posted by Amir

  1. Yeah the pointy hoods come out when the guy mentions he's dark skinned. Pathetic really, so he's a "chump" because what? He's dark? He's Indian??? peasent bigot.

    Anyway for the OP, I'm a Black American and probably as dark, if not darker than, you (though I have seen sone Keralites that got me beat by a long shot) and I'm pretty big too. However, all that being said I have a GREAT time here. If people look at me diffrently its not said to my face, and I don't see that I am treated negativly at all. I have some good Indian freinds here, and they seem to intergate much better than I do into the society as well. If your for real, and not just a Troll trying to make a bigot magnet post, then trust me when I tell you, you'll get along just fine. And if you do not its because of WHO you are, not the color of your skin or that of your passport.


    You are black American, I suppose African-American? I remarked that Indians receive worse treatment and have it much more difficult to be integrated then African-Americans.

  2. Hi everyone, i've posted this already in the sports part but maybe will be more lucky here...

    I am looking for Rugby training wear in BKK. I am finding normal boots at Central but finding shorts and leg baseliners as well as headprotection is more difficult.

    Was wondering if there is a specific rugby shop in Bangkok?

    Thanks for your help guys...

    head over to hong kong in the weekend..you should be able to find some used green and yellow outfits, they might be probably pretty shredded up though :o

    Thanks fr your help guys...

    By the way, this week end there is the Bangkok sevens tournament at the Police Stadium next Kasetsart Uni.

  3. Hi everyone, i've posted this already in the sports part but maybe will be more lucky here...

    I am looking for Rugby training wear in BKK. I am finding normal boots at Central but finding shorts and leg baseliners as well as headprotection is more difficult.

    Was wondering if there is a specific rugby shop in Bangkok?

    Thanks for your help guys...

  4. There are at least around 30 foreigners living permanently in Hat Yai (lts say over 1 year) and more then 50 in Songkhla province.

    I would say that there are a lot who are also very regularly coming to this area.

    You can find most of them in Swan (Restaurant/Pub) or later at night at the Post Laser...

    I don't know how you can miss them??

  5. Therefore, even in the West, differential pricing is allowed for many categories of people and charging different prices for different nationalities or citizenships would most likely be completely legal.

    This is not true for private companies in a lot of Euro countries (as France, Germany, Austria for example) mainly to protect from dumping. This practice would be illegal.

  6. Hello,

    I would like to get out of the city for a night with the missus and am looking for nearby places that are worth a visit. Seeing as I have to return to BKK tomorrow night, I don't want to drive too far.

    So far I am thining about:

    The Rose Garden - what is the cheapest way to book a room here?

    Khao Yai - How long does it take to drive?

    Bangsaen - Is it any good?

    Hua Hin - Any nice hotels for around 2,500 Baht?

    Pattaya - not sure if it's worth it with all the bars closed.

    Any other suggestions/recommendations?


    Khao Yai might be too far: 2.5 to 3 hours...

    Hua Hin the same and what a hasle on the way back on Rama 2 road...

    Why not trying Ayuthaya??? I never been there but it's near and apparently quite nice...

  7. There is nothing in the forum rules that requires a given reason for an edit on your behalf...


    It usually is considered polite netiquette to let your net brethren know the reason why you may have altered your original post.


    Soundman. :o

    Edit: Speling.

    Ok thanks for the info...

  8. I got pulled by a traffic cop this morning. I drove south down Pahonyothin Road (Bangkok) wanting to turn right at Victory Monument onto Rajavithi Road so I got into the rightmost lane as it has a right turn painted on the road. I stayed in this lane going round the roundabout as I couldn't get into the lane to my left because it was full of traffic stopped at a red light. So as the lights changed I indicated and moved over. This maneuver is apparently what the traffic cop had a problem with. I didn't offer him a bribe as I don't think I did anything wrong. I drew a diagram and explained it to him but he took my licence and gave me a ticket.

    I am not happy about this as I don't see how else I could have got into the correct lane. Can I do anything about this? Is there a complaints procedure? I realize it might be time consuming etc but this pisses me off.

    I have done a search but couldn't find anything.

    You will probably pay a fine of 200 or 400 bath, don't worry... probably will happen again anyway... :o

  9. So I'm interested in a car and the current owner (a farang) would need to put the loan in my name. I'm told I would need to give passport, work permit and have a Thai guarantor. Here are my problems. Perhaps someone can help me understand how to make this work:

    1. I work as a contractor for a foreign government agency, so I do not get issued a work permit. Instead, I have an ID from the Government agency and a special visa that I am issued. In other situations when I need to show my work permit, I simply give them that ID and show my visa and they use that instead. Would this likely work for a bank?

