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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. You are putting up polls against actual voting. And telling to go back to math school.
  2. Around half the vote of Republicans. To win the election he needs every Republican vote plus a lot of independents. He’s done, stick a fork in him.
  3. You obviously don’t understand these are Registered Republicans who voted. So amongst Registered Republicans in Iowa Trump got around half the vote.
  4. Not deflecting at all. You’re attempting to scapegoat immigrants. You have yet to provide any evidence that they are responsible for the significant rise in poverty in the UK.
  5. Well that ridiculous claim is easily demonstrated to be nonsense: https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/newyork/news/press-releases/long-island-mortgage-banker-and-five-others-indicted-in-30-million-bank-fraud-conspiracy
  6. Lying to keep you happy isn’t something I feel inclined to do.
  7. Well they certainly have experience of settling large civil suits: https://apnews.com/article/fox-news-dominion-lawsuit-trial-trump-2020-0ac71f75acfacc52ea80b3e747fb0afe
  8. Now you’re getting desperate. Request a thread in the subject.
  9. I thought Rishi had that under control. Wasn’t ‘Stopping the Boats by end 2023’ one of his five pledges? Which raises a question. Are you sure you’ve correctly identified the cause of poverty increasing in the UK?
  10. Stop watching FOX Entertainment it’s doing you no good at all.
  11. Not applicable. Trump hasn’t been asked to pay bail, he’s not been fined. He’s been handed a penalty commensurate with the fraud’s he’s committed.
  12. Let’s go back to the NHS advice as per link provided above: “You should visit an A&E department (also known as emergency department or casualty) for genuine life-threatening emergencies, such as: loss of consciousness acute confused state and fits that are not stopping chest pain breathing difficulties severe bleeding that cannot be stopped severe allergic reactions severe burns or scalds stroke major trauma such as a road traffic accident”
  13. What is unconstitutional about the ruling against Trump in this case?
  14. Feel free to point out the error of following the advice of the NHS over that of some random pedant on the internet.
  15. $400 million, that’s a big hit. Somebody in the businesses management team needs to explain if it would have been cheaper to have provided transgender changing facilities for their transgender patrons. However, being asleep while in charge of a business isn’t, to my knowledge, a criminal offense; on the other-hand taking photos of other people in a changing room without their permission and then distributing those photos surely is on the wrong side of legality. But don’t panic… don’t panic! It’s an easy fix: provide changing facilities to meet patron needs and prosecute people who take and distribute photos of other people in changing rooms without first obtaining the explicit permission of the subject to do so. …… Carry on with the spleen venting.
  16. Be careful with that Brit bashing of yours, there’s folk here who get awfully upset about it.
  17. A bit like this?: https://www.ft.com/content/15ec1e12-6e63-4545-a4b7-f2b8ed41748c https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-68220521.amp https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/insight-and-analysis/long-reads/relationship-poverty-nhs-services#:~:text=This lack of access means,and emergency admissions 68% higher.
  18. From the OP: ”Absolute poverty, a metric frequently cited by the prime minister to gauge the government's performance” https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5b3386c3e5274a55cbd2b8b8/DefraRuralPovertyStats_April_2018.pdf
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