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Everything posted by BadSpottedDog

  1. Having lived in Thailand for a long time, I honestly don't think this movie is the cause for a huge drop in tourism. Maybe a small portion of it? There are many more logical reasons why numbers are low.
  2. I posted the same thing. Perfect idea.
  3. I'd make part of his punishment playing recordings of kids crying 24 hours a freaking day. What a monster.
  4. What in the world did they think was going to happen? (oh .. wait) ????
  5. Horrific. This guy doesn't deserve to walk this earth. Fly free sweet girl.
  6. Those buses are so dangerous. They're top heavy, and ride very low. What could go wrong? In our small town, one overturned on a hill and killed several people. There are many stories like this.
  7. is that 200,000 baht per month? I'm guessing it is, but "this is Thailand", so ...
  8. I agree that this is the dog owner's fault, not the dog's! I think it is tragic not only for the poor man who was attacked, but also that the dog had to suffer painful death due to lack of training by the owner. All pit bulls I've interacted with in the past have been lovely, but they have been taught well and know boundaries.
  9. Having worked many years in the digital realm, Thailand has decades to go before they catch up. (IF they ever do). There are advantages to them being so far behind.
  10. This makes no sense. Especially considering I'm getting these 2 articles side by side in my email, and I keep hearing that Chinese and Russians are the main culprits of making visas harder to get.
  11. If they're cutting back on nutrition like this, then how much are they cutting back on quality education?
  12. Her eyes look 'dead'. People like this have no emotion. No compassion. No regret. They are sick, lost souls that don't deserve to have a place with the rest of us.
  13. I don't know much about the new PM/party, but I do smell a 'hit job' going on here. Much ado about nothing. Commonly known as dirty politics. What are they afraid of?
  14. I have not heard that! Good to know ... thanks!
  15. Thank you! I will keep this in mind!
  16. LONG RANT WARNING: This data is complete nonsense. Thailand is one of the most inhospitable countries for people who work in the digital space. I'm NOT talking about tourists who are selfie/youtube addicts traveling and making money off their channels either. All this hash tagged & social content are mostly NOT people living long term in Thailand. The metrics used to come up with this data are majorly flawed. I'm talking about legitimate work being done remotely. In attempting to do authentic, but remote work on a project that would benefit Thailand, we've been down this path already. Our company was approved, but we were unable to add legitimate employees. It was TWO stressful years, 3 lawyers, and a lot of expense! All the legalities, paperwork, expense, and headaches from the BOI office, (& then looking at starting a standard Thai company) were either insurmountable or didn't work for us. The standard Thai company model in no way makes sense for the company model we needed. We expected to pay tax here, and didn't mind that, but the requests and info required were ever changing and nonsensical, depending on who you were talking to, and largely misunderstood by the officers. Real Life Example: A future employee went out of country to get a non B visa in order to get a work permit for our company. While trying to get him approved by BOI, they kept sending more questions back about him. Most of the time the requests were the SAME as the previous requests (even though we had provided requested info already). Another issue was that one of his past work contracts stated his duties included "software development", but on another contract, it said he is a "software developer". We were literally told by BOI that those two things are NOT the same. So I guess "picker of coconuts" is not the same as a "coconut picker"? ???? Anyway, his non B went unused, and we lost out as well. This is what you get when you have people that are not trained in a specific industry they are making decisions for (mostly digital), then taking an antiquated, paperwork methodology and trying to force it into a digital system. The process was so impossible, and antiquated that we just said, "screw it". Not worth it. Thankfully, we have the option of just staying on a retirement visa and NOT building software that would have benefitted this country, but many don't. Thailand only wants wealthy retirees and large companies. They have no clue how much Thailand could prosper from younger remote workers earning good money. Thailand did "attempt" this with the Long Term Residency program (also through BOI office), but if you're employed with a foreign company, you must provide the company financial records showing they earn at least 3 million USD per year, or the company must be publicly traded. Again, Thailand has missed the boat as the LTR program is only geared towards large entities as well. C'mon Thailand! Catch up! Rant over!
  17. They needed to read studies to know that Thais (and foreigners) get drunk during the day at Songkran? Or any other day for that matter?
  18. The "good enough" mentality. If it's not completely broke, then don't fix it. Good enough. Anyone who has had car repairs here are most likely familiar with this.
  19. So, does that mean the foreigners who never break the law, have a valid driving license, ALWAYS wear helmets, follow good driving practices, and help others when needed, will get a "green card" that comes with extra privileges? Maybe like a "nice economic contributor" visa? LOL. Sure. Punish the criminals, but reward upstanding residents!
  20. If you read the full article link, you'll see she has been arrested in Thailand, and will be extradited to the US to face charges. The victim's father (who's a doctor) has stated that while it WAS an accident, if she had stopped and tried to help and/or take him to a hospital, he might still alive. Things are not going to go well for her.
  21. Why is Xi even there? He has all of China locked down with the "covid zero" policies. It's awful. I guess it's the typical "Rules for thee, but not for me" game.
  22. What a tragedy. In following the story, we know the shooter had a shot gun, hand gun, and a knife. So how did 3 of the kids & an adult get blood clots in the brain? I'm confused.
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