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About RyanWalker

  • Birthday 03/21/1985

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  1. That's why they will go.. Thailand will be commies within a few years.
  2. It's so obvious the government hate tourists/foreigners. Been like that forever though, they just showing it better these days
  3. I have 7 mates who will all leave Thailand this year as a result of the laughable rules and regulations implemented against foreigners. My mates average 100k salary a month and all have wifes etc. Tax payers and real teachers making a difference but Thailand obviously wants to get rid of foreigners, that's it. Why not just say foreigners should leave and are not welcome? Lol.. would be much easier than all the crap behind the scenes of bank accounts and visas
  4. Lol.. next they will ask the 7/11 girls to check your passport and visa. Typical Thailand😂
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