    2. I don't know any Thai's who would be willing to be a guarantor. Is there a way around this (hiring a company to be the guarantor?). Have any of you been in this situation? What have you done?

    Thanks in advance!

    I planed since 1 and half week to by a Triton plus 2 wheel drive. First finance team refused as i needed a police officer as guarantor???!!!!!

    They told me that my wife can not be considered as granter as she is my wife and it doesn't count as i am foreigner??!!

    I have 2 years work permit, a good salary, i am registered at the French embassy, contract, Visa and all things needed.

    The second finance team was from Krung Thai bank. even though my wife has no contract (she is hair dresser in a shop) and no statements, it was approved yesterday.

    I pay 25% down payment and 60 month installments, the car will be on my name and my wife will be the granter. To be honest i am pretty surprised. what a good news.

    I think it depends on the finance company

  10. In what way did Mr. Taksin make money for the country? Pls dont misunderstand me, I am not trying to be ironic or silly here. I would really like to know that.

    When Thaksin came to power the country was an economic basket case; the asian bubble had burst, Thailand was deep, deep in debt and the government of the day seemed inert to do anything about it.

    Couple years later and:

    * IMF debt is GONE!

    * Construction is booming again; The 'skeleton buildings' resulting from the crisis are being completed or replaced.

    * SME's (Small and Medium Sized Enterprises) were made a focual point with many programs; this is really a main strength of asian economies and Thaksin recognized this

    * Grass-roots projects (OTOP) to bring local produce and crafts to a national and international market; another key strength that was just lost before has been made to work for those rural people as well as generate money for Thailand.

    * Liberalize the airline industry.. It used to be only Thai airways could fly most routes.. This is now gone, and airfares have plummeted, meaning more people can fly, also helping the economy. (And this is also where one of the Thaksin-haters seem to call him corrupt because he also owned Thai Air Asia at the time.. To lower middle class people however: Who the $*#(&$# cares if you can fly to Chiang Mai or Had Yai for around a 1000 baht! :o Thai Airways was completely inert also.. a fat pig monopolist.. Thaksin shook things up alright, and even Thai Airways is doing sensible things these days.

    * Calling long distance used to cost 18 baht a minute!! Remember those days!

    * MANY programmes to develop the IT / IS industry. A potential strength.

    * Agricultural loans, greatly stimulating agriculture, Thailand's main industry.

    * Extend BOI ; just about anyone with a good idea can get BOI privileges.

    * Strike a severe blow to the illegal gambling sub-economy by introducing a lottery plan for which there existed clear demand. (Betting on any last number or last 2 - 3 numbers). The military junta has cancelled this programme again and as a result illegal gambling is back.

    * Drugs (Ya Ba / Meth) were in danger of paralizing certain areas. Thaksin's widely supported draconian drug war surprised friend and foe in that it actually WORKED.. Not sure if you were around in the bars before Thaksin, but everyone was high on meth. Since the drug crackdown prices got so high that it effectively reduced the problem considerably.

    * In general a push away from what he called 'social ills' where teenagers weren't studying or working but partying already at a young age, abuse alcohol and drugs, etc. This was the aim of the social order programme... which in truth is THE thing why most people on this site don't like Thaksin: They prefer unlimited booze and easy girls high on meth. Well I'm sure that was nice for them, but it did little for the Thai economy with so many people non-contributing to the economy.

    There's probably loads and loads more.. Not sure if there's people on this site with the knowledge to add to it, but I think the above is a good start.

    He also created "easy" credit terms and credit cards for Thais that gave them more buying power (or lets say they have the feeling to have more buying power). Unfortunately, the limit is too far so that people have now 5 credit cards to pay back the 1st credit card they have. You can see that they all have those fancy cars and big houses, due to easy credit terms but everything belongs to the bank... Anyway, makes the Thai enjoy their lifes.

  11. It's amazing, but every post I have read that is geared to making people aware of just how dangerous the place CAN be, there is always someone who "can't believe it" or "or has never seen it". Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't make it a lie. I have seen it but in moderation. It is not an everyday occurance, but it does happen. I have seen Thai Cops with 50 Caliber Desert Eagles in their holsters. If you have ever seen what a 50 cal. bullet does, you would wonder why would there be such a need for such a weapon, except for charging rhinos. Thai police are very good and brave men. They probably had every intention of being a good cop, but the system makes them do these bad things. There are many who are forced to do things that they don't want to do, and are expected to just deal with it. I know a few cops through a friend, but none very well. I know that most mean well, but alcohol can make even the best person do bad things.

