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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. His NY criminal trial date had been set for April 15. That’ll do nicely.
  2. Disappointing that collection of the $464 million + interest will not start today. Pleased to see the $464 million + interest penalty remains. Delighted that Tump has once again been demonstrated a liar, he does not have the near $500 million in cas he’s been bragging about as recently as last week. Now we get to see if he can raise the much lower amount.
  3. Forgive me for thinking all your self preening and moralizing as you lecture on the situation the OP finds himself in was trolling. But I do accept that it probably makes you feel better about yourself.
  4. Look on the bright side. You’ve found someone on the lower rungs of the ladder of human misery. You can look down on him and feel better about yourself.
  5. It’s nothing at all like wearing a Swastika, but you do get the Godwin Award.
  6. Maybe ‘Limey Losers’ To ensure a certain vociferous demographic within Trump’s supporters get the recognition they deserve.
  7. Well of course, because it’s the argument you yourself make.
  8. So there’s no poverty in the UK because people in some other parts of the world are poorer. That’ll be comfort to kids arriving British schools hungry, old folks who can’t afford to hear their homes, women who can’t afford tampons or sanitary towels during their period.
  9. The Joseph Roundtree Foundation is left wing? Age Concern is left Wing? Government are left wing? And of course if you can point to anyone anywhere in the planet that is suffering a worse level of poverty, you’ve found your argument do dismiss poverty in the UK. Now, what was it you were saying about nonsense?
  10. I think ‘Absent Don’ would be a better tag. Has anyone seen him lately?
  11. Had you been surveyed your response would be included in the data. As it is your accounts on here are merely anecdotal. The Government’s own data is backed up by that from the Joseph Roundtree Foundation, Age Concern, and numerous academic research papers. It all confirms the depressing reality of millions of people in the UK living in poverty. I do understand that ‘you’re all right Jack’, it’s a habit of yours to tell us.
  12. I have absolutely no objection to ‘a recently surveyed parent’ commenting on my spelling or grammar. If it gives a ‘recently surveyed parent’ the occasional opportunity to be right about something.
  13. But you and I both know. ‘a recently surveyed parent’ Ha! At least you were aware of his laughable that was, hence your edit. I do hope you don’t mind if henceforth I refer to you as the ‘recently surveyed parent’.
  14. Look at a map and find the closest borders to Moscow. Preferably a country not threatened by Russia and its habit of invading neighboring nations.
  15. You might recall the noise over real user / bot counts in the run up to Musk using Saudi money to buy Twitter. Well here’s a thing. ‘Truth Social’ does not publish any verifiable data on user numbers whatsoever. So investors are left to believe a value that has no basis in reality. Once again MAGA are his marks.
  16. More categorical statements. Let me help you out. Some old people live luxurious lives. Some old people go to the Caribbean for winter. Many do not: https://www.ft.com/content/b475a0e8-6829-461f-af70-170268d23580
  17. You stated “Old people do not ride around on public transport just to keep warm ”. It would only take one ‘example’ of an old person riding around on public transport to prove your categorical statement false. I provided a news article that gave such an example. Perhaps, and it’s just a suggestion, rather than trying to wriggle out of the trap you set for yourself you could learn a bit more about poverty in the UK or at the very least refrain posting obviously incorrect assumptions on your part.
  18. I thought you would have learned the lesson about making such categorical statements, or at least checked before hitting send: https://www.express.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/1604462/state-pension-free-bus-pass-boris-johnson-gmb-interview/amp
  19. You are beginning to sound like one of the less likable characters from a Charles Dickens novel. There are a number of discounted travel options for young people.
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