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Everything posted by kamma

  1. Fun fact. Not only is it loud and annoying it is part of the cuckoo bird family a brood parasite. It lays its eggs in the nests of other birds and those other dumb birds raise their young for them. The Koel's young are generally much bigger than the young of the foster parents and will end up eating them or pushing them out of the nest. A truly disgusting species.
  2. '...cheese is highly taxed like other imported food...'?! We are not living in the 70s and 80s where something that is imported necessarily demands a higher price. The so called 'tax' is an artificial price hike introduced by the Thai government and local sellers. Thailand is a member of AANZFTA, a free trade zone. All cheese imports from Australia and New Zealand to Thailand has 0% tariffs. Glaxoklinesmith is one of the largest British pharmaceutical companies with factories in Thailand. It produces in Thailand and then imports back into the UK at low cost. Thailand produces and sells it in country but will charge similar to UK prices despite having no international shipping costs. Thailand artificially inflates the prices on foreign goods because most foreigners will blindly pay and for some reason do not seem to understand globalization? There is a reason people are going crazy about Trump's tariffs because the majority of the world has been enjoying free trade for decades. There are no import tariffs on Cheese in Thailand. It's BS!
  3. Fun fact: More than 80 percent of the top 40 richest people in Thailand are of pure or partial Chinese ancestry. Of the five billionaires in Thailand in the late-20th century, all of them were of full or at least had partial Han Chinese ancestry. The Chinese have been doing this for generations. And they are smarter at it than Westerners. Where a Western man will marry a Thai woman and then put property etc. into her name...a Chinese will marry a Thai, have a child and then put the property etc. under the child's name!
  4. Yeah sure tough guy! How about taking a hike back home instead of coming to someone else's country and bitching about their customs and traditions?!
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charly_(name) The German version is Karl.
  6. '...Google says Charly is German...' What according to 'THEBUMP(dotcom)'?! LoL! Learn to use Google properly.
  7. LoL! The right to vote comes with citizenship not because you pay tax!!
  8. The Elite Visa is a tourist visa and the Thai government has no problem with you living here on that visa. Been here coming on to 8 years straight and never had any bother with the Elite Visa.
  9. You have an annual pension of 80K+ USD?! Man you can live comfortably anywhere in the world? You must really like Thailand?
  10. No it couldn't unless you were being paid for the work. It clearly states, 'the following OCCUPATIONS'. Doing work on your own house/property would not be classified as an occupation ie. a job.
  11. For me that's the frustrating thing. There is no consistency. I've been doing online reporting since 2019 and it's always a hit and miss. Currently I'm at the end of my 5 year Elite Membership and was thinking of upgrading to Elite Superior for another 15 years? I know it seems petty but this 90 day reporting requirement, built on this inept system, is what's making me hesitant. 15 more years of dealing with immigration and this nonsense, especially after paying a generous amount of cash? Maybe best to just go home? Kinda missing it too.
  12. In the same boat. Submitted mine on Feb 6th and still pending (Feb 8th 9:15 PM). My previous submissions all took less than 24 hours?!
  13. It's called busking. And is illegal in Thailand without a permit.
  14. Up north sounds like a good idea. The Russkis love the beaches because they don't really have any in their massive country...except for Crimea, but...that doesn't really belong to them?!
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