    Arguing with a cop, regardless of the situation, is asking for trouble. Your friend should have just paid the fine, and told his wife to shut up. Sounds like she was way out of place, and this casued the incident to get worse. He was probably broke, and was looking for a "farang traffic fine" so he could continue drinking. Notice I said probably. These guys are paid hardly anything compared to what they subject themselves to. Arguing with him was stupid. He says the offense, just say "I PAY FINE NOW, HOW MUCH?"

    Otherwise, you might get crossed, especially if you have a loud mouthed Thai wife that would have normally kept her mouth shut had she no been married to farang. This is a big problem with a Thai wife. She thinks she has justification to wrestle and argue with the police. She is lucky he didn't do her worse.

    As for Thai Police as a whole, put yourself in their shoes. And show some respect, or you might get a gun in your face.

    I think and hope that most of the people around here haven't seen this before. Otherwise it would mean that there is a big problem in Thailand. And i don't believe that there is...

  12. thank u guys so much.. by the way how long does it take to drive from border to phuket in relaxed pace?? coz i want to prepare to drive in day time leaving malaysia in morning.

    Count 1hour from Sadao to Hat Yai, then, depending on how fast you drive and if you know the short cuts, it will take from Hat Yai to Phuket between 5 and 8 hours.

  13. Thanks for the replies :o:D but i think i'll give Songkhla a miss this year, sounds like a boring place for the elderly (not for me) will head of to Koh Lanta or somewhere with a bit of life in it. Cheers

    Try Hat Yai, party for sure, rent a car the days or for a week a lot to see.

    There are some threads about Hat Yai in this forums and what to do there...

    BTW, Hat Yai has recovered quite a lot from the "exil" after last years bombings. shops are full of customers, malays and singaporeans are also back, bars and clubs are crowded...

  14. I would choose the west coast along the malaca strait and then adaman sea.

    You can stop at Pinang for a night but if you are looking for a quiet place avoid that.

    The best boarder is Sadao were you can stop at the no-mans-land and by alckohol and cigarets pretty cheap (if you drink and smoke). The highway in Malaysia is pretty good. Don't forget to park the car after you entered the Thai border, get out and present yourself at the immigration to get your stamp on your passport. It is an open gate and if there are many people you don't even realize that you passed the border...

    Before going to Phuket i would stop in Hat Yai and enjoy a good night at Swan pub, followed by the Post Laser and then the Brown Sugar...

    The road from Hat Yai to Phuket is pretty nice, especially the part from Patthalung to Trang through the mountains.

  15. What is so important with these 3 provinces?? why does Thailand want to keep them?? For the Thai goverment they are a pain in the backside that only cause embarrassment in the international media!! i would cut the electricity and water and let them have their own State!! ungrateful bunch of.............. :o

    Oil fields.... ;-)

  16. Hi all,

    Anyone got some ideas where serves the best xmas dinner in bkk?

    I don't mind paying extra for top service/food.

    Anyone had experieces of eating xmas dinner at one of the top hotels?

    There will be 6 lads, just want some good food/wine then we'll go onto party somewhere else.


    Last year wanted to to the same but changed my mind at the last minute and opted for the following:

    Buy some nice import food (gourmet, food land, villa or something) with good wine.

    Cook at home a nice Farang dinner and french wine (or aussie or any other good one)...

    Then go out.

    Comes out better (if you're a good cook) and cheaper as well.

  17. Q/ You are good man, why can't I find a man like you?...........................A/ Thank you, I hope you find a good man one day.

    :D I wonder how many guys heard this sentence already. Just close your eyes and go to the same bars and you will hear the same sentences again and again with almost the same voices... :o

  18. I was wondering if anyone had his children at Muang Ake Suk Sa in Rangsit?

    I just moved from Hat Yai to Muang Ake and send my daughter there were she started last monday with the summer school.

    It looks very diferent from the ones in Hat Yai and i am very happy about it even though it is just 3 days...

    Is it because it's a catholic school (my daughter is buddhist) or are all the schools in BKK providing a lot of free extra-activities?

    Do the teachers really pay that much attention to the pupils or is it because it's summer school??

    Let me know if some of you got your children there or even only heard something about this school.

    Thanks for your input...

  19. Hi! Anyone know where to buy a new camera in Hat Yai? The only places I could find any were Tesco Lotus and one tiny store in the same Tesco building. In such a big city, where are all the camera shops?? I'm after a compact digital, under 10,000 bt.

    Thanks heaps.

    Santisuk Market, but not in the small galeries but on the main street in front (opposite) of Odean shopping center.

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