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Posts posted by Kelsall

  1. I don't know who's the bigger buffoon, Trump or Mueller.


    Manafort fails to file FBAR's years ago, and that proves Trump's collusion with Russia?


    I'm beginning to think Mueller is working for Trump.  They both probably had a big horse laugh over beers about this indictment thing.  Mueller teased us all weekend and then delivers....this?


    There has to be more.

  2. 12 hours ago, scorecard said:


    A question for our American friends:


    - Can the POTUS alone order the firing of ballistic missiles and other major war weapons /or order an invasion etc?


    Or is there a countersigning process, perhaps a panel of the very top military leaders? 

    Yes he can.  When the President gives the order, the Secretary of Defense is required to verify that it is indeed the president who has given the order.  However SECDEF has no power to override the decision.  Nor does anyone else.



  3. 8 hours ago, DipStick said:

    This is typical China, visas are often restricted or even refused if a political event is around the corner. On the 18th this month the 2017 Chinese communist convention takes place.

    the same restrictions were put into place for the G7 conference and also for the world internet convention, both within the last two years.

    taking the above into account, it would not surprise me if all the Chinese Consulates are singing from the same song sheet.

    I was unable to get a visa right before the olympics.

  4. 9 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Current day  US nationals can look to this achievement as an endorsement of the tolerance and willingness to accept immigrants that was once a hallmark of the  USA.  Professor Weiss's family fled Germany because his  physician father was a jew and a supporter of the communist party. (In those days it was the only group in Germany taking a concerted stand against the Nazis.)


    Professor Barish's family fled the anti semitism of eastern Europe in the 1920's and did what many jews of that era did, emigrate to a land of freedom the USA.


    Professor Thorne, although raised as a Mormon is a secular atheist. 


    All 3 are brilliant people who have contributed to the USA and to the world. And yet all 3 are the exact opposite of what the followers of Bannon, Gorka, Coulter  and other bigoted extremist nationalists promote.


    Only one, Weiss, is an immigrant, the other two were born in the US.


    We can assume Weiss and his parents were legal immigrants, which is what Bannon promotes.


    Weiss's father was a physician from Germany.  We can assume a physician from Germany would today be high on the list of desirable immigrants. 

  5. 21 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    To me, Apocalypse Now is the best movie of all time (my favorite anyway) and the ending is completely flawed, but the rest of the movie pushes it over the top.


    On that subject, Six Feet Under has one of the best endings for a series that I can remember.

    Apocalypse Now is also my favorite movie.


    Once I was in one of those touchy feely management retreats.  The facilitator went around the room and asked everyone what was their favorite movie.  When I said "Apocalypse Now" he replied with "I love the smell of napalm in the morning."


    I've recently re-watched The Spy Who Came in From the Cold and it is now is a very close second, perhaps a tie.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Kelsall said:

    Only if the US and its allies see evidence of a pending missile launch with any type of warhead attached should they should take out the launch facility.   If the DPRK responds with an attack on South Korea or any other nation, the US and its allies should destroy the DPRK, which can be done.  Trump will have to get China and Russia on board with all this first.


    This is a very volatile situation.  I would assign 50-50 odds that we are headed toward WW III.  None of the world leaders are very stable.


    5 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    China, Russia, Germany, all very stable. Just USA as a worldleader is not very stable.

    Kim Jong Un is stable?

    Putin is stable?

    Duerte is stable?

    Rouhani is stable?


  7. Only if the US and its allies see evidence of a pending missile launch with any type of warhead attached should they should take out the launch facility.   If the DPRK responds with an attack on South Korea or any other nation, the US and its allies should destroy the DPRK, which can be done.  Trump will have to get China and Russia on board with all this first.


    This is a very volatile situation.  I would assign 50-50 odds that we are headed toward WW III.  None of the world leaders are very stable.

  8. 4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    He had no mandate. I know trumpists want to change the very concept of truth and reality. It won't wash. trump lost the popular vote by a historic margin. He did win based on three state's electoral votes by very thin margins. It's becoming very clear now that without Putin's aggressive propaganda efforts, Hillary Clinton would be president. trump won. It is legal. There is no constitutional way to redo the election. But he had no mandate. Period. Also, his LEGITIMACY has a very dark RUSSIAN cloud over it. Deal with that reality, dude. 

    Coulda, woulda, shoulda.  It has been clear for a long time that if Hillary and the DNC had allowed a level playing field during the primary, Bernie Sanders would be president.  Democrats have themselves to blame for Trump. 

  9. 6 hours ago, iReason said:

    Senate Cancels Meeting With Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen

    "WASHINGTON — Senate investigators probing Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election canceled an interview on Tuesday with longtime Trump lawyer Michael Cohen because they believe Cohen broke an agreement by speaking with the media."


    "The Senate Intelligence Committee will now subpoena Cohen, a source with direct knowledge of the matter told NBC News."


    "The committee intended to pursue several lines of questioning with Cohen, according to congressional sources, with the goal of putting him on the record on key topics that have drawn scrutiny during the investigation, including potential direct contacts between Trump associates and people with close ties to the Kremlin."



    Put him under oath. :thumbsup:

    Either way, Federal statute makes any misleading or false testimony to Congress subject to criminal penalty.

    Whoo boy.  Trump is going down, and soon!

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