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  1. Thank you. This is what I was looking for. I am now using Phitsanulok Immigration and it is impossible to know what they need in terms of financial paperwork. I guess what I will do is have them emailed to me and as I will be in P'lok on Saturday, I can call into the Bank and see if they will stamp them as "certified" and use them to write the letter (if a letter is required!) When I opened the account, they told me they were totally used to providing paperwork for immigration. If anybody is interested, I will update this post with what happens....
  2. This was the point of my question. I know how it works as I've been doing it for 5 years but as I have moved away from Chiang Mai and now live more than an hour's drive away from my Bangkok Bank branch, I quite reasonably wondered if I could request my 12 monthly statements via the app, highlight the appropriate International Transfers then ask the bank to write the letter? This was exactly what I did in Chiang Mai except, as you pointed out, it took the bank up to 5 days to get the statement. Even then, it was me that highlighted the International transactions on the statement so that they would write the letter. Yes, the bank DOES provide that. For the last 5 years the bank has written a letter, with 12 lines showing 12 different international transactions. Are you suggesting that I took the reams and reams of paper that constitute 12 months of transactions to Immigration and let them look through them? Have you ever even seen a printout? It is in no logical order whatsoever! lol
  3. Good morning Has anyone successfully requested the 12-month statement using the Bangkok Bank App? If so, did you request it in Thai or English. Then once you received it and presumably printed it, was it relatively simple to get the "letter" from the bank stating that you had indeed received monthly income greater than 65000THB? Many thanks.
  4. Maybe. But they are also penalising for NOT renewing early.
  5. Early renewal notices are commonplace. But being asked to actually renew and pay three months early is a new one on me.
  6. I think what they are really trying to do is get me to pay early and then if I have an "at fault" accident between now and the actual renewal date, then somehow magically I will not lose my No Claims Discount and the premium will not go up. Can't think of any other reason....
  7. Got an email, three months before my renewal date, asking me to renew. I asked, via email, why I should renew three months early. This was the response: "We inform you that, if you have accident, that is your fault, between now and the date that you are due to renew, the premium price of your renewal policy will change and you have to pay the insurance premium higher. Due to claim at fault counted." This would appear to mean that for the final 3 months of a Roojai Type 1 Car Insurance, I am not actually covered in the same manner as I was for the first 9 months UNLESS I pay up 3 months early? I called and queried it, and the person at Roojai at first confirmed this, then said he would speak to his manager and call me back in 5 minutes - almost an hour ago! Is this just a poorly thought out way of retaining customers,
  8. Has anyone successfully made Mozzarella at home here in Thailand? If so, what milk did you use? Cheers!
  9. I went to Krabi Airport and immediately booked a Grab to Ao Nang. On the way out to the car park I had to run the gauntlet of the taxi touts who would NOT leave me alone. One followed me all the way through and eventually grabbed hold of my arm. Told him where to go.... In Ao Nang, the situation is even worse. There are literally 'no-go' areas for Grab taxis. The tuk tuk mafia will threaten the tourist and stop them boarding and the Grab driver likely gets beaten up. According to one Grab driver, the police are fully aware but....well, you know the story. If you are thinking of a Krabi or Ao Nang trip, beware.
  10. Has anyone managed to successfully deal with those incredibly small gnats (I think they are known as Eye Gnats because that's what they aim for; eyes, mouth and nose). I have tried the 'eggs-&-water-in-a-bottle' trap which failed miserably. I can't seem to find where they are breeding, so I am looking at some pyrethrins (sp?) insecticide to lay down all around the outside of my house. But no idea what to buy yet, and if it will actually work. Any (sensible) suggestions?
  11. For about the millionth time, this old fart has walked away from an ATM without collecting my debit card. I can no longer use the excuse "it should be card first then money like back home" - that just gets my better half's eyes rolling even faster! Has anyone discovered a foolproof method? Is it possible to get out cash from an ATM that isn't operated by my bank using a phone/mobile banking app, for instance? I think the family are planning to have me committed - especially as I drove all the way to the bank (40 mins) and forgot my passport and bank book!! LOL
  12. Turned the router off and on again - working now. Odd....
  13. Thanks Richard. Must be at my end then.
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